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NGC: the sw view. Caveat. Only very basic issues are covered No details, no “ready to go” solutions Not even requirements! No FIERA vs. IRACE! This presentation has only been “discussed” among IR & ODT SW It is not (yet ) a common proposal. Targets?. Key points:
NGC: the sw view NGC/SW
Caveat • Only very basic issues are covered • No details, no “ready to go” solutions • Not even requirements! • No FIERA vs. IRACE! • This presentation has only been “discussed” among IR & ODT SW • It is not (yet ) a common proposal NGC/SW
Targets? • Key points: • Integration in (available) VLT environment • Performance: speed, time accuracy, error recovery, etc. • Maintenance: simplicity, evolution of requirements (functionalities), environment (new hardware and software) NGC/SW
Backward Compatibility • Do we want backward compatibility to FIERA/IRACE? • Not an issue for FIERA: no upgrade foreseen, instruments can run like this for > 5 years • An issue for IRACE: possible failure of irreplaceable parts • If only one system is involved (IRACE?), an interface layer towards the “past” is easier. Two are unrealistic. NGC/SW
Main “actors” (1) • Observer (e.g. OS, operator) • Detector specialists/Engineers • Maintenance (hw/sw) • FITS (files and dictionaries, DICB) • TCS • AO subsystem • ? (1) In UML notation an actor is an external entity which interacts with our system; they also carry out the use cases. NGC/SW
Sequences Creation/HW Tests • Format (ASCII?) • Created by Engineers only • Configuration Control (more engineers may work on a system at the same time) • User interface to create them (WES?) • Atomic tests on real HW (for engineers only) • Scripting language for Engineers’ tests NGC/SW
Integration/Readout • Different exposure times per window • DCS Synchronization with: • Other DCS(s) • TCS (autoguiding) • Secondary (e.g. va et vien, chopping?) • Deformable mirrors I.e. synchronization with an external signal (e.g. TIM) • Speed reading the sensor (mainly HW issue, e.g. gigalink) • During integration operations (e.g. HIT modes) • Drift scanning? (issues: FITS files generated continuously, readout with open shutter) • Readout/display requirements are quite different between ODT & IR (Joerg will talk about it) NGC/SW
Detector electronics + ccd/ir device Photons Pixels We both (IR and ODT) do the same thing: we get photons and we transform it in an image through some “pixel processor” Pixel Processor Image FITS file IWS Data Flow (science) Telescope & Instrument Observer NGC/SW
Data Flow (sensors) Telescope & Instrument Detector electronics + ccd/ir device Photons Pixels Commands (?) Image e.g. AO subsystem Pixel Processor We still do the same thing: we get photons and we transform it in an image through some “pixel processor” NGC/SW
Pixels Processing: what? • Soft-windows: no sequences required, made in SW • Reordering • Centroiding (for autoguiding) • Filtering (e.g. cosmic rays removal) • IR procedures (too many: collapsed! ) • Bias subtraction? NGC/SW
Pixels processing: where? • This may be a HOT topic ;-) • Keep in mind I’m only listing areas to be investigated. • Then: IR requirements are “harder” than optical ones, i.e. what is ok for IR will also be ok for optical. • Now: Linux box, DSP, LCU or… ? NGC/SW
Pixels processing: where? (cont.)Pros and cons are only “symbolic”, this list is non exhaustive usw… • Linux box is the solution used by IR: • Pros: it works! • Cons: impossible to match required performances using CCS due to threads issue (Peter, Joerg?) • DSP • Pros: DSP are meant to do this job • Cons: no standard environment for DSP at ESO • Standard LCU • Pros: standard at ESO • Cons: not enough computing power NGC/SW
Pixels processing: where? (cont.) My personal considerations (slides added last minute, NOT discussed with the others) What about trying to have something (i.e. pixel processor) in common among ODT, IR & AO? All in all we are all dealing with pixels and we work in close connection: we provide pixels/images, they process pixels/images NGC/SW
Pixels processing: where? (cont.) The idea would be to have the board which is the computing power behind the AO-RTC doing the job: 4 power pc running VxWorks In principle they may also be “stripped down” to e.g. 2 power pc. • Pros: commonality through ESO, use of standard sw • Cons: possibly expensive NGC/SW
IWS LCU Pixels VME bus Quad G4 Quad G4 (…) Pixels processing: where? (cont.) Just an idea….. TEC? (VME standard, LCU types, G4 boards standard….) Pixel Processor NGC/SW
S/L LCU? It’s the unit that receives commands from the OS, runs DCS, communicates with the detector electronics, sends back the data to the IWS. It’s part of the “pixel processor”. LAN connection may be an issue (Gigabit Ethernet?) Local Control Unit OS Options are: • Linux • Solaris • VxWorks NGC/SW
Which environment? • CCS: well known, possibly changes to be asked (e.g. threads issue) • ACS (ALMA): new, new technologies used (e.g. CORBA), imho worth a try NGC/SW
High Level Architecture Issues • BOSS and CLIP for standard command interfaces and image post-processing? • FITS keywords (extensions etc., improve interface to DICB) • Exposure handling (e.g. next exposure can start even if the previous has not been already saved) • “Lessons learned” implementation (e.g. more informative error messages) • … NGC/SW
Generic • Development tools/standards (UML design, code generation tools?) • Debugging tools for all environments • Integration into Control Model • Tests and tools for testing NGC/SW
And now Joerg…. NGC/SW
IWS IWS Control Server Control Server Data Transfer Task Data Transfer Task RTD RTD Pre-Processor WS Data Transfer Command Handler Data Transfer Process Data Data Capture Acquisition Process Space Image-Data Acquisition Process Application Specific Part Commands Data NGC/SW
DATABASE FITS-Files Config.-Files RTD Control Server Data Transfer Task AcquisitionProcess Command Server Acquisition Process Acquisition Process Device Driver(s) Firmware DSP DCS Processes Commands IWS Pre-Processor Workstation Fiber-Link Detector Front-End LAN Commands NGC/SW Data
Graphical User Interface SetClockPattern() SetVoltage() StartSequencer() StopSequencer() Reset()/Initialize() SendCommand() GetReply() Open() Close() Read() Write() Ioctl() - Init, DMA, ... ParseConfigFile() SetReadoutMode() SetupExposure() ConfigureDataCube() StartExposure() AbortExposure() ReceiveImage() CreateFitsFile() UpdateDatabase() DisplayImage() SingleDmaRead() ConfigureBuffers() StartDma() WaitForData() StopDma() ProcessData() TransferData() Software Layers Driver-Level Driver Interface Libraries Controller Interface High Level DCS NGC/SW
Clock-Pattern FrameStart RowStart ShiftColumn ShiftRow Pattern Dispatcher/ Micro-Sequence ReadPixel RESET ResetPixel DELAY FrameEnd READ Sequence Delay FrameStart LOOP 1024 RowStart LOOP 64 ReadPixel 16 ResetPixel END END RESET LOOP 10 DELAY 5 LOOP 100 READ DELAY 20 END END Sequencer Programming Repetition Factors NGC/SW
Sequencer Programming • Clock-Patterns (smallest unit) are stored in sequencer "memory". • The loops are downloaded to sequencer as (checked) structural code and not in ASCII format. • ASCII format is interpreted at higher level. • Loop parameters and pattern repetition factors must be derived from arbitrary functions depending on DIT, NDIT, NDSAMPLES, NDSKIP, ... • Special tokens like SYNC ("wait for external trigger"). • Loop structures can be executed in real time by FPGA (no processor required). • Logical hierarchy in three steps (pattern / micro-sequence / sequence) should be kept. NGC/SW
The End NGC/SW