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The increasing demand for safety plastic prefilled syringes due to its convenience and cost effectiveness have obligated companies to focus on new product developments and innovations.
GLOBAL PREFILLED SYRINGES MARKET, ANALYSIS & FORECAST, 2017-2021 (Focus on Type, Design, Material both (Value & Volume) and Patent Landscape) 1 The Research Scope and Methodology 1.1 Scope of the Report The report constitutes of an in-depth study of the global Prefilled Syringes market, including a thorough analysis of the product across different countries. The study also presents a detailed analysis of the market dynamics and the estimation for market size over the forecast period, 2017 to 2021. The purpose of the study is to gain a holistic view of the global Prefilled Syringes market in terms of various factors influencing it like recent trends, technological advancements, and regulatory aspects. In addition, the study also comprises of exhaustive information on the product shortcomings, unmet needs, perception on the new products, preferences, competitive landscape, restraints and opportunities and the other vital information with respect to Prefilled Syringes. The scope of this report is centred upon conducting a detailed study of the solutions allied with the Prefilled Syringes market. The market has been segmented into ‘Type’, ‘Material’, ‘Design’ and ‘Region’. Moreover, the global Prefilled Syringes market report deliberates in detail, the analysis of all the macro & micro factors. It also evaluate the opportunities in the market for stakeholders and provide details of a competitive landscape for market leaders. • Key learnings of this research study are as following: - To understand the competitive landscape in the Prefilled Syringes market in terms of leading players To identify the role of regulatory and governmental authorities/agencies in Prefilled Syringes market in different geographical locations • 1 www.bisresearch.com sales@bisresearch.com
• • • To identify the geographical setting holding the largest market share in the market To gauge the preferred route of procurement of Prefilled Syringes products To gain insights in terms of current reimbursement policies, regulations, directives, laws and standards etc. in this space To understand the market dynamics (Drivers, Challenges and Opportunities) for different geographical location To estimate the market share, growth and value of the Prefilled Syringes in a five year period • • Report coverage of the global Prefilled Syringes market includes key elements considered for the detailed analysis of the market: Market Overview provides an in depth analysis of the global Prefilled Syringes market scenario, economic outlook, technology trends, and legal Requirements & Regulations Demand and Supply analysis of each type of Prefilled Syringes Competitive Insights provides a comprehensive understanding of the business environment of the market, growth matrix, market share analysis, company value chain analysis, and CCI index among others An in-depth analysis of the different product divisions across various countries consists of valuable insights into the trend followed in the market • • • • Figure 1 Key Elements Considered In-Depth Market Dynamics Analysis Exhaustive Product Segmentation Comprehensive Competitive Insights Detailed Market Share Analysis Extensive Coverage of Market Players Thorough Analysis of Business Opportunities BIS Research Analysis 2 www.bisresearch.com sales@bisresearch.com
TheglobalPrefilledSyringesmarketisfurthersegmentedasbelow: Figure 2 Global Prefilled Syringes Market Segmentation By Type By Design By Material By Region • Conventional Prefilled Syringes • Safety Prefilled Syringes • Single-Chamber Prefilled Syringes • Dual-Chamber Prefilled Syringes • Customized Prefilled Syringes • Glass Prefilled Syringes • Plastic Prefilled Syringes • North America • Europe • Asia Pacific (APAC) • Rest of the World (RoW) BIS Research Analysis 1.2 BIS Research Market Research Methodology Theresearchmethodologydesignadoptedforthisspecificstudyincludesamixofdatacollected from primary and secondary sources. Both primary sources (in-house experts, industry leaders and market players) and secondary sources (a host of paid and unpaid databases) along with analytical tools have been used exhaustively to build the forecast and predictive models. 3 www.bisresearch.com sales@bisresearch.com
Figure 3 BIS Research Market Research Methodology RESEARCH APPROACH PRIMARY RESEARCH SECONDARY RESEARCH 1. DATABASE FOR KEY INDUSTRY PARTICIPANTS (DKIP) PREPARATION STUDYING THE MARKET STRUCTURE The primary sources from the supply side include industry experts such as CEOs, vice presidents, marketing directors, technology and innovation directors, and related key executives from various vendors providing technology solutions, associated service providers, and system integrators operatingin the targetedregions. E.g. CIO’s, VP, DirectorNew ProductDevelopment,Director–operations Mainly used to obtain key information about the industry’s value chain, the total pool of key players IDENTIFY MARKET, TECHNOLOGY AND COMPETITOR TRENDS 2. DISCUSSION GUIDE PREPARATION Understand market classification, and segmentation according to industry trends to the bottom-most level, regional markets, and key developments from both market- and technology-oriented perspectives A detailed questionnaire is shared with the primary respondent covering all the aspects related to the report topic 3. SCHEDULING AN APPOINTMENT Appointments are scheduled with CIO’s, VP – healthcare companies, Director with prior appointmentsand the discussionguide is shared with the primary respondentprior to the call INTEGRATE INFORMATION Integrate information within relevant documents to form launch pad for primary research 4. CALL EXECUTION A roundtable discussion is held with the KIP with the aim to gather first hand information about the technology,recent developmentsin the technologyand future outlook/ growthor decline VENDORS CONSULTANT RESELLERS 5. DOCUMENTATION POTENTIAL RESPONDENTS The interview is recorded and the information gathered in put on the drawing board with the informationcollectedthroughsecondary research. END USER MSP’s BIS Research Analysis Primary Data Sources The key data points taken from Primary Sources includes: • Validation and Triangulation of all the numbers and graphs • Validationofreportsegmentationandkeyqualitativefindings • Understanding the competitive landscape • Understanding and considering the market dynamics factors for various market segment and sub-segment • Validationofimpactanalysisofmacroandmicrofactorsindifferentcountries • Percentage split of individual markets for geographical analysis Secondary Data Sources The research study involves the usage of extensive secondary sources such as databases, company websites, and annual reports, among others. 4 www.bisresearch.com sales@bisresearch.com
Thefollowingfigureexhibitskeysecondarydatasourcesconsideredinthisreport:Thefollowingfigureexhibitskeysecondarydatasourcesconsideredinthisreport: Figure 4 Secondary Data Sources STOCK ANALYST WEBSITES COMPANY SOURCES Seeking Alpha Yahoo Finance Wiki finance The Wall Street Journal Annual Reports Press Releases SEC Filings Investor Presentations Financial Disclosures SECONDARY DATA SOURCES GOVERNMENT AND REGULATORY SOURCES PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DATABASES Medline PubMed National Library of Medicine ProQuest Thin Database CMS Datasets Medicare Beneficiaries Database Oxon Epidemiology The Centre for Disease Control (CDC) The World Health Organization (WHO) The National Health Services (NHS) The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) The Food & Drug Administration of United States (U.S. FDA) BIS Research Analysis The key data points taken from secondary sources include: • Segmentation breakups, split-ups, and percentage shares • Data for market value • Key industry trends of the top players of the market • Qualitative insights into various aspects of the market, key trends, and emerging areas of innovation • Quantitative data for mathematical and statistical calculations ThefollowingfigureexhibitsthemethodologyadoptedforestimatingtheglobalPrefilledSyringes market: 5 www.bisresearch.com sales@bisresearch.com
Figure 5 Top Down and Bottom Up Approach Total Global Prefilled Syringes Market Size ($Million) Market Value of Global Prefilled Syringes Market Percent Split for the Product Type and Sub-types of Global Prefilled Syringes Market Summation of X & Y Geographical Split Average Selling Price (ASP) for Each Type of Product (Y) Regional and Country-wise Market for Each Sub- segment Products into Number of Units (X) Analysis of Macro & Micro Factors BIS Research Analysis Note:TheaboveapproachhasbeenfollowedforthemarketestimationofalltheproductPrefilledSyringesmarket Having estimated the global market size, the forecast employs a set of macro factors such as the population, disease prevalence rate, population, healthcare expenditure, disposable income, and Gross Domestic Product (GDP), among others. Assumptions and Limitations Thefollowingfigureexhibitsthestandardassumptionsandlimitationswhichhavebeenfollowed throughouttheresearchstudyoftheglobalPrefilledSyringesmarket: 6 www.bisresearch.com sales@bisresearch.com
Figure 6 Assumptions and Limitations CURRENCY CONVERSION LIMITATIONS • The base currency considered for this study is U.S. $ • In the Company Profiles section, for the companies having revenues in any other currencies, is converted in to U.S. $ • The currencies other than U.S. $ are converted to U.S. $ for all statistical calculations considering the average conversion rate for the particular year • The currency conversion rate is taken from historical exchange rate of Oanda website • Technologies currently used are expected to persist through the forecast with no major breakthrough in technology • The economic downturn in future was not taken under consideration for market estimation and forecast AVERAGE SELLING PRICE (ASP) ASSUMPTION FOR MARKET ESTIMATION • The ASP is calculated for the year 2015 & 2016 and the currency considered is U.S. $ • For calculating the ASP of the market products, the weighted average of the list price of products has been considered • The base year considered for the calculation of market size was 2015. Instances where the market size for the FY 2015 were not available from primary or secondary sources, at such instances the values were estimated based on the Delphi method. • The historical year analysis was done from the FY 2010 to FY 2014 and the market size was estimated for the FY 2016 and projected from the year 2017 to 2021 BIS Research Analysis 7 www.bisresearch.com sales@bisresearch.com
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Research Scope and Methodology 1.1 Scope of the Report Executive Summary 1.2 Market Segmentation 1.3 Key Objectives 1.4 Research Methodology 1.4.1 Data Triangulation 1.4.2 Secondary Sources 1.4.3 Primary Sources 1.4.4 Top-Down Approach 1.4.5 Bottom-Up Approach 1.4.6 Assumptions and Limitations 2 Market Overview 2.1 1.4.7 Data and Prediction Modelling Introduction 2.2 AdvantagesofPrefilledSyringesovertraditionalvial&syringesystem 2.3 Manufacturing&PackagingChallengesofPrefilledSyringes 2.4 Benefitsofprefilledsyringestothedrugmakers 2.5 Technology Trends in Market 2.6 Legal Requirements and Regulations 3 Market Dynamics 3.1 2.7 Patent Analysis Drivers 3.2 Challenges 4 Competitive Landscape 4.1 Key Market Development and Strategies 3.3 Opportunities 4.1.1 Mergers and Acquisition 4.1.2 Product Launch & Developments 4.1.3 Partnerships, Collaborations & Joint Ventures 4.1.4 Business Expansions and Contracts 4.2 Market Share Analysis 5 Industry Analysis 5.1 4.3 Industry Attractiveness Regulatory Bodies and Associations 6 Global Prefilled Syringes by Type, 2016-2021 (Qualitative) 6.1 Overview 5.2 Patent Landscape 6.2 ConventionalPrefilledSyringes 6.3 SafetyPrefilledSyringes 8 www.bisresearch.com sales@bisresearch.com
7 Global Prefilled Syringes by Design, 2016-2021 (Qualitative) 7.1 Overview 7.2 Single-ChamberPrefilledSyringes 7.3 Dual-ChamberPrefilledSyringes 8 Global Prefilled Syringes by Material Revenue ($Million) and Volume (Million Units), 2016-2021 8.1 Overview 7.4 CustomizedPrefilledSyringes 8.2 GlassPrefilledSyringes 9 Global Prefilled Syringes Market by Region, Revenue ($Million) and Volume (Million Units), 2016-2021 9.1 Overview 8.3 PlasticPrefilledSyringes 9.2 North America 9.3 Europe 9.4 AsiaPacific(APAC) 10 Company Profiles 10.1 9.5 Rest of the World (RoW) Baxter International 10.2 Becton Dickinson & Company 10.3 Bristol Myers Squibb 10.4 Eli Lilly 10.5 Gerresheimer 10.6 Medtronic Inc. 10.7 Nipro Corporation 10.8 Pfizer 10.9 SCHOTT AG 10.10 Stevanto Group 10.11 Terumo Corporation 10.12 Unilife Corporation 10.13 Vetter Pharmaceuticals GmBH 10.14 Weigao Group 10.15 West Pharmaceutical Services 10.16 Snapshot of Other Key Players 9 www.bisresearch.com sales@bisresearch.com
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