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MCQ pediatrics. JABER AHMED ALENAZI APRIL 17 ,2006. 1-All are essential amino acid except : A-tryptophan B-theronine C-taurin D-tyrosin E-all of the above. 1-All are essential amino acid except : A-tryptophan B-theronine C-taurin D-tyrosin E-all of the above.
1-All are essential amino acid except : A-tryptophan B-theronine C-taurin D-tyrosin E-all of the above
1-All are essential amino acid except : A-tryptophan B-theronine C-taurin D-tyrosin E-all of the above
A.A= 24 (9 essentials +15) • For preterm +3 • Arginin • Cystin • Taurin
TMHL PTLIV CAT • T tryptophan • M methionin • H histidin • L lycin • P phenylalan • T threonin • L leucin • I isoleucin • V valin • C cystin • A argnine • T taurin
2-In which of the following forms of rickets, PTH hormone normal before initiation of treatment : A -Ca deficiency B-vit. D def. C-25-hydroxylase def. D-1α hydroxylase def. E-X-linked hypophosphatemia
2-In which of the following forms of rickets, PTH hormone normal before initiation of treatment : A -Ca deficiency B-vit. D def. C-25-hydroxylase def. D-1α hydroxylase def. E-X-linked hypophosphatemia
3-Non-ketotic hypoglycemia is usually a feature in except: A-focal adenomatosis of the pancreas B-KATP –channal hyperinsulinism C-fatty acid oxidation disorder D-GSD –glucose 6 phosphate defi. E-exogenous insulin inj.
3-Non-ketotic hypoglycemia is usually a feature in except: A-focal adenomatosis of the pancreas B-KATP –channal hyperinsulinism C-fatty acid oxidation disorder D-GSD –glucose 6 phosphate defi. E-exogenous insulin inj.
4- 2 y old boy presented with recurrent necrotizing skin ulcers ,remain febrile with poor wound healing ,CBC showed marked leukocytosis, his clinical feature suggest diagnosis: A-shwachman-Diamond syndrome B-CGD C-LAD D-kostmann disease E-agammaglobulinemia
4- 2 y old boy presented with recurrent necrotizing skin ulcers ,remain febrile with poor wound healing ,CBC showed marked leukocytosis, his clinical feature suggest diagnosis: A-shwachman-Diamond syndrome B-CGD C-LAD D-kostmann disease E-agammaglobulinemia
shwachman-Diamond syndrome congenital neutropenia with dwarfism and FTT,AR inheritance • kostmann disease maturation arrest of leukocyte at promylocyte level ,AD.
5-Ambiguous genitialia infant with hypoglycemia,hyponatremia and hyperkalemia with keryotype (46YX) most likely diagnosis: A-21-hydroxlyase deficiency B-11-hydroxlyase deficiency C-3β-hydrosteroid dehydrogenas deficiency D-5α-reductase deficiency E-17-hydroxlylase deficiency
5-Ambiguous genitialia infant with hypoglycemia,hyponatremia and hyperkalemia with keryotype (46YX) most likely diagnosis: A-21-hydroxlyase deficiency B-11-hydroxlyase deficiency C-3β-hydrosteroid dehydrogenas deficiency D-5α-reductase deficiency E-17-hydroxlylase deficiency
6-the following are modalities in turner syndrome except A-GH B-Estrogen C-Anabolic steroid D-Gonadectomy E-All of the above
6-the following are modalities in turner syndrome except A-GH B-Estrogen C-Anabolic steroid D-Gonadectomy E-All of the above
7-normal or elevated 25-hydroxly D3 with normal or depressed 1,25 VD3 in: A-Nutritinal rickets B-V-D dependent rickets- I C-V-D dependent rickets- II D-X hypophosphatemic rickets E- B+D
7-normal or elevated 25-hydroxly D3 with normal or depressed 1,25 VD3 in: A-Nutritinal rickets B-V-D dependent rickets- I C-V-D dependent rickets- II D-X hypophosphatemic rickets E- B+D
8-Following infants are at increased risk of neonatal hypocalcemia except: A-IDM B-osteogenesis imperfeca C-neonate with septicemia D-asphyxiated babies E-infant of mother with hyperPTH
8-Following infants are at increased risk of neonatal hypocalcemia except: A-IDM B-osteogenesis imperfeca C-neonate with septicemia D-asphyxiated babies E-infant of mother with hyperPTH
9-In addition to irritability, sweating and difficulty breathing with feeding the symptom that mostly indicative of CHF in a 3 wk old infant is: A-ascitis B-raised JVP C-cynosis D-diminished feeding volume E-peritibial odema
9-In addition to irritability, sweating and difficulty breathing with feeding the symptom that mostly indicative of CHF in a 3 wk old infant is: A-ascitis B-raised JVP C-cynosis D-diminished feeding volume E-peritibial odema
10-Asymptomatic 2 wk old baby is known to have III ESM with mild cynosis, at 3 mo of age suddenly develops irritability ,resp. difficulty. O/E marked cyanosis, tachypnea hyperapnea & barely audible short ESM I most likely diagnosis A-sever aortic stenosis B-sever CoA C-sever valvular PS D-TOF E-truncus arteriosus
10-Asymptomatic 2 wk old baby is known to have III ESM with mild cyanosis, at 3 mo of age suddenly develops irritability ,resp. difficulty. O/E marked cyanosis, tachypnea ,hyperapnea & barely audible short ESM I most likely diagnosis A-sever aortic stenosis B-sever CoA C-sever valvular PS D-TOF E-truncus arteriosus
11-Faint M. in this pt indicate: A-non-restrictive VSD B-minimal flow across RVOT flow C-poor ventricular function D-air trapping in lung E-hypoplastic pulmonary arteries
11-Faint M. in this pt indicate: A-non-restrictive VSD B-minimal flow across RVOT flow C-poor ventricular function D-air trapping in lung E-hypoplastic pulmonary arteries
12-In managing this infant ,least beneficial intervention is : A-IV hydration B-sedation C-intropic support D-surgery E-correcting acidosis
12-In managing this infant ,least beneficial intervention is : A-IV hydration B-sedation C-intropic support D-surgery E-correcting acidosis
13-most common cyanotic CHD in neonatal period : A-TOF B-TGA C-TAPVR D-Truncus arteriosus E-TA
13-most common cyanotic CHD in neonatal period : A-TOF B-TGA C-TAPVR D-Truncus arteriosus E-TA
14-after being healthy 2 wk infant present with few days of poor feeding ,followed by hypotension, poor central & peripheral pulses and sever metabolic acidosis of the following the BEST intervention to produce improvement will be: A-100% O2 B-Dopamine infusion C-gamma globulin infusion D-phenylephrine infusion E-PGE1
14-after being healthy 2 wk infant present with few days of poor feeding ,followed by hypotension, poor central & peripheral pulses and sever metabolic acidosis of the following the BEST intervention to produce improvement will be: A-100% O2 B-Dopamine infusion C-gamma globulin infusion D-phenylephrine infusion E-PGE1
15-Collapsing pulse (water hammer) sign of the following except: A-tricuspid regurgitation B-large PDA C-anemia D-hyperthyroidism E-Aortic regurgitation
15-Collapsing pulse (water hammer) sign of the following except: A-tricuspid regurgitation B-large PDA C-anemia D-hyperthyroidism E-Aortic regurgitation
16-idiosyncratic fulminant liver failure is rare but potentially fatal complication of the following AED s : A-phenytoin B-Phenobarbital C- carbamazepine D-valoproic acid E-Ethosuximide
16-idiosyncratic fulminant liver failure is rare but potentially fatal complication of the following AED s : A-phenytoin B-Phenobarbital C- carbamazepine D-valoproic acid E-Ethosuximide
17-most common causes of blood in stool of newborn infant is: A-Vit-k deficiency B-Ingested maternal blood C-Infectious diarrhea D-NEC E-Hischsprung enterocolitis
17-most common causes of blood in stool of newborn infant is: A-Vit-k deficiency B-Ingested maternal blood C-Infectious diarrhea D-NEC E-Hischsprung enterocolitis
18-most usefull test in diagnosis GER in 3y old boy with mod-sever asthma : A-upper GI study B-Esophageal manometry C-Esophageal pH monitoring D-Endoscopy E- Gastric scintography
18-most usefull test in diagnosis GER in 3y old boy with mod-sever asthma : A-upper GI study B-Esophageal manometry C-Esophageal pH monitoring D-Endoscopy E- Gastric scintography
19- Most definitive test in diagnosis of Wilson disease is: A- serum ceruloplasmin B-24 h- urine for copper C-Brain MRI D- Hepatic copper E- Liver histology
19- Most definitive test in diagnosis of Wilson disease is: A- serum ceruloplasmin B-24 h- urine for copper C-Brain MRI D- Hepatic copper E- Liver histology
20-commonest cause of chronic diarrhea of 6mo -36 mo in Saudi Arabia : A-toddler diarrhea B-Disacchariase deficiency C-Giardiasis D-congenital chlorid diarrhea E-All of the above
20-commonest cause of chronic diarrhea of 6mo -36 mo in Saudi Arabia : A-toddler diarrhea B-Disacchariase deficiency C-Giardiasis D-congenital chlorid diarrhea E-All of the above
21-One of the following signs / symptoms consistence with functional abdominal pain: A-vomiting B-dysuria C-headache D-pallor E-weight loss
21-One of the following signs / symptoms consistence with functional abdominal pain: A-vomiting B-dysuria C-headache D-pallor E-weight loss
22- one of the following infecion cause increased amylase level : A-bacterial meningitis B-viral meningitis C-Giardiasis D-mumps E-measles
22- one of the following infections cause increased amylase level : A-bacterial meningitis B-viral meningitis C-Giardiasis D-mumps E-measles