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7.RAAMPROGRAMMI STRUKTUUR. ERC. Koostöö. Ideed. Tervis. Toit. Teadlaste esialgne koolitus. Inimesed. Elukestev õpe. IKT. Ettevõtlus- ja akadeemia. NMP. Rahvusvaheline dimensioon. Energia. Eritegevused. Võimekus. Teadusinfra. Keskkond. VKE. Transport. Teadmiste regioonid.
7.RAAMPROGRAMMI STRUKTUUR ERC Koostöö Ideed Tervis Toit Teadlaste esialgne koolitus Inimesed Elukestev õpe IKT Ettevõtlus- ja akadeemia NMP Rahvusvaheline dimensioon Energia Eritegevused Võimekus Teadusinfra Keskkond VKE Transport Teadmiste regioonid Teaduspotentsiaal SSH Teadus ühiskonnas Julgeolek Rahvusvaheline koostöö Teaduspoliitikate sidustamine Kosmos Euratom ja Ühisuuringute keskus
Kutse FP7-SPACE-2013-1 • Rahaline maht ca 126 MEUR • Tegevuskava lähtub Euroopa Kosmosepoliitika dokumentidest • GMES valdkonnas fookus kliimamuutuste teenusel • Strateegilised tehnoloogiad (European non-dependence ) - EC, ESA, EDA ühiskomisjoni raportist. • Horisontaalsed tegevused VKEd ja rahvusvaheline koostöö • Euroopa Kosmoseagentuur ei saa osaleda konsortsiumi partnerina
Esimene teema (59 MEUR) • Support to the (pre-)operational validation of GMES services and productsbased on the integration and harmonisation of related observation data (both satellite-based and in-situ, including ground-based, ship-borne and airborne), starting with the funded GMES Services. (ca 59 MEUR) • Integrated use and application of satellite communication and satellite navigation solutions with space-based observation systems, and with related non-space systems. • Support to the coordinatedprovision of observation data, both from spacebased infrastructure and from in-situ observation systems. • Development of Earth observation satellites, which relate to the management of the environment and security, and which complement in-situ systems. • Continuity of GMES services, ensuring complementarity and consistency with the GMES Regulation on the European Earth observation programme (GMES) and its initial operations (2011-2013)
Teine teema (51 MEUR) Support to research activities related to space science and exploration, New concepts in space transportation, and key technologies including critical components, Research to reduce the vulnerability of space assets.
Kolmas teema (horisontaalsed tegevused – 16 MEUR) • Activities in SME relevant research • International cooperation with third countries (ICPC) will be supported • Ukraina (valitud teemad) • Hiina (valitud teemad) • Cross-thematic approaches: in this work programme, complementarity is ensured with other Themes of the Cooperation Programme. In particular, the topics in Activity 9.1 relating to GMES in this work programme are complemented by work in the Theme 'Environment(including climate change)'. Also the 'Space technologies' topic in this work programme is complemented by activities in the Themes 'Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies', ‘Energy’, ‘Transport’ and 'Information and Communication Technologies'.
Tähtajad Kutse avamine: Juba avatud Taotluste esitamine: 21 November 2012, 17:00:00 Brüsseli aja järgi
Silver Lätt Silver.Latt@etag.ee