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Learn about nursery sessions, attendance policy, parent involvement, activities, and important details to ensure a smooth experience for your child. Stay informed and engaged!
Lady Bankes Infant School Nursery Information Meeting
Nursery SessionsFull Time NurseryFull Timers: 8.30am – 2.30pm/ 3.15pm Morning Nursery 8.30am – 11.30am (soft start 8.30am – 9.00am) Afternoon Nursery 12.15pm – 3.15pm (soft start 12.15pm – 12.45pm)
Things to think about…. Regular attendance matters – children only need to stay at home if they have a temperature, vomit or have diarrhoea. If your child arrives after 9.10am or 12.45pm without a valid excuse they will receive a late mark. If your child is off sick you will need to telephone the school (01895 631480) or text (07797801419)on the first day of their absence to let us know. When your child returns to school you must bring in a letter covering the dates of absence. Parents are advised to keep their child home for 48 hours after a stomach bug. Collection from school – If your child is being collected by anyone other than the regular person please write it in the book or call the school on 01895-634180. Medication – please give any medication to your child’s keyworker on the first day.
Home/School Liason Please talk to us – we are usually available at the start or end of the day or we can give you a call. Celebrate your child’s achievements and share them with us, however small. Please stay in touch – remember to tell us if any of your contact details change. We regularly use text messaging to help keep you informed as well as emails as additional forms of communication. Assemblies – There will be birthday assemblies every half term where you are invited to see your child blow out the candles. They will take place in the Nursery at 11.00am and 235pm for the children celebrating their fourth birthday.
How can you help? FOLBA – These are a parent group who work hard to raise funds for all of our children. Please refer to our website or our main school reception desk if you can offer any help. Parent Council –We run a parent council who meet each half term to discuss general school issues. If you are interested in joining this council please contact the main school reception desk. Parent Help – any help is always appreciated. Please speak to the office if you can help. You will need to be police checked to be able to help in the school. Voluntary contributions – At times we ask for voluntary donations for extra activities that are not covered by the school budget. Information will be found in our newsletters.
Nursery Particulars School Milk – Application forms for milk are available from the school office. You can also contact Cool Milk directly on 0800 321 3248 (School Code 2837). Water Bottles -Children must need to bring in a named water bottle every day. Simple bottles are best as they are easiest to store. Fruit – Fruit is supplied daily at school. Children may bring in their own fruit or vegetable in a labelled fruit. Resources – Please provide any kitchen roll tubes, boxwsetc for our workshop area. Please no cereal or egg boxes due to allergies and no toilet rolls for hygiene reasons. Parent Information Board – Please check our board on a regular basis. It is in the cloakroom area.
Uniform • Order from • https://www.differentclassschoolwear.co.uk/collection/lady-bankes-infant-and-junior-schools • User name: ladybankes • Password: school • We do carry a very small stock in school for emergencies and sizing purposes. • Yellow home folders are always in stock in school. • Please remember • Name all uniform • Bring a coat to school every day • Make sure your child is wearing sensible footwear • No jewellery to be worn except for religious purposes. One pair or studs can be worn.
Staffing Team Mrs Cowley – Class Teacher AM Keyworker – Strawberry PM Keyworker – Strawberry Miss McGillivray (Nursery Nurse) AM & PM Keyworker – Pineapple groups Mrs Vass (Nursery Nurse) AM & PM keyworker – Peach groups Mrs Fishman (LSA) Keyworker Mrs Savva (LSA) AM & PM Keyworker – Tangerine groups Mrs Thom (LSA) Keyworker
Housekeeping Health Care • If your child is in pull ups please make sure you provide spares and wipes • Please bring in a box of tissues whenever possible • We have plenty of spare clothing and a selection of wellies in nursery for the outdoors Arrival and Leaving Procedure • Please come into Nursery and settle your child to a chosen activity. • Please inform your key worker when you are leaving. Collection • Morning Nursery from the front playground. • Afternoon Nursery from the Nursery playground • Home Folders – Your child will need a yellow home/school folder to bring in to school every day.
Other bits and bobs Monday We encourage children to bring in something to talk about that relates to what they did at the weekend e.g. photo, shell etc Wednesday & Friday We encourage children to bring in an object for the sound bucket (the sound of the week). Art work can be collected from the named boxes in the cloak room. Please make sure your child does not bring any toys into school. It is upsetting for them if they get lost or broken.