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Issues of CASE tool adaption: A process oriented approach E-application development maintenance bridges cliffs

Outline:. Some definitionsDiscussion of the positioning paperSuccessful E-applications with RAD main modelImplementing RAD increases the use of CASE tools detailed modelConclusionsQuestions

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Issues of CASE tool adaption: A process oriented approach E-application development maintenance bridges cliffs

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Issues of CASE tool adaption: A process oriented approach E-application development & maintenance � bridges & cliffs Discussant paper Hilde Marit Fiskum Cecelie Lyngnes Alexander L�berg

    2. Outline: Some definitions Discussion of the positioning paper Successful E-applications with RAD � main model Implementing RAD increases the use of CASE tools � detailed model Conclusions Questions & Discussion

    3. Definitions System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Overall process of developing information systems through a multistep process from investigation of initial requirements through analysis, design, implementation and maintenance Rapid Application Development (RAD) Process for developing systems in a very short time period by using prototyping, fourth-generation tools, CASE tools and close teamwork among users and systems specialists Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools The automation of step-by-step methodologies for software and systems development to reduce the amount of repetitive work the developers needs to do Prototyping A rapid iterative process between users and analysts to create and refine portions of a new system

    4. Discussion of the positioning paper Focused on 3 aspects of the positioning paper 2 aspects concerning: The scope of the paper versus the scope of the model Key drivers not portrayed in the main model Introduction of relations in the main model, not discussed in paper

    5. Key drivers not implemented in the model

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