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LoopBuster Hardware Loop Detection in Fast Mesh Ethernet Networks

LoopBuster Hardware Loop Detection in Fast Mesh Ethernet Networks. Completion Presentation. Uriel Peled and Tal Kol Guided by Boaz Mizrahi Advised by Gideon Kaempfer Digital Systems Laboratory Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Technion Winter 2007 – Spring 2009.

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LoopBuster Hardware Loop Detection in Fast Mesh Ethernet Networks

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  1. LoopBusterHardware Loop Detection in Fast Mesh Ethernet Networks Completion Presentation Uriel Peled and Tal Kol Guided by Boaz Mizrahi Advised by Gideon Kaempfer Digital Systems Laboratory Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Technion Winter 2007 – Spring 2009

  2. Ethernet DrawbacksTree Topologies For Loop Prevention A B C

  3. LoopBusterStop Loops Without Tree Topology A B Improved Switches: Changed Learning Improved Switches: Changed Learning New Hardware Device: “LoopBuster” Mesh Topology: Loops Allowed! C

  4. Design ChallengesLoopBuster Device • Support very high throughputs • Ethernet supports 1Gbps and 10Gbps links • Implementation must be in hardware • Use limited amount of on-chip memory • Naïve implementation requires 10Mbit for a single 10Gbps interface • Minimal effect on hosting network • Remove looping packets quickly • Minimize false positives • Rely on existing standards / network equipment

  5. Conceptual DiagramLoopBuster Device Filter Filter Filter packet packet packet packet packet packet packet packet packet packet • Still effective – packet rate decreases • We pay with N+1 mandatory loops • Low memory filters in decreasing size

  6. Project Milestones • Full Network Software Simulationpre-hardware implementation • Analyze Algorithm Parameters • Design LoopBuster Device macro, micro architectures, Verilog implementation • Board Bring-up board selection, cores, GbE • Testing, Validation and Debug • Demonstrate Working Prototype

  7. Algorithm ParametersPerformance-Cost Tradeoffs • Number of filter chains • Parallel chains for different MLTTs • Different chains for different traffic types • Number of filters in each chain • Number of loops before terminating a packet • Memory size of each filter in each chain • Minimize false positives while saving memory • Filter scheduling and control patterns • Lock / unlock states, reset filter memory

  8. Algorithm AnalysisEmpirical Param Selection • Network Simulation in Software • Minimal HW (1PC), C++, SW Timeline • Real-world rates, real-world traffic • Based on a genetic algorithm • Genetic representation: filter size list (13,12,10,10,9,9,8,8,7,7,6) • Improve a pre-defined fitness function • False positives over real traffic + Total memory size • Two-stage mutation • General (add/remove filter, change filter size, switch filters) • Specific (num filters, size of largest, create descending chain)

  9. Algorithm AnalysisTheoretical Param Selection • Theoretical algorithm performance analysis • Probability model for a filter / filter chain • C collisions with X packets through an N-bit filter • Occupancy problem, numerical solution in C++

  10. Preliminary Design DecisionAlgorithm Analysis Conclusions • Modular Filter Chain Design • Traffic sensitive • Code / Runtime Configurable Parameters • UART controlled lock/unlock/reset patterns • 2 Clock Domains • 125 MHz (GbE), 31 MHz (Processing) • Packet Pipeline Processing • No store and forward (untraditional MAC) • Hardware only (no Power PC)

  11. ArchitectureBoard Block Diagram

  12. ArchitectureGeneral Block Diagram

  13. Packet Transceiver Block Diagram 125 MHz clock boundary Ethernet data in 8-bit units 31 MHz clock boundary Ethernet data in 32-bit units

  14. LoopBuster FilterBlock Diagram

  15. LoopBuster FilterImplementation • Supports two concurrent packet paths • Unique clock domain: 125 MHz • lb_filter_memory (Memory) • Filter BRAM wrapper (2 asynchronous ports) • Wide write port for asynchronous reset (FSM) • Narrow read/write port for filter memory access • Supports lock/unlock states • lb_filter_state_machine (Filter Logic) • Mutual exclusion for memory access • Fine-grained locking (cycle requirement per state)

  16. Board SelectionSelected Board • Memec FF1152 • Xilinx Virtex-II Pro • Existing in lab ($0) • 2 SFP Modules • 1Gbps Eth. RJ45 • Gidi (~$200) • PCS/PMA Core • Required for SFP • Free from Xilinx ($0)

  17. GbE Board Bring-UpVertical Development Stages • Board Functionally Test • Download a full working Ethernet example project to test UART, SFPs, LEDs, FPGA, cable correct operation • Working DCM • Synthesize a working DCM with 125Mhz, 31.5Mhz clock trees. Output main control signals to LEDs (ticker, locked) • Core Linkup Test • Configure Xilinx gig_eth_pcs_pma CORE for 1GE functionality with correct parameters, timing constrains and physical locs • Output CORE status signals to detect linkup • Loopback Tests • Perform CORE loopback test, Packet transceiver loopback, full data path loopback

  18. Testing and Validation • Behavioral Simulations • Pre-synthesis Verilog for logic functionality on ModelSim • Post-Route Timing Simulations • Post-synthesis Verilog for timing on Xilinx ISE 9.2 • Automatic Simulation Test-bench • Script-based scenario test-benches for core modules (like pt_rx) • Automated ModelSim with debug textual log file ($fdisplay) • On-Board Live Debugging • Status signals to LED, R/W of debug registers with UART • Custom event-based debug code (output to UART) • System Integration Testing • Stream raw Ethernet traffic through device, Packetyzer sniffer

  19. Planned / Actual Schedule • Full Network Software SimulationPLAN:2 monthsACTUAL:2 months • Analyze Algorithm ParametersPLAN: 1 monthACTUAL:1 month • Design LoopBuster Device (micro-macro)PLAN:3 months ACTUAL:3 months • Board Bring-upPLAN:1 month ACTUAL:3 months • Testing, Validation and DebugPLAN:2 monthsACTUAL:4 months • Demonstrate Working PrototypePLAN:1 monthACTUAL:1 month • TOTALPLAN:10 monthsACTUAL:14 months

  20. Achievements and Further Work • Main Project Achievements • Algorithm analysis and params based on software simulations • Working LoopBuster prototype in hardware (FPGA) • Testing and validation environment • LoopBuster-PC communication and control platform • Further Work • LBP switch implementation with revised learning algorithm • Complete network solution demonstration in hardware • In-depth LoopBuster algorithm analysis and optimization with hardware-based results

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