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Join us for the 1st Grade Curriculum Night at Franklin Elementary School! Learn about the classroom schedule, behavior system, and upcoming events. Meet the teacher and ask any questions you may have.
1st Grade Curriculum NightSeptember 9, 2019 • Complete the questionnaire. • You may leave a note for your child on the paper provided. Franklin Elementary School
About Me • I am a graduate of North Allegheny High School, and I received my BA in Elementary Education at Westminster College. I have been trained in Research-Based-Instruction (RBI) at the Reading Achievement Center as well. This is the start of my 13th year with North Allegheny. I taught kindergarten for two years at Hosack Elementary, and first grade for three years; 2 at Ingomar Elementary, and 1 at Hosack Elementary, and 7 years of third grade at Franklin Elementary. • I have three girls; my oldest is a graduate of Slippery Rock University and is a dancer teacher, and a mom to my grandson who is almost 6 years old! He will be attending Kindergarten at FES this year. My daughter Mara graduated from Ohio State and is beginning her third year at Pitt Pharmacy school, and my youngest daughter Elena is a junior at IUP. She is studying to become a teacher just like her mom. Mr. Cubellis is definitely outnumbered! I myself attended North Allegheny throughout my school years and it is wonderful to be teaching here at Franklin Elementary.
Schedule MondayTuesday-Friday 9:00-9:10 Arrival: Check-in, Lunch count, Morning work 9:15-9:45 WIN 10:15- 11:10 ELA 11:15-11:45 Lunch 11:45-12:15 Recess 12:15-12:20 Bathroom Break/Wash Hands 12:20-1:00 Calendar 1:00 – 2:10 Math 2:15- 3:15 Integrated Arts 3:15-3:25 Pack up & Dismissal • 9:00-9:10 Arrival: Check-in, Lunch count, Morning work • 9:15-9:45 WIN (None on Friday) • 9:45-11:10 ELA • 11:15-11:45 Lunch • 11:45-12:15 Recess • 12:15-12:20 Bathroom Break/Wash Hands • 12:20-1:15 Calendar, Handwriting • 12:45 – 1:15 Social Studies/Science • 1:15- 2:00 Special • 2:00 – 3:15 Math • 3:15-3:25 Pack up & Dismissal
Special Schedule Monday - Integrated ArtsTuesday - MusicWednesday – GymThursday - LibraryFriday – Art
Mystery Walker Mystery Walker Each morning, I select a “mystery walker” by choosing a stick with a student's name on it. I will be paying extra close attention as we progress to our destinations throughout the day. I will be making sure they are facing forward, walking quietly, and respecting the personal space of others. At the end of each day, I will reveal our daily Mystery Walker if the student was able to follow rules. The student will receive a certificate. The student will not be revealed if the mystery walker was unable to meet all expectations throughout the day.
Behavior System How is your day? My goal is to create an environment which is stimulating and safe for your child. This includes assisting children in making appropriate behavior choices. The desired classroom rules will be decided upon and discussed by the class. They will be posted for all to see. Each child will be able to keep track of his/her personal behavior by use of a behavioral chart. *Please check website for explanation.
The North Allegheny School District utilizes the electronic Thursday E-Blast to provide parents with information relevant to elementary programs. Each week, parents of elementary school students will receive an email containing the listing of all fliers available on this webpage. By selecting the appropriate date, parents may view each flier electronically.
Lunch • Your child has a “pin” number to purchase a school lunch in the cafeteria. • Money can be applied to your child’s account on any day. • Please make sure that your child’s name and room number (1A), pin number, and the amount are written on the outside of the envelope. • If your child brings money for only that day’s lunch, he/she will take the money with them to lunch. Placing money in a baggie labeled with your child’s name is helpful! Snacks on a cart M,W, F Ice cream T, TH • Please review with your child what he/she will be choosing for lunch daily!
Birthday Celebrations • We like our children to share birthday celebrations with their classmates! • Due to the “Wellness Policy” and to protect children with allergies, please consider a non-food item if you would like to provide a treat. • We will celebrate summer birthdays (June/July/August) in May or June 2019. • Please do not send birthday invitations to school unless there is one for every child in our class OR all boys or all girls. We don’t want any hurt feelings! • Students also have the opportunity to have a mystery reader to read their favorite book to 1A! Please make arrangements with me at least one week PRIOR to your child’s birthday! ***Clearances are NOT needed to read as a mystery reader.
Volunteering • PFA organizes Winter and Spring party volunteers. • Center Helpers- I will have a sign up sheet available if your are interested in volunteering in 1A. • I will send a note home in October asking for volunteering availability regarding the Halloween parade. • Many FES volunteering opportunities through the PFA! • Please be sure to check for volunteering opportunities and clearance requirements!
Communication • E-mail: lcubellis@northallegheny.org • Write a note or email • Dismissal change (must contact transportation if it is a different bus #) • Early dismissal • Absent work needs sent home or picked up • Medication (including cough drops) • Absences/Vacation/Educational trip- form required* Please review district policieshttps://www.northallegheny.org/domain/243 • Call school secretary (412-366-9663) • Dismissal change • Early dismissal
Transportation Changes • It is IMPERATIVE to send a note with your child to school if his/her typical afternoon transportation changes! If you child is riding a different bus, you MUST contact transportation prior to the end of the school day. • Please follow school policies and signswhen dropping off or picking up your child!
Take Home Folder • Each student was provided with a yellow take home folder. The students are expected to take home this folder daily. • Please check this folder with your child nightly for any important notes and assignments from 1C. Home side- keep at home School side- return to school
Homework • Spelling (Monday-Thursday) • Practice nightly reading, writing and spelling the words! • Math (Monday-Thursday) • Workbook page is required. Personal Math Trainer is optional for extra practice! • English Language Arts (Monday-Thursday) • Rereading assigned stories, sentences, etc. for fluency • Reviewing robust vocabulary • Weekenders (starting 3rd grading period) Saturday/Sunday Missing Homework • Students are expected to complete all homework for the following day unless otherwise noted. If your child does not have his/her homework, they will have the chance for 2 "misses" each grading period. On the 3rd miss, your child will join me at recess to complete the missed assignment. All homework and work in the classroom should be completed in pencil unless otherwise noted. *This does not apply to Weekenders.
Sticker Word Book • Beginning the week of September 9th • Students will be able to read their Sticker Word book lists to Mrs. Cubellis in two groups due to class size • Group 1: Monday/Wednesday • Group 2: Tuesday/Thursday • * I will send a list home with assigned groups • If student successfully read the list they will be given a sticker and assigned the next word list • If student needs more practice they can read the list the next assigned time
Recess • The children go outdoors for recess unless it is extremely cold, raining or snowing. • Please keep these factors in mind and dress your child accordingly.
Absence • Students who are absent and did not make arrangements for another sibling or friend to gather their work will receive it when they return to school. • Students will receive missed work, a note stating what needs completed and when it is due in an Absent Folder. Please sign and return work. • Please send a note/email informing me if the work is to be sent home with a sibling/neighbor prior to the end of the day. • It is required that you send an excuse to school prior to or following an absence! • Please click below to access NA’s absence/trip forms https://www.northallegheny.org/domain/243
Sticker Word Books • Worked on at home to become fluent with words. • Encourage your child to try 2-4 word lists per week. • Students will be able to read their Sticker Word book lists to Mrs. Cubellis in two groups due to class size • Group 1: Monday/Wednesday • Group 2: Tuesday/Thursday • When your child feels ready to read the word list, send the book to school with your child on their assigned days. • Students will only be able to read words to me on their assigned days. • Students need to read all the words on each list correctly before moving onto the next list. If a list is not mastered, it will be sent home for more practice! • As students finish one book, they will receive another book with more challenging words. • Students are allowed 2 passes then they must read a list. • Enrichment-After completing ALL of the Sticker Word Books, students will be eligible for enrichment! Will begin Monday, September 16th
English Language Arts (ELA) • StoryTown- Harcourt • Guided Reading Groups (books in a bag) • Thematic • Components • Various types of literature • Phonemic Awareness • Phonics/Spelling • High Frequency Words • Comprehension • Fluency • Robust Vocabulary • Grammar • Handwriting • Writing
Harcourt StoryTown • Student Anthology • Practice Book Pages • Leveled Readers/Guided Reading Books
Spelling • Emphasis on learning phonics • Spelling Homework assigned Monday and due Friday • Lists will be sent home Friday prior to test week • Please sign each homework sheet Please click here for extra spelling homework!
Grammar • Provides students with direct instruction in key language areas. • Students will apply grammar skills directly to their writing. • The Sentence (naming and telling) • Nouns • Pronouns • Possessives • Homophones • Descriptive Words • Multiple-Meaning Words • Verbs • Daily proofreading • Done daily with morning message
Writing • Handwriting is done daily with pencils! • Letters (D’Nealian Font) and numbers
Log-in forHarcourt Reading Storytown 1. Click reading/language arts2. Storytown www.thinkcentral.com Username:na123456 (student number)Password:Tigers1
Mathematics Curriculum • Instruction focuses on inquiry-based methodology. • Problem solving will be emphasized in all units. • All Pennsylvania Core Standards for Mathematics will be addressed. • GO MATH! is our textbook series. • Each student will receive “mini-books” for all units. Students can write in their consumable books. Pages are torn out for students. • There are online resources that can be used at home for additional practice and reinforcement (Personal Math Trainer assigned online as we progress through chapters and lessons). *I highly encourage this!!!
1st Grade Mathematics • Developing concepts with manipulatives • Practicing for understanding • Developing fluency of numbers & facts • Topics: • Operations and Algebraic Thinking • Number and Operations in Base Ten • Measurement and Data • Geometry • Text/Resources: • Calendar Math • Go Math! (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) • Otter Creek Mastering Basic Facts (Rocket Math)
Basic Facts Learning basic facts shows students how to gain automaticity with their basic fact knowledge. Basic Fact practice offers uniquely structured practice and mastery of math facts for addition and subtraction. 1st and 2nd grading period ~ number writing 3rd and 4th grading period ~ addition/subtractionbasicfact practice
Social Studies Kids Discover Families Living and Working TogetherMagazine Style Magazine 1:Rules and Laws Magazine 2: Neighborhood Helpers Magazine 3: Maps and Globes Magazine 4: Where We Live Magazine 5: Weather Magazine 6: U.S. Symbols Magazine 7: Holidays Magazine 8: Yesterday and Today Magazine 9: The American People Magazine 10: Goods and Services
Log-in Social Studies Textbook https://www.hmhco.com/ Student Username: NA[IDNumber] Password: Tigers1
Science The North Allegheny School District has adopted the Scott Foresman Science text to assist us in delivering a comprehensive Science curriculum. The title of the first grade text is Science: The Diamond Addition. The following is a brief overview of the unit-based study for our class this year:UNIT A CHAPTER 1: LIVING AND NONLIVING UNIT A CHAPTER 2:HABITATSUNIT A CHAPTER 3: HOW PLANTS AND ANIMALS LIVEUNIT A CHAPTER 4: LIFE CYCLEUNIT A CHAPTER 5: FOOD CHAINSUNIT B CHAPTER 6: LAND, WATER AND AIR UNIT B CHAPTER 7: WEATHER
What is bullying? • Bullying is when a person repeatedly and on purpose says or does mean or hurtful things to another person. • Bullying implies an imbalance of power. • Bullying typically involves a pattern of behavior repeated over time.
Forms of Bullying INDIRECT: • Subtle, aggressive acts • Social Exclusion • Rumors • Cyber-Bullying DIRECT: • Face-to-face confrontation • Name-calling • Teasing • Threatening Gestures • Hitting • Kicking • Shoving • Spitting
Bullying Meetings in 1A • Olweus Bully Prevention Program • Monthly Themes (i.e., respect, acceptance) • Anti-Bullying Rules • Class Meetings • Role Playing
Conferences • November 4th and 5th *Please sign up for a conference on the side table prior to leaving!
Supplies • Our classroom is always in need of supplies! (tissues, Clorox wipes, baggies, pencils, erasers) • We GREATLY appreciate any donations to our classrooms to continue making learning FUN! • Please no mechanical pencils as they become a distraction to our learning!
BOOK IT! Begins in October! *Students are required to read a minimum of 4 (four) books per month. Students will choose one book they particularly enjoyed reading and use that book for their report. Please encourage your child to use stories besides our reading anthology text. *Each report must be turned in on or before the due date to receive a Pizza Hut pizza certificate! Reports handed in after the due date will only receive a certificate from me! If you are traveling during the due date, the report is due the day your child returns to school. *Students are required to write in complete sentences, write and draw neatly and spend time on this activity! *End of Year incentive given to students who read all months on time!
PFA • The PFA provides: • Field trip funding • Purchase many items for your child/school • School Directory • Box Tops and Labels for Education • KidStuff Books- return book or payment promptly • Donuts with Dad and Muffins with Mom • Covers Field Trip cost (if you join) • I highly encourage you to join the PFA this year!
Scholastic Book Orders • Done monthly • Order online only • Online code: L3KZR
TYLER Grades and Report Cards • Math and spelling tests only • Report card indicators: • P - Appropriate Progress • S- Strength • N - Needs Attention • NA - Not Applicable • NA website- Parents– “Student Data Portal Instructions” How to Access the Student Data Portal: https://portal.northallegheny.org/tsi_live/apphost/TylerSis#/login *This is where you will view your child’s report card quarterly.