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CUSTOMER RELATIONS & BUSINESS PRACTICES. CONDUCT. CUSTOMER RELATIONS & BUSINESS PRACTICES. It should go without saying that you need to be careful of what comes out of your mouth when you’re on a customer’s site.

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  2. CUSTOMER RELATIONS & BUSINESS PRACTICES • It should go without saying that you need to be careful of what comes out of your mouth when you’re on a customer’s site. • Unfortunately most guys seem to forget where they are and will start saying things they shouldn’t. • Your voice carries further than you think.

  3. CUSTOMER RELATIONS & BUSINESS PRACTICES • You should not swear or discuss any sexually explicit topics with your co-workers while on site. • Save any arguments for when you’re outdoors and don’t get into a ball breaking session in front of customers even if it is all in fun. • Burping or farting loudly in front of customers will more than likely get you excused from the site.

  4. CUSTOMER RELATIONS & BUSINESS PRACTICES • These topics may sound ridiculous and are just common sense, however common sense isn’t so common and men in the trades have a tendency to carry bad habits with them everywhere they go. • The stories your instructors could tell you about these types of instances would fill volumes the likes of which are comparable to a set of encyclopedias.

  5. CUSTOMER RELATIONS & BUSINESS PRACTICES • When you’re on lunch don’t let your guard down, you’re still on the customer’s site and you should conduct yourself accordingly. • What you say and what you do even on lunch can get you in trouble……………

  6. CUSTOMER RELATIONS & BUSINESS PRACTICES CASE AND POINT: • Pfizer pharmaceutical. • The weather is nice (warm and sunny). • Construction workers sitting on a wall outside to eat lunch.

  7. CUSTOMER RELATIONS & BUSINESS PRACTICES • A women jogs by in shorts and a tank top and the guys start whistling and yelling; hey nice…. 8.5, 9.0 etc. they didn’t think twice about what they were doing, as it turns out…

  8. CUSTOMER RELATIONS & BUSINESS PRACTICES • The jogger was an attorney for Pfizer, she had the whole crew kicked off the job. • Then she made sure they were fired. • Then she brought a civil liability suit against the company and each worker sitting on the wall.

  9. CUSTOMER RELATIONS & BUSINESS PRACTICES • So even if you were on the wall and didn’t say anything you are guilty by association. • The company that the men worked for was also kicked of the project. • This behavior is considered sexual harassment, and it’s a serious offense.

  10. CUSTOMER RELATIONS & BUSINESS PRACTICES • In fact there is a rule when looking at women. • You can not stare more than 2 seconds at any women on site! • It use to be 9 seconds then 7, then 5 now its 2 seconds.


  12. CUSTOMER RELATIONS & BUSINESS PRACTICES • Beware, if you are walking down a hallway and no one is in sight, do not assume you can talk freely about anything not associated with the task at hand. • Just as the wrong thing comes out of your mouth a woman could be turning the corner or in an office with an open door that you’re passing by. • In other words you’re not back on the block with your buddies.

  13. CUSTOMER RELATIONS & BUSINESS PRACTICES • Remember you are a visitor and all eyes will be on you. • That also means you could be under surveillance. • Cameras are every where even hidden, so always do the right thing.

  14. CUSTOMER RELATIONS & BUSINESS PRACTICES • If pulling cable in the hallways do not yell down the hall to your co-worker. • Use walkie talkies or your phone. • Yelling is very disruptive and only pisses people off that are trying to use their phones or focus on their tasks.

  15. CUSTOMER RELATIONS & BUSINESS PRACTICES • Most people on site are accommodating, however there will be some difficult people to deal with. • As hard as it may be, always try to remain courteous and pleasant, then go outside and punch or kick your service van if you need to vent.

  16. CUSTOMER RELATIONS & BUSINESS PRACTICES • That candy dish on someone’s desk isn’t for you to help yourself, its for the employees not the contractors. • That holds true for any food in the employee lounge as well. • People have been fired for simply taking candy out of a candy dish.

  17. CUSTOMER RELATIONS & BUSINESS PRACTICES • Construction sites are a different environment, there are of course plenty of safety rules that you’ll need to follow. • If you get caught fighting on a site, construction site or customer site you’ll run the risk of being thrown of the site.

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