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AMVER is the only global voluntary ship reporting system in the world, with participants from 161 countries and over 28,000 vessels. It promotes communication, safety, and rescue operations at sea.
56 Years 1958 - 2014 The only Global Voluntary Ship Reporting System in the World. 28,497Amver Participants 161Countries J. R. Frost, USCG Office of Search and Rescue
Pride of Baltimore II Queen Mary II Knock Neivs Who Participates in Amver? Many Different Kinds of Vessels
AmverSEAS (SEAS 2000)Sending Weather Observationsto the National Weather Services and Amver • Amver teamed up with NOAA to encourage vessels to participate in both the weather observation program and Amver by providing weather observation and position messages via INMARSAT C satellites. • Ships that meet the system requirements may send combined Amver/Weather observation messages free of charge.
Amver Message StatisticsMessages received per day from July 1, 2001 to July 9 2014
Amver Daily Processing Statistics July 7, 2014 Results for Julian day: 188 • Total messages received: 32,175 • Absolute Rejects: 348 • Total messages processed: 31,827 • Number committed/processed by AMP: 29,247 (92% Amver Processed) • Number passed to rv/vr3: 2580 (8% Corrected by the DCS Staff) • Vessel not in database, NICSD: 186 • Duplicate message detected: 2050 Failure conditions breakdown – (Messages with no AMP commit Resolution) • Message is missing required lines: 645 • Could not properly predict track line: 415 • Position report contains track lines: 7 • Deviation report invalid: 15 • Deviation check exceeds boundaries: 998 • Port of arrival in message did not match database: 56 • Reported current position time exceeds day boundaries: 191 • Sail plan has no similar voyages in database: 41 • Vessel not on plot: 32 • Current position in sail plan exceeds deviation check boundaries: 2 • Failed to obtain all required data for report type: 209
The Amver System at the OSC • SAR Controllers • Have one point of login to run an Amver SURPIC through SAROPS • Vessel Voyage Information and Reporting Information • Immediate access to vessel characteristic IHS RegistarFairplay information and Owner Info • Medical information from the SAR-Q is stored in the Amver database • System Support • 24-hour Customer support • Round the clock duty analyst to address any system and or commutation problem • Four full-time support staff • NimsoftClient for problem notification • Enterprise Support staff trained to execute emergency SURPICs in the event of network down-time • Full system redundancy in the event of hardware failures • State-of-the-Art Hardware and Technology • Disaster Recovery
Positioning the Vessels in Time This is an example Amver Sail Plan that is used by an Amver process that runs every fifteen minutes. This process moves the vessel in time along it’s intended SP leg according to it’s last reported course and speed. Producing a surpic_table of DR’d positions for all on plot vessels.
Amver On Plot StatisticsVessels On Plot Per Day April 2004 to July 2014
Why Amver works…7804 Vessels On Plot World Wide Observed at 12Z on 03/11/2014
Amver Vessels On Plot January 2014 • For trend analysis, the Amver system takes a daily global "snapshot" of participating vessels. Using only the position, latitude, and longitude, a density plot is developed. This density plot is a total of all daily vessel positions for a specific month displayed within a global grid of cells. Each cell approximates a one-degree square (60 minutes in latitude and longitude). Major trade routes and highly traveled coastal and ocean areas of the world become evident, as well as those areas with very few sailings. Legend • Each colored dot displayed on the chart approximates a one-degree cell (60 minutes of latitude by 60 minutes of longitude) and is referred to as a "cell" in the legend below. • Monthly density plot totals: Red Cells : The monthly plot totaled over 51 vessels Orange Cells : The monthly plot totaled between 13 and 51 vessels Green Cells : The monthly plot totaled between 4 and 12 vessels Blue Cells : The monthly plot totaled 3 or fewer vessels Empty Cells : No vessels
Amver Awards Program BLUE pennant for a vessel completing its first year of participation and being honored for the first time. GOLD pennant for a vessel completing five consecutive years of eligibility for an Amver award PURPLE pennant for a vessel completing ten consecutive years of eligibility for an Amver award. 15 A ship completing fifteen years of consecutive Amver award eligibility will receive a wooden plaque in addition to the certificate and company letter. 20 A ship completing twenty years of consecutive Amver award eligibility will receive an engraved pewter-alloy plate.
From the AMVER Website Bulk Carrier Makes First Amver Rescue of 2014 Amver Cases Reported 337 Number of survivors rescued: 398 Lives Assisted: 125 Top Six Owner Countries Diverting: Japan (31) USA (40) Greece (22) Germany (25) Norway (9) Great Britain (11) Number of ships on average daily plot: 5,474 Highest daily number of ships on plot: 7,650 Ships receiving participation awards: 7,613 24 Chinese seafarers abandoned ship and were rescued by an Amver ship 440 miles west of Guam on Monday, January 20, 2014. The Chinese seafarers abandoned their 500-foot cargo ship after experiencing flooding and engine failure late Sunday evening.
AMVER Ship Saves Four Atlantic Rowers Four Atlantic rowers were plucked from their disabled rowboat by the AMVER participating bulker Hedvig Bulker 1,356 miles west of Puerto Rico on Thursday, January 23, 2014. Lives saved by AMVER ships to date in 2014: 519
Amver • When preparing to visit a vessel please reach out to us and check to see if the vessel is enrolled and reporting to Amver. • Thank the master and crew for their Amver participation or ask them to join. • Additional information: http://www.amver.com • Email: benjamin.m.strong@uscg.mil
Amver.com/Amver Blog For more information please visit www.amver.com