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Explore macroeconomic principles including national income, money, inflation, growth, and more. Dive into theories, policies, and global economic trends with practical exercises and literature recommendations.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MACROECONOMICS dr hab. Marek Szczepański, prof. PP

  2. Plan of thecourse • Introduction - the economic problem • Measuring the value of economicactivity • Nationalincome – itssources, determinants and distribution • Money and inflation • Unemployment • Long-run economicgrowth • Business cycles: the economy in short run • Aggregatedemnad (IS-LM Model) • Aggregate Supply and the short-run trade –off betweeninflation and unemployment • Stabilization policy (fiscal and monetary policy) • Open- economymacroeconomics • Money and banking • Interantional trade, Europeanintegration and globalization • The mainmacroeconomictheories and currentdiscussions

  3. Exercises • Measuring the cost of living: the Consumer Price Index (an international comparison) • Measuring joblessness: the unemployment rate (international comparison) • The decisions facing the competitive firm • Consumtion and investment (an international comparison) • Economic growth in Poland and other post-socialist countries since 2004 (an international comparison) • Economic growth and its drivers in the USA and EU Memeber states (an international comparison) • Globalisation of financial markets – pros and cons (global financial crisis 2008-2009) • Macroeconomic policy debates: liberal and neoliberał theories (M.Friedman, F.Hayek) vs Keynsian theory and concepts of J.K.Galbreith and G.Myrdal)

  4. Literature • P. Krugman, R. Wells, Macroeconomics, SecondEdition, Worth Publishers, New York 2009. • D. Begg, S. Fisher, R. Dornbusch, Economics, 8thEdition, McGraw-HillCompanies, London, New York 2008. http://www.mcgrawhill.co.uk/textbooks/begg • N.G.Mankiw, Macroeconomis, WorthPublishers, New York 2010 Freedownload: ftp://dge.stanford.edu/pub/vineety/rup/N.%20Gregory%20Mankiw%20Macroeconomics,%207th%20edition%202009.pdf 4. Polishedition: N.G.Mankiw, M.P.Taylor, Makroekonomia, PWE, Warszawa 2009. 5. E.Skawińska, K.Sobiech, K.Nawrot, Makroekonomia, PWE, Warszawa 2008.

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