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Buyer’s Walk-Through and Title Closing: Understanding the Closing Process

Explore the final inspection and transfer of title in real estate closing, including escrow and common prorations. Learn about settlement meetings, HUD Settlement Statement, and key terms involved. Get insights into the importance of the buyer’s walk-through and escrow in a property transaction.

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Buyer’s Walk-Through and Title Closing: Understanding the Closing Process

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Real Estate PrinciplesTenthEdition Real Estate: An Introduction to the Profession Tenth Edition

  2. Chapter 16Title Closing and Escrow ______________________________

  3. Buyer’s Walk-Through This is the final inspection of the property just prior to closing to make certain that the premises have been vacated, no damage has occurred, agreed personal property is left behind, and that no real property has been removed.

  4. Title Closing • This occurs when the buyer pays for the property and the seller delivers the deed. • Settlement meeting – seller meets in person with the buyer and delivers the deed. • Escrow – use of a neutral third party, called the escrow agent, who acts on behalf of both buyer and seller to carry out instructions of the contract.

  5. Closing Terms • Title closing • Closing date • Closing • Settlement • Escrow

  6. Common Prorations

  7. Closing Transaction Summary

  8. HUD Settlement Statement

  9. HUD Settlement Statement (continued)

  10. HUD Settlement Statement (continued)

  11. HUD Settlement Statement (continued)

  12. Good Faith Estimate of Closing Costs

  13. Closing meeting Escrow agent Escrow closing Prorating RESPA Settlement statement Title closing Walk-through Key Terms

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