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THE VIETNAM WAR 1959-1975. Why did we enter Vietnam?. Domino Theory: The thought that if South Vietnam fell to communism, this would create a chain reaction in Asia and that other nations would also fall to communism. For or Against????. FOR: Hawks Stop Communism Help South Vietnam

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Presentation Transcript

  1. THE VIETNAM WAR 1959-1975

  2. Why did we enter Vietnam? • Domino Theory: The thought that if South Vietnam fell to communism, this would create a chain reaction in Asia and that other nations would also fall to communism

  3. For or Against???? • FOR: Hawks • Stop Communism • Help South Vietnam • Economically • Equipment/Military Weapons • Continue Cold War Policy of Containment • Usually Republicans or Conservatives • AGAINST: Doves • Usually Democrats or Liberals • THE DRAFT • The Media • Time of Protest • Civil Disobedience • Free Speech • Hippie Movement • “Needless” Deaths

  4. Hippies

  5. Burning Draft Cards • Civil Disobedience • Penalties ranged from 6 months in prison to 2 and a half years in prison if arrested

  6. Public Protests, Symbols and Slogans

  7. Media Coverage

  8. KEY TERMS • North Vietnam Forces (THE ENEMY) • Viet-Cong or VC • “CHARLIE” • ARVN • "Army of the Republic of Vietnam“ • (South Vietnam's army) • Friendly Fire • An accidental attack, whether by shooting or by dropping bombs, upon one's own troops, such as U.S soldiers shooting at other U.S. soldiers. • Boondock or Boonies • General term for the jungle or swampy areas in Vietnam

  9. Opposition to the War • Started around 1964 • Average Age of a U.S. soldier was 19 • American opposition to the Vietnam War fell into the following main categories: • Opposition to the draft; • Moral, legal, and pragmatic arguments against U.S. intervention; • Reaction to the media portrayal of the devastation in Southeast Asia

  10. Opposition Continued… • The prevailing sentiment that the draft was unfairly administered • Blue collar Americans and Black Americans opposed the draft itself • WHY????? • College Exemptions • Blacks fought for a country that refused to give them equal rights (during the Civil Rights Era)

  11. Devastation • Napalm (Right) • Agent Orange (Left)

  12. 58,000+ Total Deaths • Just for the United States in Vietnam • Longest war in U.S. History • Compared to: • War on Terror=6,000+

  13. Vietnam Memorial • Completed in 1982 • 58,195 names of KIA or MIA • 3+ million people visit annually

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