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Long Island Region

Join renowned educators and experts in the Long Island region for a comprehensive professional development series. Learn about the Common Core Standards, hands-on comprehension instruction, the 6+1 TRAIT Model, and more. Explore the integration of children's literature into teaching practices and gain valuable insights into math, literature, and the Common Core standards. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your teaching skills and network with professionals in the field of education.

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Long Island Region

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Long Island Region Carol Hacker Regional Director

  2. Nassau Reading Council October 4      Dr. Howard Berrent Common Core Standards

  3. Nassau Reading Council October 18    Author Series Educational Resources Company

  4. Nassau Reading Council November 29 Ruth Culham Pioneering researcher of the 6+1 TRAIT Model

  5. Nassau Reading Council December 6   Kathy Bumgardner Hands on comprehension instruction

  6. Reading Specialists of Suffolk Thursday, October 11 Barbara Johnson Literacy Consultant, Scholastic Rocking the 3 Rs (or Core is More)

  7. Reading Specialists of Suffolk Thursday, November 8 Roberta Levitt, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Long Island University Post Using Children’s Literature as a Springboard When Creating a WebQuest

  8. Reading Specialists of Suffolk Thursday, January 3 Lisa Minerva President, Nassau County Math Teachers Association and Math Specialist, East Williston School District Math, Literature and the Common Core

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