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CAADP – CGIAR Alignment. Tom Arnold to the Dar Workshop, 6 Feb 2011. Supporting a Science Agenda for African Agriculture. Workshop hosted by Irish Aid (June 30 and July 1, 2011) regarding support for agricultural research in Africa. Objectives of the workshop –
CAADP – CGIAR Alignment Tom Arnold to the Dar Workshop, 6 Feb 2011
Supporting a Science Agenda for African Agriculture • Workshop hosted by Irish Aid (June 30 and July 1, 2011) regarding support for agricultural research in Africa. • Objectives of the workshop – • Explore how African country and regional agriculture and food security investment plans to advance CAADP can inform and guide CGIAR, African country and regional agricultural research programs and identify opportunities to leverage existing relationships to better align around a science agenda for African agriculture.
Supporting a Science Agenda for African Agriculture -Meeting Outcomes • Joint Steering Committee was formed with equal representation and membership from the African Partners (AUC, NEPAD and FARA), CGIAR Consortium and Development Partners. • Members include: • Tom Arnold (CGIAR), Ousmane Badiane (IFPRI/CGIAR), Martin Bwalya (NPCA), Abebe Haile Gabriel (AUC), Jeff Hill (USAID), Monty Jones (FARA), Agnes M’wangombe (CGIAR), David Nielson (World Bank), and David Radcliffe (EC), Coordinator: Kerri Wright Platais (World Bank). • SC met four times since August (virtually) and created concept notes, timelines and preliminary budgets for each activity within the first four months. Now ready to finalize and move to implementation.
CAADP-CGIAR Activities • Five major areas of work: • Develop a Memorandum of Understanding between the AUC and the CGIAR Consortium • Hold a series of scientific module workshops based on agro-ecological zones to develop a technical implementation framework for bridging and aligning the CGIAR Research Portfolios (CRPs) and CAADP National and Regional Investment Plans • Solidify the major linkages involved in an African Science Agenda for Agriculture • Organize and implement technical regional workshops on Agriculture Productivity, Research and Extension • Develop a framework informed by the above activities to include operational plans for national, regional and continental wide efforts over the short- (2 year), medium- (5 year) and long-term (10 year) commitments, considered essential for the advancement of agricultural research
Three Concept Notes • Mapping and Aligning African Agricultural Research Needs and Investments • A Process for Developing the Agenda for Agricultural Science in Africa • CAADP Regional Workshops on Agricultural Productivity
MOU with AUC and CGIAR • In draft and discussions between the representatives of the Steering Committeeand the legal staff of each group. • The goal is to have a signed MOU by early 2012. • Included in the MOU will be joint action for the response to the Horn of Africa crisis, through a Joint Program Design process for Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda with discussions between governments, the World Bank and USAID, and other development partners. • Process coordinated within the regional program effort led by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD). • A technical consortium will provide assistance support at the country level with program design efforts and will consist of the CGIAR Consortium (ILRI coordinating) in partnership with FAO, WFP and others to provide a longer-term framework for research activities.
Road Map for Future • Develop a framework (once all activities are underway) to include operational plans for national, regional and continental wide efforts over the short- (2 year), medium- (5 year) and long-term (10 year) commitments, considered essential for the advancement of agricultural research
CAADP-CGIAR Workshop (at FARA) • January 27-28, 2012 • The objective: Outline and reach agreement on the content, work plan, timeline and budget for an implementation phase of the CAADP-CGIAR work for the Steering Committee to approve and mobilize. WorkshopOutcomes: • Define whether and how foresighting for agricultural innovation for Africa would guide an overall agriculture science agenda: what are the limits, the challenges and how can they be overcome? This will draw on the experiences with foresighting work from other parts of the world (and include a review of the earlier studies). • Define the scope of the Agricultural Science Agenda; its content, methodology for its development, and identification of the human resources needed. • Develop and reach agreement including the assignment of responsibilities on a work program, timeline and budget for the implementation phase for wider distribution with additional partners.
Workshop Participants FARA Monty Jones Executive Director RamadjitaTaboDeputy Executive Director Emmanuel TambiDirector, Advocacy and Policy Myra Wopereis-PuraDirector, Access to Knowledge and Technologies Irene Annor-FrempongDirector, Capacity Strengthening AdewaleAdekunleDirector, Partnerships and Strategic Alliances Kaj Bjork Director for Finance Ralph von Kaufmann Technical Cordinator, UNIBRAIN AggreyAgumyaTechnical Advisor to the Executive Director IfidonOhiomobaManager, PSTAD Ann DelaApekeyGender Specialist OluwoleFatunbiProgrammeOfficer, SSA CP Nelson OjijoProgrammeOfficer, Capacity Strengthening World Bank David Nielson Lead Agricultural Services Specialist Matt MacMahon Consultant JurgenAnthofer Senior Agricultural Specialist Kerri Wright Platais Coordinator CAADP-CGIAR Programs BremalaNathan Operations Officer Other Harold Roy-Macauley Programme Manager, CORAF Lance O’Brien Irish Agriculture & Food Development Authority John Lazier Advisor, CIDA Stanley Wood Senior Research Fellow, IFPRI
Next Steps and Timeframe - 1 • Mapping and Aligning African Agriculture Research Needs and Investments • Concept note to be finalized by Feb 18 for SC approval by end February (coordinated by IFPRI) • Formation of Working Group to plan prototyping activity • Agree Africa-wide Agroecosystem/FS framework, and select priority system(s) for a prototype study • Compare documented research needs in selected system(s) to documented research investments of relevance to those systems (“Mapping” of research demands to supply) • “Mapping” pilot study review meeting (May 2012) • Alignment Meeting with donor community, African country and regional partners, and research community (TBD)
Next Steps and Timeframe - 2 • A Process for Developing the Agenda for Agricultural Science in Africa • FARA and partners to lead a participatory process that will determine key issues for agricultural science development over a 15-20 year time frame • Consultation with High Level Expert Group • Linkages with the Mapping and Foresight exercises • Concept note to be completed by FARA 18th Feb for SC approval by end of Feb
Next Steps and Timeframe - 3 • CAADP Pillar 4 Technical Workshops • FARA to take lead in partnership with SROs and NPCA to develop the first technical workshop focused on productivity issues in alignment with country investment plans • First Workshop to take place by July 2012 • Explore linkages with USAID SI workshop outcomes • Concept note to be finalized by FARA 18th Feb for SC approval by end of Feb
Aligned Initiative • USAID Sustainable Intensification (SI) Program • One of the Research Strategy Components under the US Government’s Feed the Future initiative • Initial phase of program 2012-2017, involving assessment of the sustainable intensification benefits of integrated production system components in 3 target Farming System landscapes in SSA.
USAID Intensification Workshops • Purpose: Engage CGIAR Centers, USAID’s Collaborative Research Support Programs, donor partners, USAID country and regional missions, African continental and sub-regional organizations, partner country agencies and research institutes, and NGOs to develop research agendas and work plans for target farming systems (under overall umbrella of the Sustainable Intensification Program) • Outcomes: • Develop monitoring and evaluation plans (coordinated by IFPRI) • Improve alignment of USAID investments • Plan for project workshops and full design • Timeline for design and implementation
USAID Intensification Workshops • Three meetings in January and February, 2012 • January 9-12: West Africa Sudano-Sahelian Zone, Tamale, Ghana (Lead CG Center: IITA) • January 30- February 2: Ethiopian Highlands, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (Lead CG Center: ILRI) • February 6-9: Eastern and Southern Africa maize-mixed region, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (Lead CG Center: IITA) • Information on the 3 sustainable intensification workshops may be found at http://agintensificationafrica.wikispaces.com/