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Regulatory Reporting in Telecommunications: Quality of Service Indicators Overview

Understand regulatory requirements and reporting benchmarks for telecom services. Explore examples from countries like Canada, UK, and India. Learn about fixed line and mobile service reporting.

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Regulatory Reporting in Telecommunications: Quality of Service Indicators Overview

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  1. Telecom Operator Quality of Service Indicators and Regulatory Reporting Requirements ITU Regulatory Meeting for the Arab Region April 2003 LYNNE DORWARD LADCOMM CORPORATION

  2. Quality of Service Indicators and Regulatory Reporting Requirements Overview – International Benchmarks LADCOMMCORPORATION

  3. Quality of Service Indicators and Regulatory Reporting Requirements Regulatory requirements for quality of service reporting vary widely from country to country. Examples: • Canada: detailed quarterly reporting (16 criteria) direct to CRTC (Canadian Radio and Telecommunications Commission) • UK: bi-annual reporting to independent agency endorsed by OFTEL • Switzerland: independent market surveys commissioned by BAKOM/OFCOM on an ad hoc basis • Singapore: detailed quarterly reporting and ad hoc surveys conducted by the TAS (Telecommunications Authority of Singapore) • India: detailed quarterly reporting to the TRAI (Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of India) LADCOMMCORPORATION

  4. Quality of Service Indicators and Regulatory Reporting Requirements Reporting focus continues to be primarily on fixed line services, especially residential. Some exceptions: • Portugal: ANACOM conducts random assessment of GSM operator performance • UK: bi-annual reporting includes some business services • Canada: requires reporting on telecom company facilities provisioning for competitors • Singapore: addresses pay phones, mobile service, paging and internet access in addition to standard fixed line services • India: requires reporting on mobile as well as fixed services • Australia: includes payphones quarterly; annual reporting for mobile operators is in development stage • France: ART conducts annual studies on performance of mobile operators LADCOMMCORPORATION

  5. Quality of Service Indicators and Regulatory Reporting Requirements Sample Quality of Service Reports/Recommendations LADCOMMCORPORATION

  6. Examples of Quality of Service Indicators– EU Recommendations LADCOMMCORPORATION

  7. The European Union (EU) Flag The (unofficial) EU Flag Website dedicated to revealing its true symbolism. INTRODUCTION In these days of healthy EU-scepticism and EU-realism amongst the great British public who have a heartfelt desire not to be subjugated by the European Union, nor adopt its common currency, the Euro, you might ask why create an EU flag website and replicate the increasingly despised flag at all? The answer must lie in the fact that along with the many other deceptions perpetrated upon the British electorate over the past 30 years, the very symbol of the EU is itself a deception. But firstly, let us look at the official description - and some unofficial ones! OFFICIAL DESCRIPTION So, the 12 stars represent the union of the peoples of Europe under an alleged symbol of perfection and entirety! Later, when the deception is exposed, we will see that this has a double meaning. SOME UNOFFICIAL DESCRIPTIONS - Further Suggestions Welcome! A COMMON MISUNDERSTANDING Most people are under the impression that the 12 EU stars represented the 12 nations of the European Community/Union (EC/EU) as it had between 1986 and 1996:12 stars = 12 states. This misunderstanding has even been reflected in Britain's coinage. The misunderstanding also no doubt arose from the widespread awareness that each star on the US "Stars and Stripes" represents one of the United States of America. It is believed that these symbols were derived from George Washington's ancestral coat of arms in Britain, thus retaining a link with the mother-country. Those who know the history of the US flag will recall that one of the earliest designs, the so-called Betsy Ross version, had a circle of 13 stars and 13 stripes, each representing the original 13 British-American colonies. The similarity to the EU flag is so striking that it is no wonder that some folks are confused. Some are even under the impression that the EU flag now has 15 stars, on the basis that the number of EU states has been 15 since 1996. HOW HAVE WE BEEN FOOLED ? A SHORT HISTORY For our answers we have to return to the original creation of the European Council's flag in 1955 and the following chronology: We were all fooled then, by the coincidental and apparent equivalence of 12 stars and 12 states during the 10 years following the flag's adoption by the EC in 1986, the analogy with the US flag and to some extent the Royal Mint's 50p coins. It is only within the last few years since the last 3 members joined the EU that folks have started asking, "Why not 15 stars? "Why forever 12?" WHY "FOREVER 12" ? There are a number of theories as to why the number 12 was chosen and why this could be a symbol of "perfection and entirety". In Biblical numerology the number 7 is the number of Divine Perfection, whilst 12 can be derived from its constituent numbers: The Book of Revelation in the Bible speaks of 12 x 12000 = 144,000 as a symbol of the complete number of people who will go to heaven - not a literal number as some sects have suggested - and links to the 12 Patriarchs of the Old Testament and the 12 Apostles in the New Testament. We will see later that the Biblical symbolism of 12 stars may well indeed represent Old Testament Israel and New Testament Church, but that this is not the EU's intent. All this sounds pretty good, so why worry about the EU Flag, and why waste time creating this web site? Whether you like the EU or not, surely the ideals and aspirations of a peaceful united Europe behind the official explanation are OK? If the EU Flag represents Europe's common Judaeo-Christian heritage, surely that is a good thing? But, as I said at the beginning, there is a double meaning here, and so at last my dear readers, the moment you have been waiting for. THE DECEPTION The EU flag's symbolism is actually based on the Roman Church's interpretation that the symbolic "woman" in the verse above is the Virgin Mary. This interpretation is reflected in that Church's statues and images of Mary, but not as a symbol of Israel or the Christian Church. Within the Roman Church's doctrines, the Virgin Mary is also a symbol of "perfection and entirety" and so we see at last the hidden double meaning. When the Council of Europe first adopted the flag in 1955, it is believed that it chose from a number of designs by a Strasbourg artist, Arsene Heitz, a devotee of the Virgin Mary. One of these designs was inspired by the above verse, based on this alleged imagery of the Virgin Mary, with her supposed crown of 12 stars and traditional blue mantle represented by the EU flag's background. Council of Europe Secretary-General, Leon Marchal, another supreme devotee of the Virgin Mary, is reported to have been the one who suggested the adoption of the 12 star flag design for this very reason. Jacques Delors, former President of the European Commission, and a devout member of the Roman Church reportedly used his position vigourously to promote the EU symbol in more recent years. The design was adopted on 25 October 1955 and on 11 December 1955 the Council of Europe stained glass window, which incorporates the symbolism, was unveiled in Strasbourg cathedral. This event "coinciding" with the Roman Church's Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. Marchal is reported to have said at the time: Again, you may be thinking well what is wrong with that? especially if you happen to be an EU-phile member of the Roman Church. This may be all very well for those EU countries where the Roman tradition predominates. However, in Britain and those countries where the Reformed Biblical tradition survived the Roman Church's bloody attempts to stamp it out, the Marian doctrines of that Church are at best an unfortunate but contentious barrier to unity and at worst, blasphemous and idolatrous. For EU-realist members of the Roman Church, particularly in Britain, the use of what they regard as a sacred symbol for the EU-Superstate might also be deemed a misuse and a deceit that might lead Catholics to believe the EU is a Marian and so a basically Christian institution. In these days of reconciliation Christians tend to "agree to disagree" on the things that divide us and concentrate on the things that unite us. So, if the Roman Church wishes to venerate Mary as some kind of 4th Century Christianisation of the Roman "goddess" Venus, they are free to do so whilst those who beg to differ, ask too for freedom of conscience in such matters. For Muslims, "worship" of Mary (or anything besides "Allah") is the worst of all sins and is known as"shirk" in Islam. People of goodwill in both Reformed and Roman traditions of the Church, and those of other religious convictions or none, should feel uneasy about having a sectarian symbol deceptively imposed upon Britain, where only a minority of the population claim to allegiance to the Roman Church. For those readers with an interest in the religious issues, a Study of Mary to explain the contention and to demonstrate the Reformed view that the "woman" of Revelation 12:1 is really a symbol of Israel and/or the Christian Church, and not the Virgin Mary at all, see beneath the Links section at the bottom of this page. BUT IS IT REALLY TRUE? In Britain much church art, especially items which were deemed to be idols or idolatrous symbols, were destroyed at the Reformation over 450 years ago, including the idolatrous Marian Shrine at Walsingham in Norfolk, and later during the Puritan era 350 years ago. Given this "cleansing" one may be willing to give British politicians the benefit of the doubt and favour the "cock-up" theory arising from genuine ignorance of the symbol, rather than a "conspiracy" one in adopting the EU flag. Either way the EU now seeks deceitfully to "unite" Europe under a contentious, sectarian religious symbol that has found its way into every corner of our lives, including our car number plates, driving licences and virtually everwhere you look! On the European mainland where the Reformation was often brutally suppressed, the Roman Church's symbols were never purged and the Marian symbolism of the 12 stars remains obvious to those familiar with it: Professor Paredes reportedly also stated that "neither the stars nor the blue of the flag are particularly religious symbols, thus respecting the conscience of all Europeans, regardless of their beliefs" but the Marian connection is further confirmed in an EU-phile European Movement publication: "Europe's Star Choice: Forever 12?" published in 1994 by Europa UK (now out of print: ISBN 0 9523677 0 X). This booklet refers both to the "co-incidence" of the EU flag's ratification with the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and also, the recognition by the Roman Church of the link to Saint Catherine-Labore whose 1876 vision in the Rue du Bac, Paris, saw the same symbol of a crown of 12 stars being carried around the world on a banner representing Peace, Joy and Happiness. Arsene Heitz is said to have drawn his inspiration from this vision. Site Guide Study of Mary Other EU Symbols EU Divide & Rule Britain EU Flag Symbolism EU Flag Symbolism - Page Guide Introduction How Have We Been Fooled? But is it Really True? What Can We Do? Vote! Official Description Why "Forever 12" ? Links A Common Misunderstanding The Deception Conclusion Editorial Note Europe's "Queen" HERALDIC: On a field azure a circle of twelve mullets or, their points not touching. SYMBOLIC: Against the background of blue sky, twelve golden stars form a circle, representing the union of the peoples of Europe. The number of stars is invariable, twelve being the symbol of perfection and entirety. Azure represents the sea, sky and all the planet, whilst Gold is the colour of enlightenment. The Blue Rag The Barbed Wire Circle The Crown of Thorns The Golden Garotte "European" 50p Coin 1992/93 Produced by the British Royal Mint to "celebrate" the United Kingdom's six month Presidency in 1992 and completion of the Single European Market on 1 January 1993, this 50p coin had 12 stars, each representing an EC/EU member's Capital City. The design demonstrates that they too had misunderstood the symbolism. Happily, the coin is no longer in circulation. "European" 50p Coin 1998 Also produced by the Royal Mint, this time to "celebrate" 25 years of the United Kingdom's membership of the EEC/EC/EU since joining in 1973. The 12 stars are shown in a "starburst" design, so the EU circle of stars is again heavily disguised. Britain has a wonderful heritage in its coinage, which makes the prospect of its loss and replacement with Euros bearing the alien 12-stars of the EU even more disturbing. The Washington Coat of Arms Whilst some heraldic purists would dispute the connection between the Washington ancestral arms and the "Stars and Stripes" of the United States of America, the similarity is such that it is easy to see how the connection arose. The "Betsy Ross" US Flag The story goes that George Washington himself visited Betsy Ross c1776 and sketched out the design, from which she then sewed this flag. The supreme irony here is that whilst the circle of thirteen stars represented American independence from British rule, the EU circle of twelve stars represents Britain's subjugation to foreign rule for the first time in nearly 1000 years! BUT, REMEMBER THAT THE EU FLAG IS: "FOREVER 12" Year Event 1949 The Council of Europe was formed in the aftermath of the Second World War 1955 The Council of Europe creates for itself what is now also the EU flag, as a focus for European unity 1957 European Economic Community (or "Common Market") founded by the Treaty of Rome: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg & The Netherlands - "The Six" 1967 European Community formed by a merger of the EEC, Euratom (founded 1957) and The European Coal & Steel Community (founded 1951) 1973 Britain joined the EC, together with Ireland and Denmark making "The Nine" (Norway wisely opted to stay out) 1981 Greece joined, making "The Ten" 1986 Portugal & Spain joined making the "The Twelve" 1986 EC adopts (with permission) the Council of Europe Flag as its own.12 Stars & 12 States. 1992 Maastricht Treaty 1993 Maastricht Treaty Ratified. European Single Market completed. The EC becomes the EU 1995 Austria, Finland and Sweden join the EU making "The Fifteen" 2002 Still only 12 stars! 12 hours on a clock 12 apostles 12 months of the year 12 patriarchs and tribes of Israel 12 signs of the zodiac 12 members of a jury 7 = 3 + 4 3 x 4 = 12 12 x 12000 = 144,000 Revelation 12:1 "A great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head" "It's wonderful that we have got back to the Introit of the new Mass of the Assumption. It's the corona stellarum duodecim (crown of 12 stars) of the Woman of the Apocalypse". (The Apocalypse is an alternative name for the Book of Revelation) Therefore, the EU flag becomes offensive in a number of respects: Firstly, as a symbol of an alien economic and political power seeking to subjugate Britain and the free nations of Europe. Secondly, for non-Catholics, as a deceitfully imposed sectarian religious symbol; Thirdly, for Catholics, as a misuse of one of their sacred symbols. "No-one can deny that under these symbols catholics recognise the presence of the infinitely merciful Queen of Peace in Christ" (Mediatric et Reigne 1973) "....henceforth it should not be difficult for us to discover in the folds of the Europeans' flag the smile and affection of Our Mother, the Queen of Europe...." (Javier Paredes, Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Alcala in Spain - ZENIT News Agency) "Peace, Joy and Happiness" - try telling that to Britain's farmers and fisherman who have been brought to their knees by the common agricultural and fisheries policies of the EU, or the "Metric Martyrs" taken to court and fined for selling bananas by the pound instead of kilograms! Incidentally, in the Bible, the spreading of peace, joy and love are functions of the Holy Spirit, not the Virgin Mary or the EU! (Galatians 5:22). Photo of Mary with 12 star crown set within EU circle of stars. The blue of her mantle matches that of the flag. Original photo to confirm context. Malta 1984. "Our Lady of Europa" Gibraltar 20p Coin - 1988 Another offering by the British Royal Mint. This time Mary is minus her EU crown of stars, but is clearly enthroned as "Queen" of Europe. Note that Queen Elizabeth II has been stripped of her usual designations DG REG FD: By the Grace of God - Queen - Defender of the Faith. Have these titles been deleted as incompatible with Mary's rule? Europe's Full Circle by Rodney Atkinson (Forward by Lord Stoddart of Swindon) The Principality and Power of Europe by Adrian Hilton - link to Adrian's own site which features his book (Forward by the late Lord Tonypandy of Rhondda - George Thomas) Don't Rule Out Britannia! Say "No Thank EU" to the Euro € Say "Yes" to keeping the Pound £ If we lose our Currency we lose our Country A single Currency means a single Government and it won't be in Britain and it won't be Democratic What Can We Do ? (Part 2) EU Divide & Rule Britain The EU's Other Symbols United Kingdom Independence Party LINK Campaign for an Independent Britain LINK Business for Sterling LINK Free Britain LINK Democracy Movement LINK British Democracy Campaign LINK Eurosceptic LINK Adrian Hilton - The Principality and Power of Europe LINK This England Magazine LINK New Alliance LINK DrivetheFlagCampaign LINK What's Best for Britain (some marvellous "British Bulldog" posters here) LINK Euroland LINK Euro-Army (Rise & Return of the Roman Empire) LINK Daily Catholic - "Coincidences" of the European Flag: 8-9 December 1999 (Article 1 - half way down) LINK Daily Catholic - "Coincidences" of the European Flag: 8-9 December 1999 (Article 2) LINK Scottish National Party (pro-EU) LINK God Bless the EU! (Pro-EU with complimentary suggestions for naming the EU Flag.) LINK Campaign for English Regions (pro-EU but do not admit it!) LINK Britain in Europe (Beware! pro-EU/Euro site - expect much economy with the truth) LINK Euro Notes & Coins - Irish Government Information Site - see the EU's stars on the Euro LINK More Euro Notes & Coins - Courtesy of the European Central Bank LINK Top Home & Welcome Page Please click on the picture of Mary to proceed to the study. Examples of Quality of Service Indicators – TRAI (India) • BASIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES • Provision of telephone after registration of demand • Fault incidences: number of faults/100 subscribers • Fault repair by next working day • Mean Time to Repair • Dial Tone Delay • Grade of Service • Call completion rate – local networks • Delays in operator assisted trunk calls • Response time to other operator assisted services • Customer care promptness • Percentage of repeat faults • Customer perception of service • CELLULAR MOBILE TELEPHONE SERVICES • Fault incidents per 100 subscribers • Faults cleared within 24 hours • Call success rate within operator’s network • Call drop rate In spite of the evidence, some would still argue that the Marian symbolism is merely a co-incidence and that the EU flag was chosen as a non-sectarian, neutral symbol that all the peoples of Europe can identify with and accept. Any suggestion otherwise is relegated to the realms of fallacious conspiracy theories. But, can this be dismissed so lightly? In case you are still in any doubt dear reader, see again the EU flag, this time with an image of Mary and judge for yourselves: LADCOMMCORPORATION EUROPE DEDICATED TO "QUEEN" MARY The Roman Church decreed in 1309 that Europe be consecrated to Mary and placed under her patronage. The shrine of "Our Lady of Europa" in Gibraltar was instituted at this consecration. The present Bishop of Rome, John Paul II, refers to England as "Mary's Dowry" that is, hers by right. Ever since the Reformation the Roman Church has tried unsuccessfully to bring Britain back into its fold and restore to Mary "her dowry". For centuries Britons have fought off threats of military invasion from the Spanish, French and Germans, all predominately "Roman" countries. And yet within the span of the last 15 years we now unwittingly display the EU's symbol of Mary everywhere and our successive Governments hand over our Sovereignty and Independence without a shot being fired! We love our freedoms, so many of which arose from: Magna Carta in 1215 which guaranteed the freedom of the English church The C16th Reformation and Queen Elizabeth I's declaration the she would "not make windows into men's souls" in matters of religious conscience (unlike the Continental Inquisitors) The English Civil War of the 1640s The 1688/89 "Glorious Revolution" and associated Bill of Rights Our "Mother of Parliaments" at Westminster is the model for the greatest democracies in the free English-speaking world. Britons of both Reformed and Roman traditions (or none) have fought and died alongside each other to defend these freedoms. Perhaps the fervent desire of Gibraltar (as mentioned above) to remain British in spite of being predominately Catholic bears witness to the freedoms that arose from the Reformed tradition. By contrast, the main "Roman" nations of Europe (not to mention Latin America) have spawned some of the most evil militarist, communist or fascist dictatorships over the past 100 years. This is not to say that the Roman Church intentionally caused these things to happen, but that its hierachical and authoritarian form of church government tended to create the cultural context for such regimes to prosper. It should not surprise us then, that the European Commission, the so-called "Government of Europe" is completely un-elected. Indeed, there are some who believe they can demonstrate a direct link between Hitler's Nazi blueprint for Europe and that of the EU. The following books are informative in this and other respects. Others, such as Vladimir Bukovsky the former Soviet dissident, see parallels between the former Soviet Communist power structures and the EU's "governmental" bodies such as its Commission and its parody of a "Parliament" where the average debate lasts 90 seconds. Extreme views perhaps, but whatever the possible connections with the evil Communist regimes of Eastern Europe or Nazi version of "European Union" one parallel with the latter that comes to mind in relation to the EU flag is the totalitarian imposition of yellow stars upon people and their property. CONCLUSION It is clear that the EU Flag design is based on the Marian imagery of the Roman Church. As such it is an alien imposition on the Reformed countries of Europe and constitutionally, is not a suitable symbol to be displayed in Britain where the Reformed Faith is established by Law and defended by her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II under her Coronation Oath. The Reformed countries of the then EC either did not appreciate the symbolism when voting for it (i.e. they were deceived) or they deliberately colluded with the deception and chose to sell their national and spiritual birthrights for a "mess of EU pottage".For Catholics opposed to the EU it is an abuse of their symbolism designed to deceive them into believing the EU is Christian. December 1999 articles in the "Daily Catholic" (links below) suggest that some American Catholics have indeed been led to believe that the EU is part of the re-Christianizing of Europe. On the Welcome Page I warned that this site could be disturbing and I have not even begun to address the economic, political or sovereignty pros and cons of Britain's EU membership - there are others far better qualified to do this - see Links below. I have only sought to demonstrate that even the EU flag itself is one of the "cons". WHAT CAN WE DO ? (Part 1) - VOTE ! Britain's entry into the Euro will extend the EU's Marian stars to all the money in your pocket - not just the occasional 50p - and will be the final stage in our subjugation, since political union within an EU-Superstate will soon follow. The British People must ensure that they vote to prevent this happening, so whatever you do: If you like the site, download and reproduce the card below and pass it on to anyone who cares for our country! LINKS For further possible actions, a note on how the EU intends to divide and rule Britain, and some of the EU's other symbols, follow these links: The groups below have not sanctioned, nor would they necessarily agree with everything contained in this site. Similarly, a listing here does not necessarily mean my own endorsement. If you link to these sites now (by clicking on the Link boxes) or if you return to the Welcome Page for the Euro-Sceptic web ring for some of these and many other sites, I bid you farewell. Alternatively, link to the Study of Mary to be found on the next page to understand better the Biblical view of Mary and the very special role she played in the birth and life of Jesus Christ, and why the Roman Church's doctrines have strayed far from what the Scriptures will allow.After reading the editorial note, please click on the picture of Mary at the end to link to the study. EDITORIAL NOTES: What I have written above and on the next page is intended to stimulate debate and awareness, but I would wish readers to note the following: 1) European Unity I am not anti-European, only the pretence that the EU is the same as Europe. I value the richness of our European heritage and the diversity of fellow European people. The peoples of Europe should be free to have unity in diversity, respect for each other's democracies and be able trade freely with one another in friendship, without being forced in to an EU superstate. 2) Christian Unity I love my country and its Reformed Christian heritage, but I am also happy to love, respect and have fellowship with my brethren in the Roman tradition, so that "speaking the truth in love we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is Christ." (Ephesians 4:15). Unity in diversity is again the watchword, although I am deeply conscious at times of the pain of the divisions that still lie between us. I am grateful for so much of what is good in our common Christian heritage and realise that we have have much to learn from each other. I acknowledge too that my own Anglican tradition has its own abberations (!) including those who misguidedly restored the Marian Shrine at Walsingham. The purpose of this site is solely to demonstrate that as an imperialistic and sectarian symbol itself, the EU flag is wrong for Britain and many other countries in the EU. I do not intend to attack in any way those with whom I may beg to differ on certain issues, and yet have so much in common in other respects. Therefore, I would not wish this site to be perceived in any way as a sectarian or bigoted attack and would wish to distance myself completely from such attitudes. Neither would I wish to imply in any way that to be a member of the Roman Church makes a person unpatriotic to Britain - after all, some of our greatest patriotic music, including "Land of Hope and Glory", was composed by Sir Edward Elgar, a devout member of that Church. Except where the context suggests otherwise, throughout this site I use the term "catholic" as the whole "universal" Christian Church to which all true Christian believers of all traditions belong, rather than just the Roman part thereof, as I would not want to deny my own sense of "catholicity". In these days of seeking greater unity between us, it is ackowledged by some that "Roman Catholic" is perhaps a contradiction in terms! I have also used the term "reformed" throughout, rather than "protestant" due to the unpleasant connotations of bigotry and intolerance the latter unfortunately brings to mind, although no one side is without its bigots. Rather than "Protestant" also having a negative connotation of protest, I prefer to own it in the sense of "pro-testant" where "testant" is a shortened form of "testament". ie pro-testament - Old and New. With regard to John Paul II, I have referred to him as "Bishop of Rome" a title that all can accept. "Pope" comes from the Latin "papa" meaning Father, or Holy Father to give his fuller title. As Jesus only used the term "Holy Father" to address God himself ( John 17:11) it seems inappropriate to use the term in respect of a human being, however well loved and respected he may be. I note too John Paul II's recent pleas for forgiveness for the sins and wrongs of the Roman Church over the centuries and would hope that we may all respond positively, even though many of the doctrines that caused the conflict are still in place and in the case of Mary, have been vigourously promoted by him. Similarly, a recent Vatican Decree (Dominus Iesus) in September 2000 re-affirmed the Roman Church as "the only instrument for Salvation of all humanity" and that churches of other Christian traditions are "not churches in the proper sense". This was an unfortunate decree, particularly as no church can claim to be an instrument of salvation, since salvation is found in Jesus himself and no other. (Acts 4:12). Christ saves us, not the church. Once we are "in Christ" it follows that we are part of his church, not the other way around. I also acknowledge that, as a reaction to Rome's attempts to re-take Britain, Catholics often suffered cruel persecution in this country (together with non-conformists, but for different reasons) and that those in the Reformed traditions should also perhaps be seeking forgiveness.

  8. Examples of Quality of Service Indicators– TAS Singapore LADCOMMCORPORATION

  9. The European Union (EU) Flag The (unofficial) EU Flag Website dedicated to revealing its true symbolism. INTRODUCTION In these days of healthy EU-scepticism and EU-realism amongst the great British public who have a heartfelt desire not to be subjugated by the European Union, nor adopt its common currency, the Euro, you might ask why create an EU flag website and replicate the increasingly despised flag at all? The answer must lie in the fact that along with the many other deceptions perpetrated upon the British electorate over the past 30 years, the very symbol of the EU is itself a deception. But firstly, let us look at the official description - and some unofficial ones! OFFICIAL DESCRIPTION So, the 12 stars represent the union of the peoples of Europe under an alleged symbol of perfection and entirety! Later, when the deception is exposed, we will see that this has a double meaning. SOME UNOFFICIAL DESCRIPTIONS - Further Suggestions Welcome! A COMMON MISUNDERSTANDING Most people are under the impression that the 12 EU stars represented the 12 nations of the European Community/Union (EC/EU) as it had between 1986 and 1996:12 stars = 12 states. This misunderstanding has even been reflected in Britain's coinage. The misunderstanding also no doubt arose from the widespread awareness that each star on the US "Stars and Stripes" represents one of the United States of America. It is believed that these symbols were derived from George Washington's ancestral coat of arms in Britain, thus retaining a link with the mother-country. Those who know the history of the US flag will recall that one of the earliest designs, the so-called Betsy Ross version, had a circle of 13 stars and 13 stripes, each representing the original 13 British-American colonies. The similarity to the EU flag is so striking that it is no wonder that some folks are confused. Some are even under the impression that the EU flag now has 15 stars, on the basis that the number of EU states has been 15 since 1996. HOW HAVE WE BEEN FOOLED ? A SHORT HISTORY For our answers we have to return to the original creation of the European Council's flag in 1955 and the following chronology: We were all fooled then, by the coincidental and apparent equivalence of 12 stars and 12 states during the 10 years following the flag's adoption by the EC in 1986, the analogy with the US flag and to some extent the Royal Mint's 50p coins. It is only within the last few years since the last 3 members joined the EU that folks have started asking, "Why not 15 stars? "Why forever 12?" WHY "FOREVER 12" ? There are a number of theories as to why the number 12 was chosen and why this could be a symbol of "perfection and entirety". In Biblical numerology the number 7 is the number of Divine Perfection, whilst 12 can be derived from its constituent numbers: The Book of Revelation in the Bible speaks of 12 x 12000 = 144,000 as a symbol of the complete number of people who will go to heaven - not a literal number as some sects have suggested - and links to the 12 Patriarchs of the Old Testament and the 12 Apostles in the New Testament. We will see later that the Biblical symbolism of 12 stars may well indeed represent Old Testament Israel and New Testament Church, but that this is not the EU's intent. All this sounds pretty good, so why worry about the EU Flag, and why waste time creating this web site? Whether you like the EU or not, surely the ideals and aspirations of a peaceful united Europe behind the official explanation are OK? If the EU Flag represents Europe's common Judaeo-Christian heritage, surely that is a good thing? But, as I said at the beginning, there is a double meaning here, and so at last my dear readers, the moment you have been waiting for. THE DECEPTION The EU flag's symbolism is actually based on the Roman Church's interpretation that the symbolic "woman" in the verse above is the Virgin Mary. This interpretation is reflected in that Church's statues and images of Mary, but not as a symbol of Israel or the Christian Church. Within the Roman Church's doctrines, the Virgin Mary is also a symbol of "perfection and entirety" and so we see at last the hidden double meaning. When the Council of Europe first adopted the flag in 1955, it is believed that it chose from a number of designs by a Strasbourg artist, Arsene Heitz, a devotee of the Virgin Mary. One of these designs was inspired by the above verse, based on this alleged imagery of the Virgin Mary, with her supposed crown of 12 stars and traditional blue mantle represented by the EU flag's background. Council of Europe Secretary-General, Leon Marchal, another supreme devotee of the Virgin Mary, is reported to have been the one who suggested the adoption of the 12 star flag design for this very reason. Jacques Delors, former President of the European Commission, and a devout member of the Roman Church reportedly used his position vigourously to promote the EU symbol in more recent years. The design was adopted on 25 October 1955 and on 11 December 1955 the Council of Europe stained glass window, which incorporates the symbolism, was unveiled in Strasbourg cathedral. This event "coinciding" with the Roman Church's Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. Marchal is reported to have said at the time: Again, you may be thinking well what is wrong with that? especially if you happen to be an EU-phile member of the Roman Church. This may be all very well for those EU countries where the Roman tradition predominates. However, in Britain and those countries where the Reformed Biblical tradition survived the Roman Church's bloody attempts to stamp it out, the Marian doctrines of that Church are at best an unfortunate but contentious barrier to unity and at worst, blasphemous and idolatrous. For EU-realist members of the Roman Church, particularly in Britain, the use of what they regard as a sacred symbol for the EU-Superstate might also be deemed a misuse and a deceit that might lead Catholics to believe the EU is a Marian and so a basically Christian institution. In these days of reconciliation Christians tend to "agree to disagree" on the things that divide us and concentrate on the things that unite us. So, if the Roman Church wishes to venerate Mary as some kind of 4th Century Christianisation of the Roman "goddess" Venus, they are free to do so whilst those who beg to differ, ask too for freedom of conscience in such matters. For Muslims, "worship" of Mary (or anything besides "Allah") is the worst of all sins and is known as"shirk" in Islam. People of goodwill in both Reformed and Roman traditions of the Church, and those of other religious convictions or none, should feel uneasy about having a sectarian symbol deceptively imposed upon Britain, where only a minority of the population claim to allegiance to the Roman Church. For those readers with an interest in the religious issues, a Study of Mary to explain the contention and to demonstrate the Reformed view that the "woman" of Revelation 12:1 is really a symbol of Israel and/or the Christian Church, and not the Virgin Mary at all, see beneath the Links section at the bottom of this page. BUT IS IT REALLY TRUE? In Britain much church art, especially items which were deemed to be idols or idolatrous symbols, were destroyed at the Reformation over 450 years ago, including the idolatrous Marian Shrine at Walsingham in Norfolk, and later during the Puritan era 350 years ago. Given this "cleansing" one may be willing to give British politicians the benefit of the doubt and favour the "cock-up" theory arising from genuine ignorance of the symbol, rather than a "conspiracy" one in adopting the EU flag. Either way the EU now seeks deceitfully to "unite" Europe under a contentious, sectarian religious symbol that has found its way into every corner of our lives, including our car number plates, driving licences and virtually everwhere you look! On the European mainland where the Reformation was often brutally suppressed, the Roman Church's symbols were never purged and the Marian symbolism of the 12 stars remains obvious to those familiar with it: Professor Paredes reportedly also stated that "neither the stars nor the blue of the flag are particularly religious symbols, thus respecting the conscience of all Europeans, regardless of their beliefs" but the Marian connection is further confirmed in an EU-phile European Movement publication: "Europe's Star Choice: Forever 12?" published in 1994 by Europa UK (now out of print: ISBN 0 9523677 0 X). This booklet refers both to the "co-incidence" of the EU flag's ratification with the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and also, the recognition by the Roman Church of the link to Saint Catherine-Labore whose 1876 vision in the Rue du Bac, Paris, saw the same symbol of a crown of 12 stars being carried around the world on a banner representing Peace, Joy and Happiness. Arsene Heitz is said to have drawn his inspiration from this vision. Site Guide Study of Mary Other EU Symbols EU Divide & Rule Britain EU Flag Symbolism EU Flag Symbolism - Page Guide Introduction How Have We Been Fooled? But is it Really True? What Can We Do? Vote! Official Description Why "Forever 12" ? Links A Common Misunderstanding The Deception Conclusion Editorial Note Europe's "Queen" HERALDIC: On a field azure a circle of twelve mullets or, their points not touching. SYMBOLIC: Against the background of blue sky, twelve golden stars form a circle, representing the union of the peoples of Europe. The number of stars is invariable, twelve being the symbol of perfection and entirety. Azure represents the sea, sky and all the planet, whilst Gold is the colour of enlightenment. The Blue Rag The Barbed Wire Circle The Crown of Thorns The Golden Garotte "European" 50p Coin 1992/93 Produced by the British Royal Mint to "celebrate" the United Kingdom's six month Presidency in 1992 and completion of the Single European Market on 1 January 1993, this 50p coin had 12 stars, each representing an EC/EU member's Capital City. The design demonstrates that they too had misunderstood the symbolism. Happily, the coin is no longer in circulation. "European" 50p Coin 1998 Also produced by the Royal Mint, this time to "celebrate" 25 years of the United Kingdom's membership of the EEC/EC/EU since joining in 1973. The 12 stars are shown in a "starburst" design, so the EU circle of stars is again heavily disguised. Britain has a wonderful heritage in its coinage, which makes the prospect of its loss and replacement with Euros bearing the alien 12-stars of the EU even more disturbing. The Washington Coat of Arms Whilst some heraldic purists would dispute the connection between the Washington ancestral arms and the "Stars and Stripes" of the United States of America, the similarity is such that it is easy to see how the connection arose. The "Betsy Ross" US Flag The story goes that George Washington himself visited Betsy Ross c1776 and sketched out the design, from which she then sewed this flag. The supreme irony here is that whilst the circle of thirteen stars represented American independence from British rule, the EU circle of twelve stars represents Britain's subjugation to foreign rule for the first time in nearly 1000 years! BUT, REMEMBER THAT THE EU FLAG IS: "FOREVER 12" Year Event 1949 The Council of Europe was formed in the aftermath of the Second World War 1955 The Council of Europe creates for itself what is now also the EU flag, as a focus for European unity 1957 European Economic Community (or "Common Market") founded by the Treaty of Rome: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg & The Netherlands - "The Six" 1967 European Community formed by a merger of the EEC, Euratom (founded 1957) and The European Coal & Steel Community (founded 1951) 1973 Britain joined the EC, together with Ireland and Denmark making "The Nine" (Norway wisely opted to stay out) 1981 Greece joined, making "The Ten" 1986 Portugal & Spain joined making the "The Twelve" 1986 EC adopts (with permission) the Council of Europe Flag as its own.12 Stars & 12 States. 1992 Maastricht Treaty 1993 Maastricht Treaty Ratified. European Single Market completed. The EC becomes the EU 1995 Austria, Finland and Sweden join the EU making "The Fifteen" 2002 Still only 12 stars! 12 hours on a clock 12 apostles 12 months of the year 12 patriarchs and tribes of Israel 12 signs of the zodiac 12 members of a jury 7 = 3 + 4 3 x 4 = 12 12 x 12000 = 144,000 Revelation 12:1 "A great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head" "It's wonderful that we have got back to the Introit of the new Mass of the Assumption. It's the corona stellarum duodecim (crown of 12 stars) of the Woman of the Apocalypse". (The Apocalypse is an alternative name for the Book of Revelation) Therefore, the EU flag becomes offensive in a number of respects: Firstly, as a symbol of an alien economic and political power seeking to subjugate Britain and the free nations of Europe. Secondly, for non-Catholics, as a deceitfully imposed sectarian religious symbol; Thirdly, for Catholics, as a misuse of one of their sacred symbols. "No-one can deny that under these symbols catholics recognise the presence of the infinitely merciful Queen of Peace in Christ" (Mediatric et Reigne 1973) "....henceforth it should not be difficult for us to discover in the folds of the Europeans' flag the smile and affection of Our Mother, the Queen of Europe...." (Javier Paredes, Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Alcala in Spain - ZENIT News Agency) "Peace, Joy and Happiness" - try telling that to Britain's farmers and fisherman who have been brought to their knees by the common agricultural and fisheries policies of the EU, or the "Metric Martyrs" taken to court and fined for selling bananas by the pound instead of kilograms! Incidentally, in the Bible, the spreading of peace, joy and love are functions of the Holy Spirit, not the Virgin Mary or the EU! (Galatians 5:22). Photo of Mary with 12 star crown set within EU circle of stars. The blue of her mantle matches that of the flag. Original photo to confirm context. Malta 1984. "Our Lady of Europa" Gibraltar 20p Coin - 1988 Another offering by the British Royal Mint. This time Mary is minus her EU crown of stars, but is clearly enthroned as "Queen" of Europe. Note that Queen Elizabeth II has been stripped of her usual designations DG REG FD: By the Grace of God - Queen - Defender of the Faith. Have these titles been deleted as incompatible with Mary's rule? Europe's Full Circle by Rodney Atkinson (Forward by Lord Stoddart of Swindon) The Principality and Power of Europe by Adrian Hilton - link to Adrian's own site which features his book (Forward by the late Lord Tonypandy of Rhondda - George Thomas) Don't Rule Out Britannia! Say "No Thank EU" to the Euro € Say "Yes" to keeping the Pound £ If we lose our Currency we lose our Country A single Currency means a single Government and it won't be in Britain and it won't be Democratic What Can We Do ? (Part 2) EU Divide & Rule Britain The EU's Other Symbols United Kingdom Independence Party LINK Campaign for an Independent Britain LINK Business for Sterling LINK Free Britain LINK Democracy Movement LINK British Democracy Campaign LINK Eurosceptic LINK Adrian Hilton - The Principality and Power of Europe LINK This England Magazine LINK New Alliance LINK DrivetheFlagCampaign LINK What's Best for Britain (some marvellous "British Bulldog" posters here) LINK Euroland LINK Euro-Army (Rise & Return of the Roman Empire) LINK Daily Catholic - "Coincidences" of the European Flag: 8-9 December 1999 (Article 1 - half way down) LINK Daily Catholic - "Coincidences" of the European Flag: 8-9 December 1999 (Article 2) LINK Scottish National Party (pro-EU) LINK God Bless the EU! (Pro-EU with complimentary suggestions for naming the EU Flag.) LINK Campaign for English Regions (pro-EU but do not admit it!) LINK Britain in Europe (Beware! pro-EU/Euro site - expect much economy with the truth) LINK Euro Notes & Coins - Irish Government Information Site - see the EU's stars on the Euro LINK More Euro Notes & Coins - Courtesy of the European Central Bank LINK Top Home & Welcome Page Please click on the picture of Mary to proceed to the study. Examples of Quality of Service Indicators – CRTC (Canada) • INTERFACE 1: SERVICE PROVISIONING • Provisioning interval from date of order (urban and rural):Number of days required to provide service from the date of customer's request. • Installation appointments met:Total number of appointments booked and the number met, with percentage of those met relative to the total booked • Held orders per 100 Network Access Services (NAS) Inward Movement: Number of outstanding requests for NAS which were not met on the due date because of facility shortages, expressed as a percentage of 100 NAS Inward Movement (Orders). • Held rural upgrades per 100 upgrade requests: Compilation of orders for NAS outstanding at the end of the month which were not met on the due date • Access to Business Office: Percentage of calls to a business office answered in 20 seconds or less • Competitor Installation Appointments Met: Total number of installation appointments booked and the number met, with percentage of those met relative to the total booked for customers who are also competitors • On-Time Activation for Alternate Providers of Long Distance Service: Provisioning process whereby the incumbent telephone companies switch a customer's long distance service over to a competitor In spite of the evidence, some would still argue that the Marian symbolism is merely a co-incidence and that the EU flag was chosen as a non-sectarian, neutral symbol that all the peoples of Europe can identify with and accept. Any suggestion otherwise is relegated to the realms of fallacious conspiracy theories. But, can this be dismissed so lightly? In case you are still in any doubt dear reader, see again the EU flag, this time with an image of Mary and judge for yourselves: LADCOMMCORPORATION EUROPE DEDICATED TO "QUEEN" MARY The Roman Church decreed in 1309 that Europe be consecrated to Mary and placed under her patronage. The shrine of "Our Lady of Europa" in Gibraltar was instituted at this consecration. The present Bishop of Rome, John Paul II, refers to England as "Mary's Dowry" that is, hers by right. Ever since the Reformation the Roman Church has tried unsuccessfully to bring Britain back into its fold and restore to Mary "her dowry". For centuries Britons have fought off threats of military invasion from the Spanish, French and Germans, all predominately "Roman" countries. And yet within the span of the last 15 years we now unwittingly display the EU's symbol of Mary everywhere and our successive Governments hand over our Sovereignty and Independence without a shot being fired! We love our freedoms, so many of which arose from: Magna Carta in 1215 which guaranteed the freedom of the English church The C16th Reformation and Queen Elizabeth I's declaration the she would "not make windows into men's souls" in matters of religious conscience (unlike the Continental Inquisitors) The English Civil War of the 1640s The 1688/89 "Glorious Revolution" and associated Bill of Rights Our "Mother of Parliaments" at Westminster is the model for the greatest democracies in the free English-speaking world. Britons of both Reformed and Roman traditions (or none) have fought and died alongside each other to defend these freedoms. Perhaps the fervent desire of Gibraltar (as mentioned above) to remain British in spite of being predominately Catholic bears witness to the freedoms that arose from the Reformed tradition. By contrast, the main "Roman" nations of Europe (not to mention Latin America) have spawned some of the most evil militarist, communist or fascist dictatorships over the past 100 years. This is not to say that the Roman Church intentionally caused these things to happen, but that its hierachical and authoritarian form of church government tended to create the cultural context for such regimes to prosper. It should not surprise us then, that the European Commission, the so-called "Government of Europe" is completely un-elected. Indeed, there are some who believe they can demonstrate a direct link between Hitler's Nazi blueprint for Europe and that of the EU. The following books are informative in this and other respects. Others, such as Vladimir Bukovsky the former Soviet dissident, see parallels between the former Soviet Communist power structures and the EU's "governmental" bodies such as its Commission and its parody of a "Parliament" where the average debate lasts 90 seconds. Extreme views perhaps, but whatever the possible connections with the evil Communist regimes of Eastern Europe or Nazi version of "European Union" one parallel with the latter that comes to mind in relation to the EU flag is the totalitarian imposition of yellow stars upon people and their property. CONCLUSION It is clear that the EU Flag design is based on the Marian imagery of the Roman Church. As such it is an alien imposition on the Reformed countries of Europe and constitutionally, is not a suitable symbol to be displayed in Britain where the Reformed Faith is established by Law and defended by her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II under her Coronation Oath. The Reformed countries of the then EC either did not appreciate the symbolism when voting for it (i.e. they were deceived) or they deliberately colluded with the deception and chose to sell their national and spiritual birthrights for a "mess of EU pottage".For Catholics opposed to the EU it is an abuse of their symbolism designed to deceive them into believing the EU is Christian. December 1999 articles in the "Daily Catholic" (links below) suggest that some American Catholics have indeed been led to believe that the EU is part of the re-Christianizing of Europe. On the Welcome Page I warned that this site could be disturbing and I have not even begun to address the economic, political or sovereignty pros and cons of Britain's EU membership - there are others far better qualified to do this - see Links below. I have only sought to demonstrate that even the EU flag itself is one of the "cons". WHAT CAN WE DO ? (Part 1) - VOTE ! Britain's entry into the Euro will extend the EU's Marian stars to all the money in your pocket - not just the occasional 50p - and will be the final stage in our subjugation, since political union within an EU-Superstate will soon follow. The British People must ensure that they vote to prevent this happening, so whatever you do: If you like the site, download and reproduce the card below and pass it on to anyone who cares for our country! LINKS For further possible actions, a note on how the EU intends to divide and rule Britain, and some of the EU's other symbols, follow these links: The groups below have not sanctioned, nor would they necessarily agree with everything contained in this site. Similarly, a listing here does not necessarily mean my own endorsement. If you link to these sites now (by clicking on the Link boxes) or if you return to the Welcome Page for the Euro-Sceptic web ring for some of these and many other sites, I bid you farewell. Alternatively, link to the Study of Mary to be found on the next page to understand better the Biblical view of Mary and the very special role she played in the birth and life of Jesus Christ, and why the Roman Church's doctrines have strayed far from what the Scriptures will allow.After reading the editorial note, please click on the picture of Mary at the end to link to the study. EDITORIAL NOTES: What I have written above and on the next page is intended to stimulate debate and awareness, but I would wish readers to note the following: 1) European Unity I am not anti-European, only the pretence that the EU is the same as Europe. I value the richness of our European heritage and the diversity of fellow European people. The peoples of Europe should be free to have unity in diversity, respect for each other's democracies and be able trade freely with one another in friendship, without being forced in to an EU superstate. 2) Christian Unity I love my country and its Reformed Christian heritage, but I am also happy to love, respect and have fellowship with my brethren in the Roman tradition, so that "speaking the truth in love we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is Christ." (Ephesians 4:15). Unity in diversity is again the watchword, although I am deeply conscious at times of the pain of the divisions that still lie between us. I am grateful for so much of what is good in our common Christian heritage and realise that we have have much to learn from each other. I acknowledge too that my own Anglican tradition has its own abberations (!) including those who misguidedly restored the Marian Shrine at Walsingham. The purpose of this site is solely to demonstrate that as an imperialistic and sectarian symbol itself, the EU flag is wrong for Britain and many other countries in the EU. I do not intend to attack in any way those with whom I may beg to differ on certain issues, and yet have so much in common in other respects. Therefore, I would not wish this site to be perceived in any way as a sectarian or bigoted attack and would wish to distance myself completely from such attitudes. Neither would I wish to imply in any way that to be a member of the Roman Church makes a person unpatriotic to Britain - after all, some of our greatest patriotic music, including "Land of Hope and Glory", was composed by Sir Edward Elgar, a devout member of that Church. Except where the context suggests otherwise, throughout this site I use the term "catholic" as the whole "universal" Christian Church to which all true Christian believers of all traditions belong, rather than just the Roman part thereof, as I would not want to deny my own sense of "catholicity". In these days of seeking greater unity between us, it is ackowledged by some that "Roman Catholic" is perhaps a contradiction in terms! I have also used the term "reformed" throughout, rather than "protestant" due to the unpleasant connotations of bigotry and intolerance the latter unfortunately brings to mind, although no one side is without its bigots. Rather than "Protestant" also having a negative connotation of protest, I prefer to own it in the sense of "pro-testant" where "testant" is a shortened form of "testament". ie pro-testament - Old and New. With regard to John Paul II, I have referred to him as "Bishop of Rome" a title that all can accept. "Pope" comes from the Latin "papa" meaning Father, or Holy Father to give his fuller title. As Jesus only used the term "Holy Father" to address God himself ( John 17:11) it seems inappropriate to use the term in respect of a human being, however well loved and respected he may be. I note too John Paul II's recent pleas for forgiveness for the sins and wrongs of the Roman Church over the centuries and would hope that we may all respond positively, even though many of the doctrines that caused the conflict are still in place and in the case of Mary, have been vigourously promoted by him. Similarly, a recent Vatican Decree (Dominus Iesus) in September 2000 re-affirmed the Roman Church as "the only instrument for Salvation of all humanity" and that churches of other Christian traditions are "not churches in the proper sense". This was an unfortunate decree, particularly as no church can claim to be an instrument of salvation, since salvation is found in Jesus himself and no other. (Acts 4:12). Christ saves us, not the church. Once we are "in Christ" it follows that we are part of his church, not the other way around. I also acknowledge that, as a reaction to Rome's attempts to re-take Britain, Catholics often suffered cruel persecution in this country (together with non-conformists, but for different reasons) and that those in the Reformed traditions should also perhaps be seeking forgiveness.

  10. The European Union (EU) Flag The (unofficial) EU Flag Website dedicated to revealing its true symbolism. INTRODUCTION In these days of healthy EU-scepticism and EU-realism amongst the great British public who have a heartfelt desire not to be subjugated by the European Union, nor adopt its common currency, the Euro, you might ask why create an EU flag website and replicate the increasingly despised flag at all? The answer must lie in the fact that along with the many other deceptions perpetrated upon the British electorate over the past 30 years, the very symbol of the EU is itself a deception. But firstly, let us look at the official description - and some unofficial ones! OFFICIAL DESCRIPTION So, the 12 stars represent the union of the peoples of Europe under an alleged symbol of perfection and entirety! Later, when the deception is exposed, we will see that this has a double meaning. SOME UNOFFICIAL DESCRIPTIONS - Further Suggestions Welcome! A COMMON MISUNDERSTANDING Most people are under the impression that the 12 EU stars represented the 12 nations of the European Community/Union (EC/EU) as it had between 1986 and 1996:12 stars = 12 states. This misunderstanding has even been reflected in Britain's coinage. The misunderstanding also no doubt arose from the widespread awareness that each star on the US "Stars and Stripes" represents one of the United States of America. It is believed that these symbols were derived from George Washington's ancestral coat of arms in Britain, thus retaining a link with the mother-country. Those who know the history of the US flag will recall that one of the earliest designs, the so-called Betsy Ross version, had a circle of 13 stars and 13 stripes, each representing the original 13 British-American colonies. The similarity to the EU flag is so striking that it is no wonder that some folks are confused. Some are even under the impression that the EU flag now has 15 stars, on the basis that the number of EU states has been 15 since 1996. HOW HAVE WE BEEN FOOLED ? A SHORT HISTORY For our answers we have to return to the original creation of the European Council's flag in 1955 and the following chronology: We were all fooled then, by the coincidental and apparent equivalence of 12 stars and 12 states during the 10 years following the flag's adoption by the EC in 1986, the analogy with the US flag and to some extent the Royal Mint's 50p coins. It is only within the last few years since the last 3 members joined the EU that folks have started asking, "Why not 15 stars? "Why forever 12?" WHY "FOREVER 12" ? There are a number of theories as to why the number 12 was chosen and why this could be a symbol of "perfection and entirety". In Biblical numerology the number 7 is the number of Divine Perfection, whilst 12 can be derived from its constituent numbers: The Book of Revelation in the Bible speaks of 12 x 12000 = 144,000 as a symbol of the complete number of people who will go to heaven - not a literal number as some sects have suggested - and links to the 12 Patriarchs of the Old Testament and the 12 Apostles in the New Testament. We will see later that the Biblical symbolism of 12 stars may well indeed represent Old Testament Israel and New Testament Church, but that this is not the EU's intent. All this sounds pretty good, so why worry about the EU Flag, and why waste time creating this web site? Whether you like the EU or not, surely the ideals and aspirations of a peaceful united Europe behind the official explanation are OK? If the EU Flag represents Europe's common Judaeo-Christian heritage, surely that is a good thing? But, as I said at the beginning, there is a double meaning here, and so at last my dear readers, the moment you have been waiting for. THE DECEPTION The EU flag's symbolism is actually based on the Roman Church's interpretation that the symbolic "woman" in the verse above is the Virgin Mary. This interpretation is reflected in that Church's statues and images of Mary, but not as a symbol of Israel or the Christian Church. Within the Roman Church's doctrines, the Virgin Mary is also a symbol of "perfection and entirety" and so we see at last the hidden double meaning. When the Council of Europe first adopted the flag in 1955, it is believed that it chose from a number of designs by a Strasbourg artist, Arsene Heitz, a devotee of the Virgin Mary. One of these designs was inspired by the above verse, based on this alleged imagery of the Virgin Mary, with her supposed crown of 12 stars and traditional blue mantle represented by the EU flag's background. Council of Europe Secretary-General, Leon Marchal, another supreme devotee of the Virgin Mary, is reported to have been the one who suggested the adoption of the 12 star flag design for this very reason. Jacques Delors, former President of the European Commission, and a devout member of the Roman Church reportedly used his position vigourously to promote the EU symbol in more recent years. The design was adopted on 25 October 1955 and on 11 December 1955 the Council of Europe stained glass window, which incorporates the symbolism, was unveiled in Strasbourg cathedral. This event "coinciding" with the Roman Church's Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. Marchal is reported to have said at the time: Again, you may be thinking well what is wrong with that? especially if you happen to be an EU-phile member of the Roman Church. This may be all very well for those EU countries where the Roman tradition predominates. However, in Britain and those countries where the Reformed Biblical tradition survived the Roman Church's bloody attempts to stamp it out, the Marian doctrines of that Church are at best an unfortunate but contentious barrier to unity and at worst, blasphemous and idolatrous. For EU-realist members of the Roman Church, particularly in Britain, the use of what they regard as a sacred symbol for the EU-Superstate might also be deemed a misuse and a deceit that might lead Catholics to believe the EU is a Marian and so a basically Christian institution. In these days of reconciliation Christians tend to "agree to disagree" on the things that divide us and concentrate on the things that unite us. So, if the Roman Church wishes to venerate Mary as some kind of 4th Century Christianisation of the Roman "goddess" Venus, they are free to do so whilst those who beg to differ, ask too for freedom of conscience in such matters. For Muslims, "worship" of Mary (or anything besides "Allah") is the worst of all sins and is known as"shirk" in Islam. People of goodwill in both Reformed and Roman traditions of the Church, and those of other religious convictions or none, should feel uneasy about having a sectarian symbol deceptively imposed upon Britain, where only a minority of the population claim to allegiance to the Roman Church. For those readers with an interest in the religious issues, a Study of Mary to explain the contention and to demonstrate the Reformed view that the "woman" of Revelation 12:1 is really a symbol of Israel and/or the Christian Church, and not the Virgin Mary at all, see beneath the Links section at the bottom of this page. BUT IS IT REALLY TRUE? In Britain much church art, especially items which were deemed to be idols or idolatrous symbols, were destroyed at the Reformation over 450 years ago, including the idolatrous Marian Shrine at Walsingham in Norfolk, and later during the Puritan era 350 years ago. Given this "cleansing" one may be willing to give British politicians the benefit of the doubt and favour the "cock-up" theory arising from genuine ignorance of the symbol, rather than a "conspiracy" one in adopting the EU flag. Either way the EU now seeks deceitfully to "unite" Europe under a contentious, sectarian religious symbol that has found its way into every corner of our lives, including our car number plates, driving licences and virtually everwhere you look! On the European mainland where the Reformation was often brutally suppressed, the Roman Church's symbols were never purged and the Marian symbolism of the 12 stars remains obvious to those familiar with it: Professor Paredes reportedly also stated that "neither the stars nor the blue of the flag are particularly religious symbols, thus respecting the conscience of all Europeans, regardless of their beliefs" but the Marian connection is further confirmed in an EU-phile European Movement publication: "Europe's Star Choice: Forever 12?" published in 1994 by Europa UK (now out of print: ISBN 0 9523677 0 X). This booklet refers both to the "co-incidence" of the EU flag's ratification with the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and also, the recognition by the Roman Church of the link to Saint Catherine-Labore whose 1876 vision in the Rue du Bac, Paris, saw the same symbol of a crown of 12 stars being carried around the world on a banner representing Peace, Joy and Happiness. Arsene Heitz is said to have drawn his inspiration from this vision. Site Guide Study of Mary Other EU Symbols EU Divide & Rule Britain EU Flag Symbolism EU Flag Symbolism - Page Guide Introduction How Have We Been Fooled? But is it Really True? What Can We Do? Vote! Official Description Why "Forever 12" ? Links A Common Misunderstanding The Deception Conclusion Editorial Note Europe's "Queen" HERALDIC: On a field azure a circle of twelve mullets or, their points not touching. SYMBOLIC: Against the background of blue sky, twelve golden stars form a circle, representing the union of the peoples of Europe. The number of stars is invariable, twelve being the symbol of perfection and entirety. Azure represents the sea, sky and all the planet, whilst Gold is the colour of enlightenment. The Blue Rag The Barbed Wire Circle The Crown of Thorns The Golden Garotte "European" 50p Coin 1992/93 Produced by the British Royal Mint to "celebrate" the United Kingdom's six month Presidency in 1992 and completion of the Single European Market on 1 January 1993, this 50p coin had 12 stars, each representing an EC/EU member's Capital City. The design demonstrates that they too had misunderstood the symbolism. Happily, the coin is no longer in circulation. "European" 50p Coin 1998 Also produced by the Royal Mint, this time to "celebrate" 25 years of the United Kingdom's membership of the EEC/EC/EU since joining in 1973. The 12 stars are shown in a "starburst" design, so the EU circle of stars is again heavily disguised. Britain has a wonderful heritage in its coinage, which makes the prospect of its loss and replacement with Euros bearing the alien 12-stars of the EU even more disturbing. The Washington Coat of Arms Whilst some heraldic purists would dispute the connection between the Washington ancestral arms and the "Stars and Stripes" of the United States of America, the similarity is such that it is easy to see how the connection arose. The "Betsy Ross" US Flag The story goes that George Washington himself visited Betsy Ross c1776 and sketched out the design, from which she then sewed this flag. The supreme irony here is that whilst the circle of thirteen stars represented American independence from British rule, the EU circle of twelve stars represents Britain's subjugation to foreign rule for the first time in nearly 1000 years! BUT, REMEMBER THAT THE EU FLAG IS: "FOREVER 12" Year Event 1949 The Council of Europe was formed in the aftermath of the Second World War 1955 The Council of Europe creates for itself what is now also the EU flag, as a focus for European unity 1957 European Economic Community (or "Common Market") founded by the Treaty of Rome: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg & The Netherlands - "The Six" 1967 European Community formed by a merger of the EEC, Euratom (founded 1957) and The European Coal & Steel Community (founded 1951) 1973 Britain joined the EC, together with Ireland and Denmark making "The Nine" (Norway wisely opted to stay out) 1981 Greece joined, making "The Ten" 1986 Portugal & Spain joined making the "The Twelve" 1986 EC adopts (with permission) the Council of Europe Flag as its own.12 Stars & 12 States. 1992 Maastricht Treaty 1993 Maastricht Treaty Ratified. European Single Market completed. The EC becomes the EU 1995 Austria, Finland and Sweden join the EU making "The Fifteen" 2002 Still only 12 stars! 12 hours on a clock 12 apostles 12 months of the year 12 patriarchs and tribes of Israel 12 signs of the zodiac 12 members of a jury 7 = 3 + 4 3 x 4 = 12 12 x 12000 = 144,000 Revelation 12:1 "A great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head" "It's wonderful that we have got back to the Introit of the new Mass of the Assumption. It's the corona stellarum duodecim (crown of 12 stars) of the Woman of the Apocalypse". (The Apocalypse is an alternative name for the Book of Revelation) Therefore, the EU flag becomes offensive in a number of respects: Firstly, as a symbol of an alien economic and political power seeking to subjugate Britain and the free nations of Europe. Secondly, for non-Catholics, as a deceitfully imposed sectarian religious symbol; Thirdly, for Catholics, as a misuse of one of their sacred symbols. "No-one can deny that under these symbols catholics recognise the presence of the infinitely merciful Queen of Peace in Christ" (Mediatric et Reigne 1973) "....henceforth it should not be difficult for us to discover in the folds of the Europeans' flag the smile and affection of Our Mother, the Queen of Europe...." (Javier Paredes, Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Alcala in Spain - ZENIT News Agency) "Peace, Joy and Happiness" - try telling that to Britain's farmers and fisherman who have been brought to their knees by the common agricultural and fisheries policies of the EU, or the "Metric Martyrs" taken to court and fined for selling bananas by the pound instead of kilograms! Incidentally, in the Bible, the spreading of peace, joy and love are functions of the Holy Spirit, not the Virgin Mary or the EU! (Galatians 5:22). Photo of Mary with 12 star crown set within EU circle of stars. The blue of her mantle matches that of the flag. Original photo to confirm context. Malta 1984. "Our Lady of Europa" Gibraltar 20p Coin - 1988 Another offering by the British Royal Mint. This time Mary is minus her EU crown of stars, but is clearly enthroned as "Queen" of Europe. Note that Queen Elizabeth II has been stripped of her usual designations DG REG FD: By the Grace of God - Queen - Defender of the Faith. Have these titles been deleted as incompatible with Mary's rule? Europe's Full Circle by Rodney Atkinson (Forward by Lord Stoddart of Swindon) The Principality and Power of Europe by Adrian Hilton - link to Adrian's own site which features his book (Forward by the late Lord Tonypandy of Rhondda - George Thomas) Don't Rule Out Britannia! Say "No Thank EU" to the Euro € Say "Yes" to keeping the Pound £ If we lose our Currency we lose our Country A single Currency means a single Government and it won't be in Britain and it won't be Democratic What Can We Do ? (Part 2) EU Divide & Rule Britain The EU's Other Symbols United Kingdom Independence Party LINK Campaign for an Independent Britain LINK Business for Sterling LINK Free Britain LINK Democracy Movement LINK British Democracy Campaign LINK Eurosceptic LINK Adrian Hilton - The Principality and Power of Europe LINK This England Magazine LINK New Alliance LINK DrivetheFlagCampaign LINK What's Best for Britain (some marvellous "British Bulldog" posters here) LINK Euroland LINK Euro-Army (Rise & Return of the Roman Empire) LINK Daily Catholic - "Coincidences" of the European Flag: 8-9 December 1999 (Article 1 - half way down) LINK Daily Catholic - "Coincidences" of the European Flag: 8-9 December 1999 (Article 2) LINK Scottish National Party (pro-EU) LINK God Bless the EU! (Pro-EU with complimentary suggestions for naming the EU Flag.) LINK Campaign for English Regions (pro-EU but do not admit it!) LINK Britain in Europe (Beware! pro-EU/Euro site - expect much economy with the truth) LINK Euro Notes & Coins - Irish Government Information Site - see the EU's stars on the Euro LINK More Euro Notes & Coins - Courtesy of the European Central Bank LINK Top Home & Welcome Page Please click on the picture of Mary to proceed to the study. Examples of Quality of Service Indicators – CRTC (Canada) • INTERFACE 2: REPAIR SERVICE • Out-of-Service Trouble Reports Cleared within 24 Hours: Total of initial out-of-service trouble reports and those cleared within 24 hours. Percentages of those cleared relative to this total. • Repair Appointments Met: The actual number and percentage of repair appointments met • Initial Customer Trouble Reports per 100 NAS: Report of a trouble from a customer indicating improper functioning of service on which there was no outstanding trouble report • Community Isolation: Community isolation resulting from trunk failure that lasts one hour or more. • Access to Repair Bureau: Percentage of calls to a repair bureau answered in 20 seconds or less. • Competitor Repair Appointments Met: Total number of repair appointments booked and the number met, with percentages of those met relative to the total booked for customers who are also competitors. In spite of the evidence, some would still argue that the Marian symbolism is merely a co-incidence and that the EU flag was chosen as a non-sectarian, neutral symbol that all the peoples of Europe can identify with and accept. Any suggestion otherwise is relegated to the realms of fallacious conspiracy theories. But, can this be dismissed so lightly? In case you are still in any doubt dear reader, see again the EU flag, this time with an image of Mary and judge for yourselves: LADCOMMCORPORATION EUROPE DEDICATED TO "QUEEN" MARY The Roman Church decreed in 1309 that Europe be consecrated to Mary and placed under her patronage. The shrine of "Our Lady of Europa" in Gibraltar was instituted at this consecration. The present Bishop of Rome, John Paul II, refers to England as "Mary's Dowry" that is, hers by right. Ever since the Reformation the Roman Church has tried unsuccessfully to bring Britain back into its fold and restore to Mary "her dowry". For centuries Britons have fought off threats of military invasion from the Spanish, French and Germans, all predominately "Roman" countries. And yet within the span of the last 15 years we now unwittingly display the EU's symbol of Mary everywhere and our successive Governments hand over our Sovereignty and Independence without a shot being fired! We love our freedoms, so many of which arose from: Magna Carta in 1215 which guaranteed the freedom of the English church The C16th Reformation and Queen Elizabeth I's declaration the she would "not make windows into men's souls" in matters of religious conscience (unlike the Continental Inquisitors) The English Civil War of the 1640s The 1688/89 "Glorious Revolution" and associated Bill of Rights Our "Mother of Parliaments" at Westminster is the model for the greatest democracies in the free English-speaking world. Britons of both Reformed and Roman traditions (or none) have fought and died alongside each other to defend these freedoms. Perhaps the fervent desire of Gibraltar (as mentioned above) to remain British in spite of being predominately Catholic bears witness to the freedoms that arose from the Reformed tradition. By contrast, the main "Roman" nations of Europe (not to mention Latin America) have spawned some of the most evil militarist, communist or fascist dictatorships over the past 100 years. This is not to say that the Roman Church intentionally caused these things to happen, but that its hierachical and authoritarian form of church government tended to create the cultural context for such regimes to prosper. It should not surprise us then, that the European Commission, the so-called "Government of Europe" is completely un-elected. Indeed, there are some who believe they can demonstrate a direct link between Hitler's Nazi blueprint for Europe and that of the EU. The following books are informative in this and other respects. Others, such as Vladimir Bukovsky the former Soviet dissident, see parallels between the former Soviet Communist power structures and the EU's "governmental" bodies such as its Commission and its parody of a "Parliament" where the average debate lasts 90 seconds. Extreme views perhaps, but whatever the possible connections with the evil Communist regimes of Eastern Europe or Nazi version of "European Union" one parallel with the latter that comes to mind in relation to the EU flag is the totalitarian imposition of yellow stars upon people and their property. CONCLUSION It is clear that the EU Flag design is based on the Marian imagery of the Roman Church. As such it is an alien imposition on the Reformed countries of Europe and constitutionally, is not a suitable symbol to be displayed in Britain where the Reformed Faith is established by Law and defended by her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II under her Coronation Oath. The Reformed countries of the then EC either did not appreciate the symbolism when voting for it (i.e. they were deceived) or they deliberately colluded with the deception and chose to sell their national and spiritual birthrights for a "mess of EU pottage".For Catholics opposed to the EU it is an abuse of their symbolism designed to deceive them into believing the EU is Christian. December 1999 articles in the "Daily Catholic" (links below) suggest that some American Catholics have indeed been led to believe that the EU is part of the re-Christianizing of Europe. On the Welcome Page I warned that this site could be disturbing and I have not even begun to address the economic, political or sovereignty pros and cons of Britain's EU membership - there are others far better qualified to do this - see Links below. I have only sought to demonstrate that even the EU flag itself is one of the "cons". WHAT CAN WE DO ? (Part 1) - VOTE ! Britain's entry into the Euro will extend the EU's Marian stars to all the money in your pocket - not just the occasional 50p - and will be the final stage in our subjugation, since political union within an EU-Superstate will soon follow. The British People must ensure that they vote to prevent this happening, so whatever you do: If you like the site, download and reproduce the card below and pass it on to anyone who cares for our country! LINKS For further possible actions, a note on how the EU intends to divide and rule Britain, and some of the EU's other symbols, follow these links: The groups below have not sanctioned, nor would they necessarily agree with everything contained in this site. Similarly, a listing here does not necessarily mean my own endorsement. If you link to these sites now (by clicking on the Link boxes) or if you return to the Welcome Page for the Euro-Sceptic web ring for some of these and many other sites, I bid you farewell. Alternatively, link to the Study of Mary to be found on the next page to understand better the Biblical view of Mary and the very special role she played in the birth and life of Jesus Christ, and why the Roman Church's doctrines have strayed far from what the Scriptures will allow.After reading the editorial note, please click on the picture of Mary at the end to link to the study. EDITORIAL NOTES: What I have written above and on the next page is intended to stimulate debate and awareness, but I would wish readers to note the following: 1) European Unity I am not anti-European, only the pretence that the EU is the same as Europe. I value the richness of our European heritage and the diversity of fellow European people. The peoples of Europe should be free to have unity in diversity, respect for each other's democracies and be able trade freely with one another in friendship, without being forced in to an EU superstate. 2) Christian Unity I love my country and its Reformed Christian heritage, but I am also happy to love, respect and have fellowship with my brethren in the Roman tradition, so that "speaking the truth in love we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is Christ." (Ephesians 4:15). Unity in diversity is again the watchword, although I am deeply conscious at times of the pain of the divisions that still lie between us. I am grateful for so much of what is good in our common Christian heritage and realise that we have have much to learn from each other. I acknowledge too that my own Anglican tradition has its own abberations (!) including those who misguidedly restored the Marian Shrine at Walsingham. The purpose of this site is solely to demonstrate that as an imperialistic and sectarian symbol itself, the EU flag is wrong for Britain and many other countries in the EU. I do not intend to attack in any way those with whom I may beg to differ on certain issues, and yet have so much in common in other respects. Therefore, I would not wish this site to be perceived in any way as a sectarian or bigoted attack and would wish to distance myself completely from such attitudes. Neither would I wish to imply in any way that to be a member of the Roman Church makes a person unpatriotic to Britain - after all, some of our greatest patriotic music, including "Land of Hope and Glory", was composed by Sir Edward Elgar, a devout member of that Church. Except where the context suggests otherwise, throughout this site I use the term "catholic" as the whole "universal" Christian Church to which all true Christian believers of all traditions belong, rather than just the Roman part thereof, as I would not want to deny my own sense of "catholicity". In these days of seeking greater unity between us, it is ackowledged by some that "Roman Catholic" is perhaps a contradiction in terms! I have also used the term "reformed" throughout, rather than "protestant" due to the unpleasant connotations of bigotry and intolerance the latter unfortunately brings to mind, although no one side is without its bigots. Rather than "Protestant" also having a negative connotation of protest, I prefer to own it in the sense of "pro-testant" where "testant" is a shortened form of "testament". ie pro-testament - Old and New. With regard to John Paul II, I have referred to him as "Bishop of Rome" a title that all can accept. "Pope" comes from the Latin "papa" meaning Father, or Holy Father to give his fuller title. As Jesus only used the term "Holy Father" to address God himself ( John 17:11) it seems inappropriate to use the term in respect of a human being, however well loved and respected he may be. I note too John Paul II's recent pleas for forgiveness for the sins and wrongs of the Roman Church over the centuries and would hope that we may all respond positively, even though many of the doctrines that caused the conflict are still in place and in the case of Mary, have been vigourously promoted by him. Similarly, a recent Vatican Decree (Dominus Iesus) in September 2000 re-affirmed the Roman Church as "the only instrument for Salvation of all humanity" and that churches of other Christian traditions are "not churches in the proper sense". This was an unfortunate decree, particularly as no church can claim to be an instrument of salvation, since salvation is found in Jesus himself and no other. (Acts 4:12). Christ saves us, not the church. Once we are "in Christ" it follows that we are part of his church, not the other way around. I also acknowledge that, as a reaction to Rome's attempts to re-take Britain, Catholics often suffered cruel persecution in this country (together with non-conformists, but for different reasons) and that those in the Reformed traditions should also perhaps be seeking forgiveness.

  11. The European Union (EU) Flag The (unofficial) EU Flag Website dedicated to revealing its true symbolism. INTRODUCTION In these days of healthy EU-scepticism and EU-realism amongst the great British public who have a heartfelt desire not to be subjugated by the European Union, nor adopt its common currency, the Euro, you might ask why create an EU flag website and replicate the increasingly despised flag at all? The answer must lie in the fact that along with the many other deceptions perpetrated upon the British electorate over the past 30 years, the very symbol of the EU is itself a deception. But firstly, let us look at the official description - and some unofficial ones! OFFICIAL DESCRIPTION So, the 12 stars represent the union of the peoples of Europe under an alleged symbol of perfection and entirety! Later, when the deception is exposed, we will see that this has a double meaning. SOME UNOFFICIAL DESCRIPTIONS - Further Suggestions Welcome! A COMMON MISUNDERSTANDING Most people are under the impression that the 12 EU stars represented the 12 nations of the European Community/Union (EC/EU) as it had between 1986 and 1996:12 stars = 12 states. This misunderstanding has even been reflected in Britain's coinage. The misunderstanding also no doubt arose from the widespread awareness that each star on the US "Stars and Stripes" represents one of the United States of America. It is believed that these symbols were derived from George Washington's ancestral coat of arms in Britain, thus retaining a link with the mother-country. Those who know the history of the US flag will recall that one of the earliest designs, the so-called Betsy Ross version, had a circle of 13 stars and 13 stripes, each representing the original 13 British-American colonies. The similarity to the EU flag is so striking that it is no wonder that some folks are confused. Some are even under the impression that the EU flag now has 15 stars, on the basis that the number of EU states has been 15 since 1996. HOW HAVE WE BEEN FOOLED ? A SHORT HISTORY For our answers we have to return to the original creation of the European Council's flag in 1955 and the following chronology: We were all fooled then, by the coincidental and apparent equivalence of 12 stars and 12 states during the 10 years following the flag's adoption by the EC in 1986, the analogy with the US flag and to some extent the Royal Mint's 50p coins. It is only within the last few years since the last 3 members joined the EU that folks have started asking, "Why not 15 stars? "Why forever 12?" WHY "FOREVER 12" ? There are a number of theories as to why the number 12 was chosen and why this could be a symbol of "perfection and entirety". In Biblical numerology the number 7 is the number of Divine Perfection, whilst 12 can be derived from its constituent numbers: The Book of Revelation in the Bible speaks of 12 x 12000 = 144,000 as a symbol of the complete number of people who will go to heaven - not a literal number as some sects have suggested - and links to the 12 Patriarchs of the Old Testament and the 12 Apostles in the New Testament. We will see later that the Biblical symbolism of 12 stars may well indeed represent Old Testament Israel and New Testament Church, but that this is not the EU's intent. All this sounds pretty good, so why worry about the EU Flag, and why waste time creating this web site? Whether you like the EU or not, surely the ideals and aspirations of a peaceful united Europe behind the official explanation are OK? If the EU Flag represents Europe's common Judaeo-Christian heritage, surely that is a good thing? But, as I said at the beginning, there is a double meaning here, and so at last my dear readers, the moment you have been waiting for. THE DECEPTION The EU flag's symbolism is actually based on the Roman Church's interpretation that the symbolic "woman" in the verse above is the Virgin Mary. This interpretation is reflected in that Church's statues and images of Mary, but not as a symbol of Israel or the Christian Church. Within the Roman Church's doctrines, the Virgin Mary is also a symbol of "perfection and entirety" and so we see at last the hidden double meaning. When the Council of Europe first adopted the flag in 1955, it is believed that it chose from a number of designs by a Strasbourg artist, Arsene Heitz, a devotee of the Virgin Mary. One of these designs was inspired by the above verse, based on this alleged imagery of the Virgin Mary, with her supposed crown of 12 stars and traditional blue mantle represented by the EU flag's background. Council of Europe Secretary-General, Leon Marchal, another supreme devotee of the Virgin Mary, is reported to have been the one who suggested the adoption of the 12 star flag design for this very reason. Jacques Delors, former President of the European Commission, and a devout member of the Roman Church reportedly used his position vigourously to promote the EU symbol in more recent years. The design was adopted on 25 October 1955 and on 11 December 1955 the Council of Europe stained glass window, which incorporates the symbolism, was unveiled in Strasbourg cathedral. This event "coinciding" with the Roman Church's Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. Marchal is reported to have said at the time: Again, you may be thinking well what is wrong with that? especially if you happen to be an EU-phile member of the Roman Church. This may be all very well for those EU countries where the Roman tradition predominates. However, in Britain and those countries where the Reformed Biblical tradition survived the Roman Church's bloody attempts to stamp it out, the Marian doctrines of that Church are at best an unfortunate but contentious barrier to unity and at worst, blasphemous and idolatrous. For EU-realist members of the Roman Church, particularly in Britain, the use of what they regard as a sacred symbol for the EU-Superstate might also be deemed a misuse and a deceit that might lead Catholics to believe the EU is a Marian and so a basically Christian institution. In these days of reconciliation Christians tend to "agree to disagree" on the things that divide us and concentrate on the things that unite us. So, if the Roman Church wishes to venerate Mary as some kind of 4th Century Christianisation of the Roman "goddess" Venus, they are free to do so whilst those who beg to differ, ask too for freedom of conscience in such matters. For Muslims, "worship" of Mary (or anything besides "Allah") is the worst of all sins and is known as"shirk" in Islam. People of goodwill in both Reformed and Roman traditions of the Church, and those of other religious convictions or none, should feel uneasy about having a sectarian symbol deceptively imposed upon Britain, where only a minority of the population claim to allegiance to the Roman Church. For those readers with an interest in the religious issues, a Study of Mary to explain the contention and to demonstrate the Reformed view that the "woman" of Revelation 12:1 is really a symbol of Israel and/or the Christian Church, and not the Virgin Mary at all, see beneath the Links section at the bottom of this page. BUT IS IT REALLY TRUE? In Britain much church art, especially items which were deemed to be idols or idolatrous symbols, were destroyed at the Reformation over 450 years ago, including the idolatrous Marian Shrine at Walsingham in Norfolk, and later during the Puritan era 350 years ago. Given this "cleansing" one may be willing to give British politicians the benefit of the doubt and favour the "cock-up" theory arising from genuine ignorance of the symbol, rather than a "conspiracy" one in adopting the EU flag. Either way the EU now seeks deceitfully to "unite" Europe under a contentious, sectarian religious symbol that has found its way into every corner of our lives, including our car number plates, driving licences and virtually everwhere you look! On the European mainland where the Reformation was often brutally suppressed, the Roman Church's symbols were never purged and the Marian symbolism of the 12 stars remains obvious to those familiar with it: Professor Paredes reportedly also stated that "neither the stars nor the blue of the flag are particularly religious symbols, thus respecting the conscience of all Europeans, regardless of their beliefs" but the Marian connection is further confirmed in an EU-phile European Movement publication: "Europe's Star Choice: Forever 12?" published in 1994 by Europa UK (now out of print: ISBN 0 9523677 0 X). This booklet refers both to the "co-incidence" of the EU flag's ratification with the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and also, the recognition by the Roman Church of the link to Saint Catherine-Labore whose 1876 vision in the Rue du Bac, Paris, saw the same symbol of a crown of 12 stars being carried around the world on a banner representing Peace, Joy and Happiness. Arsene Heitz is said to have drawn his inspiration from this vision. Site Guide Study of Mary Other EU Symbols EU Divide & Rule Britain EU Flag Symbolism EU Flag Symbolism - Page Guide Introduction How Have We Been Fooled? But is it Really True? What Can We Do? Vote! Official Description Why "Forever 12" ? Links A Common Misunderstanding The Deception Conclusion Editorial Note Europe's "Queen" HERALDIC: On a field azure a circle of twelve mullets or, their points not touching. SYMBOLIC: Against the background of blue sky, twelve golden stars form a circle, representing the union of the peoples of Europe. The number of stars is invariable, twelve being the symbol of perfection and entirety. Azure represents the sea, sky and all the planet, whilst Gold is the colour of enlightenment. The Blue Rag The Barbed Wire Circle The Crown of Thorns The Golden Garotte "European" 50p Coin 1992/93 Produced by the British Royal Mint to "celebrate" the United Kingdom's six month Presidency in 1992 and completion of the Single European Market on 1 January 1993, this 50p coin had 12 stars, each representing an EC/EU member's Capital City. The design demonstrates that they too had misunderstood the symbolism. Happily, the coin is no longer in circulation. "European" 50p Coin 1998 Also produced by the Royal Mint, this time to "celebrate" 25 years of the United Kingdom's membership of the EEC/EC/EU since joining in 1973. The 12 stars are shown in a "starburst" design, so the EU circle of stars is again heavily disguised. Britain has a wonderful heritage in its coinage, which makes the prospect of its loss and replacement with Euros bearing the alien 12-stars of the EU even more disturbing. The Washington Coat of Arms Whilst some heraldic purists would dispute the connection between the Washington ancestral arms and the "Stars and Stripes" of the United States of America, the similarity is such that it is easy to see how the connection arose. The "Betsy Ross" US Flag The story goes that George Washington himself visited Betsy Ross c1776 and sketched out the design, from which she then sewed this flag. The supreme irony here is that whilst the circle of thirteen stars represented American independence from British rule, the EU circle of twelve stars represents Britain's subjugation to foreign rule for the first time in nearly 1000 years! BUT, REMEMBER THAT THE EU FLAG IS: "FOREVER 12" Year Event 1949 The Council of Europe was formed in the aftermath of the Second World War 1955 The Council of Europe creates for itself what is now also the EU flag, as a focus for European unity 1957 European Economic Community (or "Common Market") founded by the Treaty of Rome: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg & The Netherlands - "The Six" 1967 European Community formed by a merger of the EEC, Euratom (founded 1957) and The European Coal & Steel Community (founded 1951) 1973 Britain joined the EC, together with Ireland and Denmark making "The Nine" (Norway wisely opted to stay out) 1981 Greece joined, making "The Ten" 1986 Portugal & Spain joined making the "The Twelve" 1986 EC adopts (with permission) the Council of Europe Flag as its own.12 Stars & 12 States. 1992 Maastricht Treaty 1993 Maastricht Treaty Ratified. European Single Market completed. The EC becomes the EU 1995 Austria, Finland and Sweden join the EU making "The Fifteen" 2002 Still only 12 stars! 12 hours on a clock 12 apostles 12 months of the year 12 patriarchs and tribes of Israel 12 signs of the zodiac 12 members of a jury 7 = 3 + 4 3 x 4 = 12 12 x 12000 = 144,000 Revelation 12:1 "A great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head" "It's wonderful that we have got back to the Introit of the new Mass of the Assumption. It's the corona stellarum duodecim (crown of 12 stars) of the Woman of the Apocalypse". (The Apocalypse is an alternative name for the Book of Revelation) Therefore, the EU flag becomes offensive in a number of respects: Firstly, as a symbol of an alien economic and political power seeking to subjugate Britain and the free nations of Europe. Secondly, for non-Catholics, as a deceitfully imposed sectarian religious symbol; Thirdly, for Catholics, as a misuse of one of their sacred symbols. "No-one can deny that under these symbols catholics recognise the presence of the infinitely merciful Queen of Peace in Christ" (Mediatric et Reigne 1973) "....henceforth it should not be difficult for us to discover in the folds of the Europeans' flag the smile and affection of Our Mother, the Queen of Europe...." (Javier Paredes, Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Alcala in Spain - ZENIT News Agency) "Peace, Joy and Happiness" - try telling that to Britain's farmers and fisherman who have been brought to their knees by the common agricultural and fisheries policies of the EU, or the "Metric Martyrs" taken to court and fined for selling bananas by the pound instead of kilograms! Incidentally, in the Bible, the spreading of peace, joy and love are functions of the Holy Spirit, not the Virgin Mary or the EU! (Galatians 5:22). Photo of Mary with 12 star crown set within EU circle of stars. The blue of her mantle matches that of the flag. Original photo to confirm context. Malta 1984. "Our Lady of Europa" Gibraltar 20p Coin - 1988 Another offering by the British Royal Mint. This time Mary is minus her EU crown of stars, but is clearly enthroned as "Queen" of Europe. Note that Queen Elizabeth II has been stripped of her usual designations DG REG FD: By the Grace of God - Queen - Defender of the Faith. Have these titles been deleted as incompatible with Mary's rule? Europe's Full Circle by Rodney Atkinson (Forward by Lord Stoddart of Swindon) The Principality and Power of Europe by Adrian Hilton - link to Adrian's own site which features his book (Forward by the late Lord Tonypandy of Rhondda - George Thomas) Don't Rule Out Britannia! Say "No Thank EU" to the Euro € Say "Yes" to keeping the Pound £ If we lose our Currency we lose our Country A single Currency means a single Government and it won't be in Britain and it won't be Democratic What Can We Do ? (Part 2) EU Divide & Rule Britain The EU's Other Symbols United Kingdom Independence Party LINK Campaign for an Independent Britain LINK Business for Sterling LINK Free Britain LINK Democracy Movement LINK British Democracy Campaign LINK Eurosceptic LINK Adrian Hilton - The Principality and Power of Europe LINK This England Magazine LINK New Alliance LINK DrivetheFlagCampaign LINK What's Best for Britain (some marvellous "British Bulldog" posters here) LINK Euroland LINK Euro-Army (Rise & Return of the Roman Empire) LINK Daily Catholic - "Coincidences" of the European Flag: 8-9 December 1999 (Article 1 - half way down) LINK Daily Catholic - "Coincidences" of the European Flag: 8-9 December 1999 (Article 2) LINK Scottish National Party (pro-EU) LINK God Bless the EU! (Pro-EU with complimentary suggestions for naming the EU Flag.) LINK Campaign for English Regions (pro-EU but do not admit it!) LINK Britain in Europe (Beware! pro-EU/Euro site - expect much economy with the truth) LINK Euro Notes & Coins - Irish Government Information Site - see the EU's stars on the Euro LINK More Euro Notes & Coins - Courtesy of the European Central Bank LINK Top Home & Welcome Page Please click on the picture of Mary to proceed to the study. Examples of Quality of Service Indicators – CRTC (Canada) • INTERFACE 3: LOCAL SERVICES • Dial Tone Delay: Percentage of attempted calls during the busy hour experiencing dial tone delay of three seconds or less • INTERFACE 4: DIRECTORY SERVICES • Directory Accuracy: Percentage of customer listings in the white pages of company directories published without errors or omissions • INTERFACE 5: COMPLAINTS • Customer Complaints: Number of complaints addressed (in written and verbal form) to officers and department heads of the telephone companies and the Commission In spite of the evidence, some would still argue that the Marian symbolism is merely a co-incidence and that the EU flag was chosen as a non-sectarian, neutral symbol that all the peoples of Europe can identify with and accept. Any suggestion otherwise is relegated to the realms of fallacious conspiracy theories. But, can this be dismissed so lightly? In case you are still in any doubt dear reader, see again the EU flag, this time with an image of Mary and judge for yourselves: LADCOMMCORPORATION EUROPE DEDICATED TO "QUEEN" MARY The Roman Church decreed in 1309 that Europe be consecrated to Mary and placed under her patronage. The shrine of "Our Lady of Europa" in Gibraltar was instituted at this consecration. The present Bishop of Rome, John Paul II, refers to England as "Mary's Dowry" that is, hers by right. Ever since the Reformation the Roman Church has tried unsuccessfully to bring Britain back into its fold and restore to Mary "her dowry". For centuries Britons have fought off threats of military invasion from the Spanish, French and Germans, all predominately "Roman" countries. And yet within the span of the last 15 years we now unwittingly display the EU's symbol of Mary everywhere and our successive Governments hand over our Sovereignty and Independence without a shot being fired! We love our freedoms, so many of which arose from: Magna Carta in 1215 which guaranteed the freedom of the English church The C16th Reformation and Queen Elizabeth I's declaration the she would "not make windows into men's souls" in matters of religious conscience (unlike the Continental Inquisitors) The English Civil War of the 1640s The 1688/89 "Glorious Revolution" and associated Bill of Rights Our "Mother of Parliaments" at Westminster is the model for the greatest democracies in the free English-speaking world. Britons of both Reformed and Roman traditions (or none) have fought and died alongside each other to defend these freedoms. Perhaps the fervent desire of Gibraltar (as mentioned above) to remain British in spite of being predominately Catholic bears witness to the freedoms that arose from the Reformed tradition. By contrast, the main "Roman" nations of Europe (not to mention Latin America) have spawned some of the most evil militarist, communist or fascist dictatorships over the past 100 years. This is not to say that the Roman Church intentionally caused these things to happen, but that its hierachical and authoritarian form of church government tended to create the cultural context for such regimes to prosper. It should not surprise us then, that the European Commission, the so-called "Government of Europe" is completely un-elected. Indeed, there are some who believe they can demonstrate a direct link between Hitler's Nazi blueprint for Europe and that of the EU. The following books are informative in this and other respects. Others, such as Vladimir Bukovsky the former Soviet dissident, see parallels between the former Soviet Communist power structures and the EU's "governmental" bodies such as its Commission and its parody of a "Parliament" where the average debate lasts 90 seconds. Extreme views perhaps, but whatever the possible connections with the evil Communist regimes of Eastern Europe or Nazi version of "European Union" one parallel with the latter that comes to mind in relation to the EU flag is the totalitarian imposition of yellow stars upon people and their property. CONCLUSION It is clear that the EU Flag design is based on the Marian imagery of the Roman Church. As such it is an alien imposition on the Reformed countries of Europe and constitutionally, is not a suitable symbol to be displayed in Britain where the Reformed Faith is established by Law and defended by her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II under her Coronation Oath. The Reformed countries of the then EC either did not appreciate the symbolism when voting for it (i.e. they were deceived) or they deliberately colluded with the deception and chose to sell their national and spiritual birthrights for a "mess of EU pottage".For Catholics opposed to the EU it is an abuse of their symbolism designed to deceive them into believing the EU is Christian. December 1999 articles in the "Daily Catholic" (links below) suggest that some American Catholics have indeed been led to believe that the EU is part of the re-Christianizing of Europe. On the Welcome Page I warned that this site could be disturbing and I have not even begun to address the economic, political or sovereignty pros and cons of Britain's EU membership - there are others far better qualified to do this - see Links below. I have only sought to demonstrate that even the EU flag itself is one of the "cons". WHAT CAN WE DO ? (Part 1) - VOTE ! Britain's entry into the Euro will extend the EU's Marian stars to all the money in your pocket - not just the occasional 50p - and will be the final stage in our subjugation, since political union within an EU-Superstate will soon follow. The British People must ensure that they vote to prevent this happening, so whatever you do: If you like the site, download and reproduce the card below and pass it on to anyone who cares for our country! LINKS For further possible actions, a note on how the EU intends to divide and rule Britain, and some of the EU's other symbols, follow these links: The groups below have not sanctioned, nor would they necessarily agree with everything contained in this site. Similarly, a listing here does not necessarily mean my own endorsement. If you link to these sites now (by clicking on the Link boxes) or if you return to the Welcome Page for the Euro-Sceptic web ring for some of these and many other sites, I bid you farewell. Alternatively, link to the Study of Mary to be found on the next page to understand better the Biblical view of Mary and the very special role she played in the birth and life of Jesus Christ, and why the Roman Church's doctrines have strayed far from what the Scriptures will allow.After reading the editorial note, please click on the picture of Mary at the end to link to the study. EDITORIAL NOTES: What I have written above and on the next page is intended to stimulate debate and awareness, but I would wish readers to note the following: 1) European Unity I am not anti-European, only the pretence that the EU is the same as Europe. I value the richness of our European heritage and the diversity of fellow European people. The peoples of Europe should be free to have unity in diversity, respect for each other's democracies and be able trade freely with one another in friendship, without being forced in to an EU superstate. 2) Christian Unity I love my country and its Reformed Christian heritage, but I am also happy to love, respect and have fellowship with my brethren in the Roman tradition, so that "speaking the truth in love we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is Christ." (Ephesians 4:15). Unity in diversity is again the watchword, although I am deeply conscious at times of the pain of the divisions that still lie between us. I am grateful for so much of what is good in our common Christian heritage and realise that we have have much to learn from each other. I acknowledge too that my own Anglican tradition has its own abberations (!) including those who misguidedly restored the Marian Shrine at Walsingham. The purpose of this site is solely to demonstrate that as an imperialistic and sectarian symbol itself, the EU flag is wrong for Britain and many other countries in the EU. I do not intend to attack in any way those with whom I may beg to differ on certain issues, and yet have so much in common in other respects. Therefore, I would not wish this site to be perceived in any way as a sectarian or bigoted attack and would wish to distance myself completely from such attitudes. Neither would I wish to imply in any way that to be a member of the Roman Church makes a person unpatriotic to Britain - after all, some of our greatest patriotic music, including "Land of Hope and Glory", was composed by Sir Edward Elgar, a devout member of that Church. Except where the context suggests otherwise, throughout this site I use the term "catholic" as the whole "universal" Christian Church to which all true Christian believers of all traditions belong, rather than just the Roman part thereof, as I would not want to deny my own sense of "catholicity". In these days of seeking greater unity between us, it is ackowledged by some that "Roman Catholic" is perhaps a contradiction in terms! I have also used the term "reformed" throughout, rather than "protestant" due to the unpleasant connotations of bigotry and intolerance the latter unfortunately brings to mind, although no one side is without its bigots. Rather than "Protestant" also having a negative connotation of protest, I prefer to own it in the sense of "pro-testant" where "testant" is a shortened form of "testament". ie pro-testament - Old and New. With regard to John Paul II, I have referred to him as "Bishop of Rome" a title that all can accept. "Pope" comes from the Latin "papa" meaning Father, or Holy Father to give his fuller title. As Jesus only used the term "Holy Father" to address God himself ( John 17:11) it seems inappropriate to use the term in respect of a human being, however well loved and respected he may be. I note too John Paul II's recent pleas for forgiveness for the sins and wrongs of the Roman Church over the centuries and would hope that we may all respond positively, even though many of the doctrines that caused the conflict are still in place and in the case of Mary, have been vigourously promoted by him. Similarly, a recent Vatican Decree (Dominus Iesus) in September 2000 re-affirmed the Roman Church as "the only instrument for Salvation of all humanity" and that churches of other Christian traditions are "not churches in the proper sense". This was an unfortunate decree, particularly as no church can claim to be an instrument of salvation, since salvation is found in Jesus himself and no other. (Acts 4:12). Christ saves us, not the church. Once we are "in Christ" it follows that we are part of his church, not the other way around. I also acknowledge that, as a reaction to Rome's attempts to re-take Britain, Catholics often suffered cruel persecution in this country (together with non-conformists, but for different reasons) and that those in the Reformed traditions should also perhaps be seeking forgiveness.

  12. Quality of Service Indicators and Regulatory Reporting Requirements Thoughts on Positioning Quality of Service Indicators LADCOMMCORPORATION

  13. Quality of Service Indicators and Regulatory Reporting Requirements • Useful as an internal performance monitor; help to establish company service goals • Permit operators to see how the competition is performing • If company is performing well, quality of service indicators can be a very effective marketing tool • Can assist in establishing a good relationship with the Regulator Quality of service reporting should not be viewed negatively by operators. LADCOMMCORPORATION

  14. Quality of Service Indicators – Achieving the Right Balance • The reporting and the report analysis process should not be too onerous for either the operator or the regulator • Key is to ensure that general public is served and, at the same time, that the operator is not impeded from carrying out day to day operating routines • In order to make Quality of Service reporting meaningful, the Regulator should establish realistic benchmarks in consultation with the operators in order to ensue that this is a mutually beneficial process • It is critical that the regulator follow up on the operator submissions especially when performance targets are not met (meetings, supplemental reports, fines and penalties, etc.) LADCOMMCORPORATION

  15. Quality of Service Indicators – Some Personal Suggestions • Each Telecommunications regulatory authority should establish Quality of Service indicators; there is an overall benefit for all parties • For those countries on the brink of liberalization, this topic should not be ignored; a pro-active approach is recommended to entrench this concept • Nonetheless, most indicators have been developed based on basic telephony services and, in some cases, also based on traditional mobile services; is this suitable in the future as converged services evolve? • To what extent does the regulator intervene versus letting the market and the subscriber dictate quality? LADCOMMCORPORATION

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