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“HYDRODYNAMICS FOR PUBLIC UTILITY AND ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION”. OUR OFFICES:. Operative Headquarters: Via delle Cartiere 40 10072 Caselle Torinese (TO) Tel. 011/9961642 fax 0119915285 Mobile 346/7947721. Registered Headquarters : Via V. Donati n.14 10121 Torino.
OUR OFFICES: Operative Headquarters: Via delle Cartiere 40 10072 Caselle Torinese (TO) Tel. 011/9961642 fax 0119915285 Mobile 346/7947721 Registered Headquarters: Via V. Donati n.14 10121 Torino VAT Number 10070530018
We offer solutions for every kind of cleaning operation, such as: • encrustations; • Deposits on internal or external surfaces; • Surfaces damaged by graffiti or chewing- gums
WE OFFER: • Innovative TechnicalCleaning I) HYDRODYNAMIC CLEANINGusingpressures up to 2500 bar withcold water and 500 bar with hot water. Flow rangesfrom 2 to 130 litres/min • Hydrodinamicscleaningofweldingmachinerycoolingcircuits. II) CRYOGENIC CLEANING : Itemploys a sandblasting system thatuses dry- icepellets (carbondioxide) insteadofsand or other abrasive elements. III) ELECTRONIC CLEANING :for a perfectcleaningofelectricboards.
RESPECT FOR THE ENVIRONMENT IS OUR STARTING POINT Thanks to our experience in this particular field we developed our own machinery that allows us to obtain an optimal result using a minimum amount of water, that is a fundamental and scarce resource. Our method does not generate the by-products typical of cleaning operations done with different systems and this means we fully respect environmental regulations. We can also guarantee that our personnel will cause mimum annoyance while carrying out technical cleaning in public areas, thanks to our exclusive technology that does not simply 'throw water' but cleans effectively the surfaces without damaging them.
I) Hydrodynamic Cleaning up to 2500 bar Our technology uses EXCLUSIVELY the action of water, combining three elements: • Pressure • 2. Flow • 3. Temperature This system has the big advantage of NOT USING any chemical product or abrasive element.
. . . . HYDRODYNAMIC CLEANING The use of high pressure pumps is much appreciated in urban environments because it is not invasive and does not damage the surface on which it is used. This technique is suited for surfaces subject to frequent circulation because the low amount of water used does not interfere with it. This cleaning system aims to solve the problems affecting almost every urbanized area: • Chewing-gums on the sidewalks: Our environment friendly system will remove completely the spent chewing-gums from every type of surface using just high-pressure water without any chemical product. Besides removing old chewing-gums, the treatment will also clean thoroughly the whole surface.
. . . . HYDRODYNAMIC CLEANING • Graffiti and/or writings on walls High-pressure water cleaning can be used also to remove graffiti and other writings or marks that damage walls, monuments, houses and public buildings. after before before after
. . . . HYDRODYNAMIC CLEANING Thanks to constant research and to our advanced technology we can carry out every kind of cleaning operation where there is the need to remove superficial encrustation or accidental polymerization in tanks, industrial chimneys, aeration system and industrial machinery. (pressure usually ranges from 200 to 1000 bar for cleaning operations on 'soft' materials but it can reach 2500 bar on very hard surfaces)
. . . . HYDRODYNAMIC CLEANING We use last-generation nozzles that allow our personnel to clean narrow or dangerous spaces without having to enter them, as in the case of incrustations in chimneys. The tools we use for that kind of operation are: • High-pressure pump (1000 bar; 140 l/min) • Vertical nozzle, rotating on two axis and inserted into the well by a windlass.
. . . . HYDRODYNAMIC CLEANING WELDING MACHINERY Our hydrodynamic system is perfectly suited for cleaning welding systems cooling circuits, in which the increase of water temperature causes the precipitation of calcium and magnesium salts, thus leading to the formation of encrustations on the metal surfaces of the cooling circuit pipes of the welding machinery. Those incrustations can cause a decrease of the water flow and and a consequent increase in heating. • In order to melt these encrustations it is necessary to use de-encrusting pumps to let suitable cleansing acids flow through the pipes.
. . . . HYDRODYNAMIC CLEANING of welding systems “ Nuove Tecnologie Applicate” has vertically-swinging anti-encrustation pumps with tanks, in order to work effectively on every type of plant and machinery. NTA anti-encrustation pumps are made of high-quality acid-resistant materials and are tested thoroughly. A special flux-invertes (see picture) allows the system to attack encrustations from both sides, while a self-regulating device controls flow and pressure adjusting them according to the consistency of the deposit and allows the machine to work effectively also on almost obstructed pipes. The new tank makes operations easier thanks to its ergonomical shape and to a user-friendly system that blocks the rubber hoses. The tests carried out on the welding machinery in the Mirafiori bodywork plant demonstrated the efficiency of our system in re-establishing water circulation in industrial welding clamps. In some cases, a one-hour intervention increased the flow from 20% to 90%.
OUR EQUIPMENT AND HYDRODYNAMICS Our experience in technical cleaning allows us to perform accurate interventions using specific equipment: • Different models of high-pressure cleaning machines that can be chosen according to the material that must be cleaned or to the operational space. • All our machines are designed as autonomous and independent units. • We have special vehicles to carry our machines on the spot.
SOME APPLICATION FIELDS OF HYDRODYNAMICS Hydrodynamiccleaningdoesnotuseanychemical, but just water and thismakesitsuitablefor a wide rangeofapplications in differentfields, suchas: • CHEMICAL INDUSTRY: - preparationofmetallicsurfaces - paintremoval - cleaningoftools and machinery - removalofpolymerizationby-products - removalofencrustations in pipes, grates, etc... • FOOD INDUSTRY: - Storage-tankswashing - Cleaningofmachinery and conveyorbelts
...HYDRODYNAMICS APPLICATION FIELDS • CONSTRUCTION: - Hydrodemolition - Concrete cutting and scarification - Damaged coverings removal - Preparation of the internal surface of tanks - Cleaning of frontages and pavings • ENVIRONMENTAL: - Tanks' cleaning - Cleaning of filter-presses - Water-jet tanks' cutting - Decontamination and cleaning of industrial machinery and plants • INDUSTRIAL: - Cleaning of paint booths and paint ovens - Cleaning of machinery and plants AND MANY OTHERS…
II) CRYOGENIC cleaning This procedure has peculiar characteristics, such as: • The system works using compressed air and dry-ice (solid carbon dioxide) pellets. • It uses a mechanical process that does not produce chemicalreactions (thus being environment-friendly). • It is a completely non-abrasive cleaningsystem. • Does not imply any risk for the environment.
. . . . CRYOGENIC CLEANING THE MAIN APPLICATION FIELDS ARE: - Rubber industry - Graphic industry It provides fast cleaning (10-15 min) and does not leave any by-product or waste that need to be disposed of. Cleaning of lithographic cylindres without their removal from the printing machines.
. . . . CRYOGENIC CLEANING - Automotive industry Improvement of the efficiency of productive systems. Environmental protection through reduction of smoke, dust and chemicals in working areas. Improvement of the employees' working conditions.
In conclusion we can state that : cleaning operations carried out by NTA, either cryogenic or made by using high-pressure water jets, have a significantly lower impact on the environment in comparison to the mechanical systems previously used; moreover, our interventions are time-saving, because their biggest part is made 'on the spot'.
The electro-cleaner is composed of acetylenic alcohols and isoparaffins and has been created to clean electryc system (in tension) distribution boards, electric control panels, electric and electronic systems, electronic boards, engines, power transformers, screens, video-recorders, telephones and many other industrial appliances. Properties: Very high dielectric rigidity: 229,3kV/cm, it incorporates dust and greasy materials. ELECTRO-CLEANERcreated for cleaning operations in presence of tension up to 1000V It must be applied using the specifichigh-pressure pump III) ELECTRONICcleaning before after
WE CAN ALSO PROVIDE: ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES • Collection, transport, treatment and disposalofdangerous and non-dangerousspecialwaste. B) Disposalofliquidcivil and industrial waste. C) Emptying and cleaningoftanks and septictanks D) Unblockingofpipelines and sewagesystems
Registration Number: TO15194 del 05/04/2011 Categories: CATEGOY n. 1: Collection and transport of special non-dangerous waste, produced by third-parties. CLASS E: overall population of the area assisted by the service inferior to 20.000 and superior or equal to 5.000 inhabitants. CATEGORY 4:Collection and transport of special non-dangerous waste, produced by third-parties. CLASS E: Overall yearly-processed amount superior to 3000 tons and inferior to 6000 tons. CATEGORY 5: Collection and transport of dangerous waste. CLASS F: Overall yearly-processed amount inferior to 3000 tons
A) COLLECTION, TRANSPORT, HANDLING AND DISPOSAL OF DANGEROUS AND NON-DANGEROUS WASTE. The company is regularly registered in the National Register of waste transport and disposal companies, so we can transport special waste materials, both dangerous and non-dangerous, on the entire national territory. NTA puts particular care on the safety aspects related to this sector of its activities, therefore, all the equipment and the vehicles undergo strict controls and periodical maintenance . Our personnel carries out a preventive analysis before each mission, so we will be able to recommend the best combination of equipment and service in order to provide the customer with top-quality reliability, safety, respect of environmental regulations and, last but not least, an affordable price.
. . . . Collection, transport, treatment and disposal of dangerous and non-dangerous special waste NTA can manage every phase of waste disposal, thanks also to its efficientvehicle fleet, that complies with all the current laws and regulations, allowing the company to optimize its performance and to provide a service that, nowadays, is able to solveone of the most burdensome problems afflicting both companies and communities.
B) DISPOSAL OF CIVIL AND INDUSTRIAL LIQUID WASTE Our canal jet range can satisfy every operational need, thanks to its wide range of dimensions, technical solutions, equipment and machinery. Our vehicles are tested and respect the ADR (“Accord euroopÈen relatif au transport international des merchandises Dangereuses par Route”) regulations concerning the handling and transporto of dangerous waste. Our service is made complete by the use of our wide range of tools and accessories, such as manhole covers and grate removers, shaft localizers, probes of different types and dimensions, etc...
C) EMPTYING AND CLEANING OF TANKS AND ARTIFICIAL BASINS The knowledge we acquired, together with our technical know-how and our time-proven procedures, developed by our technical personnel over the years, and completed by the use of our technological equipment, enables us to perform cleaning operations on tanks and artificial basins, wheter buried or not, and to issue all the valid certifications that allow the owner to dismiss the structures or to re-use them according to the current laws and regulations (gas free and resistance-tested). The operations are carried out either using conventional methods, with our specifically equipped personnel entering the structure, or by using technologically advanced equipment that allows the operator to work from a distance providing, however, reliable and safe results. We can give a further guarantee of the quality of our intervention by providing the client with evidence and data collected with our professional video-inspection systems, that can check and certify the operations carried out by our personnel.
NTApplicatecan also privide: LOGISTICS & PORTERAGE We can provide a goods handling and transport service by employing machinery, advanced logistics techniques and other equipment. We carry out all activities paying attention to organization and quality in order to provide the customer with flexible and efficient solutions.
We operate on the whole national territory and abroad. WE WOULD LIKE TO INVITE YOU TO VISIT OUR SHOWROOM OUR WEBSITE www.ntapplicate.it In our website you can find information, pictures and videos about our activities and services and also about the use of new technology in the field of industrial cleaning. We are available to provide further information, please contact us at the following email addresses: lamesta@ntapplicate.it - ronco@ntapplicate.it