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Harmonized Standards / Materials Josef L. Zeman Vienna University of Technology. Harmonized Standards / Definition. Designation used in New Approach Directives
Harmonized Standards / MaterialsJosef L. ZemanVienna University of Technology
Harmonized Standards / Definition Designation used in New Approach Directives Legal term for European Standards, in the New Approach adopted by CEN, following a mandate by the European Commission after consultation of Member States,prepared in acc. with the General Guidelines
Harmonized Standards / Presumption of Conformity Compliance with harmonized standards, which reference numbers have been published in the Official Journal ... provides presumption of conformity to the corresponding essential requirements of the EC directive(s).(Annex I of PED).
Annex ZA EN13445-3(informative) Clauses of this European Standard addressing essential requirements or other provisions of the EU Directives This European standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and supports essential requirements of the PED with regard to design of unfired pressure vessels The clauses of this standard given in Table ZA-1 are likely to support requirements of the PED. Compliance with these clauses of this standard provides one means of conforming with the specific essential safety requirements of the Directive concerned and associated EFTA regulations. WARNING: Other requirements and other EU Directives may be applicable to the product(s) falling within the scope of this standard.
Table ZA-1-Correspondence between this European Standard and Directive 97/23/EC
Harmonized Standards / Usage Not mandatory – one means of complying with PED requirementsAny other technical solution may be used provided that the PED requirements are met (and an at least equal level of safety is achieved) Guideline 9/5 Partial usage not forbidden, but the essential requirements covered shall be identified. Verification of compatibility and consistency required Guideline 9/6
Harmonized Standards / Annex I Annex I – Essential requirements The essential requirements are to be interpreted and applied in such a way as to take account of the state of the art and current practice at the time of design and manufacture as well as technical and economic considerations consistent with a high degree of health and safety protection
Usage of other standards Usage of other solutions does not give presumption of conformity (to the essential requirements of the Directive) Detailed description in Technical Documentation required Validation by Notified Body required, if module requires involvement Only the technical content of used document is relevant (not others related to e. g. conformity assessment) Guideline 9/5
Harmonized Standards / PED Pressure equipment and assemblies which conform to the national standards … shall be presumed to conform to the essential requirements Article 5
Harmonized Product Standards (~100) all aspects of the respective product covered Harmonized Supporting Standards (~150) working or testing methods for specified areas Harmonized Material Standards (~250 - 570) listing and describing materials properties
Requirements for materials Three routes stated in EN 13445-2: - Relevant European Standards (referred to in equipment standard) - European Approval for Materials (material shall only be used within range of application and if 4.1 and 4.2 have been taken into consideration) - Particular Material Appraisals (material accepted by a particular material appraisal and if 4.1 and 4.2 have been taken into consideration)
Requirements for materials / continuation For material acc. to European Standards: Marking acc. to the relevant product standard For material acc. to another route: Marking shall at least contain - matl spec. (reference, matl designation) - manufacturer’s name or mark - stamp of the inspection representative (if applicable)
CEN/TCs: Product standards 54 Unfired pressure vessels BSI (UK) 69 Industrial valves AFNOR (F) 182 Refrigerating systems, safety and environmental requirements DIN (DE) 210 GRP tanks and vessels DIN (DE) 267 Industrial piping and pipelines AFNOR (F) 268 Cryogenic vessels AFNOR (F) 269 Shell boilers and water-tube boilers DIN (DE) 286 Liquefied petroleum gas equipment and accessories NSAI (EI)
CEN/TCs: Supporting & materialstandards 74 Flanges and their joint DIN (DE) 121 Welding DS (DK) 132 Aluminium and aluminium alloys AFNOR (F) 133 Copper and copper alloys DIN (DE) 138 Non-destructive-testing AFNOR (F) 155 Plastic piping systems and ducting systems NEN (NL) 185 Threaded and non-threaded mechanical fasteners and accessories DIN (DE) 235 Gas pressure regulators UNI (I)
ECISS/TCs for material standards 9 Technical conditions of delivery and quality control 10 Structural steels – grades and qualities 13 Flat products for cold working – qualities, dimensions, tolerances and specific tests 15 Wire rod – qualities, dimensions, tolerances and specific tests 22 Steels for pressure purposes - qualities 23 Steels for heat treatment, alloy steels and free-cutting steels – qualities and dimensions 28 Steel forging 29 Steel tubes and fittings for steel tubes 31 Steel castings
Example 1: Unfired Pressure Vessels: Flanges Direct reference: EN 13445-3 Sub-clauses 11.4.1 and 11.4.2 Indirect requirements: Materials: EN 13445-2(Fabrication: EN 13445-4)Testing: EN 13445-5
11.4.1 Introduction Circular bolted flanged connections, … shall conform to either: a) an appropriate European Standard for pipework flanges, and the requirements of 11.4.2; or b) the requirements for bolted flanged connections specified in this clause; or c) the alternative rules in Annex G.
11.4.2 Use of standard flanges without calculation Flanges that conform to a European Standard for pipework flanges may be used … without any calculation, provided that all the following conditions are fulfilled: a) Under normal operating conditions, the calculation pressure does not exceed the rating pressure given … in the relevant European Standard, for the calculation temperature
b) Under testing or exceptional conditions, the calculation pressure does not exceed 1,5 times the rating pressure … at appropriate temperature. c) The gasket is one of those permitted by Table 11.4-1 for the relevant PN or Class series.
d) The bolts are of a strength category at least equal to the minimum required by Table 11.4-1 as a function of the gasket type used in the connection. e) The vessel is subjected to loading of predominently non-cyclic nature.
f) The difference between mean temperatures of bolts and flanges does not exceed 50°C in any condition. g) The bolt and flange material have coefficients of linear thermal expansion at 20°C that differ by more than 10% … but the calculation temperatures are less than 120°C, or the bolt and flange material have coefficients of linear thermal expansion at 20°C which do not differ by more than 10%.
Example 2:Unfired Pressure Vessels: Tubes Direct Reference: EN 10216-x: Seamless tubes for pressure purposes – Technical delivery conditions EN 10217-x: Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes – Technical delivery conditions
Example 3:Unfired Pressure Vessels: Bolts Direct references in EN 13445-2 EN 10269: Steels and nickel alloys for fasteners with specified elevated and/or low temperature properties EN 10272: Stainless steel bars for pressure purposes EN10273: Hot rolled weldable steel bars for pressure purposes with specified elevated temperature properties Additional requirements in sub-clause 4.2.4
Example 4:Usage of ASTM materials in accordance with EN 13445: For ASTM materials the “direct” route for standards material (acc. to relevant European standards) is not applicable – only the routes via the European Approval for Materials or the Particular Material Appraisal apply.