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Conference Assembles

Conference Assembles. Welcome and Introduction Gareth Hardy, APS Chairman. #apsconference. Welcome from Conference Chairman for Wednesday Oliver Gadsby CEO, Rowman & Little International. Keynote Sessions Chaired by Oliver Gadsby CEO, Rowman & Little International. Keynote Address

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Conference Assembles

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Conference Assembles

  2. Welcome and Introduction Gareth Hardy, APS Chairman

  3. #apsconference

  4. Welcome from Conference Chairman for Wednesday Oliver Gadsby CEO, Rowman & Little International

  5. Keynote Sessions Chaired by Oliver Gadsby CEO, Rowman & Little International

  6. Keynote Address Professor Christopher Higgins Vice Chancellor & Warden, Durham University

  7. Today’s University landscape and what makes it thrive (and role of books)! Professor Chris Higgins Vice-Chancellor and Warden Durham University

  8. What are Universities for? Ideas, Innovation and Knowledge Three roles: • Research – generation of ideas and knowledge • Conservation - preservation of ideas and knowledge • Education – dissemination of ideas and knowledge

  9. Research (Generating ideas – and increasing knowledge – for its own sake) Manufacture instruments for the world’s great telescopes, and now for European Space Agency Dark Energy and Matter UK Institute for Particle Physics (Higgs Boson)

  10. Research(Individual Wellbeing) Medical Humanities and Wellbeing Cultural Heritage Religion and being human

  11. Research (Global Issues) Climate Change Sustainable Energy Landslides and Risk Global Security Arctic Boundaries

  12. Research and Education(the Economy)Inward InvestmentCreate jobs, provide skillsAttract expertise to UKInnovation and EnterpriseLocal economic Development

  13. Education Citizens of Tomorrow Skills Society needs Cultural understanding Social Mobility Develop Opportunity and Potential

  14. A rounded Education(Opportunities and Transferable skills)

  15. PreservationSudan Archives

  16. Why are UK Universities so successful? History of Innovation Autonomy Diversity Funding Globalisation

  17. Why are UK Universities facing challenges? History of Innovation Autonomy Diversity Funding Globalisation

  18. Does the book have a future in Universities?Books have held special place in Universities, and societies, as best (only) way of storing and transmitting information and ideas

  19. What are Universities for?(role of the book) Three roles: • Research – generation of ideas and knowledge • Conservation - preservation of ideas and knowledge • Education – dissemination of ideas and knowledge

  20. Research(the doing) Access to detailed information on past research Access to special/collections/ archives conserved in Universities and elsewhere (resources) Reference materials

  21. Research(dissemination) To other Academics – journals; databases; books. Also used for promotion and funding Open Access To policy makers and business - reviews, policy papers, patents, partnerships To ‘public’ – general books; books as objects

  22. Conservation Special collections and archives Research materials Bring people to institutions Public communication Electronic

  23. Education Research-led. Students ‘read’ a subject Journals, e-resources Textbooks Books as oblects to study ‘Academic’ books Archives/special collections MOOCs (massive open online courses)

  24. Libraries Libraries – Research, Conservation and Education Use changing from storing books to study space and display.

  25. Libraries and Books

  26. Libraries and Books

  27. Books

  28. Conclusions • Does the book have a • future in Universities? • Yes…..but not as we know it! • ….as objects not as best or only means of storing and disseminating information • ….timeframe short

  29. Thank you

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