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Introduction to Agricultural Pests

Introduction to Agricultural Pests. Agri-science Mr. Bailey. What do you see? What do you think? What does it make you wonder?. What is a pest?. Construct a definition and example of what a pest might be in Agriculture Individual assignment . What is a pest ?.

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Introduction to Agricultural Pests

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction to Agricultural Pests Agri-science Mr. Bailey

  2. What do you see?What do you think?What does it make you wonder?

  3. What is a pest? • Construct a definition and example of what a pest might be in Agriculture • Individual assignment

  4. What is a pest? • A troublesome or annoying thing or an organism that is destructive to another organism • Examples

  5. How do you control a pest? • Pest management - • Keeping pests at a manageable level instead of eliminating pests all together

  6. What to keep in mind with pest!!! • The level of manageably depends on a person or from crop to crop. • Another thing is time. • Certain insects may be harmful at one stage of the cycle while later on it is not a threat.

  7. Why is pest management important? • Healthy living and agricultural production depend greatly on pest management

  8. How is pest management accomplished? • Pesticides • Biological control • (using one insect to manage another. Use wasps that feed off of flies to keep fly population maintained.)

  9. How is pest management accomplished? • Traps • (used to determine pest population, pest identity, and to reduce the number of pests.)

  10. Lets check out how pest management works!!! • http://video.nationalgeographic.com/video/animals/amphibians-animals/frogs-and-toads/toad_cane/ • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FHQC211p8w&feature=player_embedded#!

  11. What is pesticide? • Manufactured or natural chemical used for pest management • There are different varieties of pesticides • Insecticides just control insects • Herbicides control only plants • Fungicides control fungi • Nematocides controls nematodes • Rodenticides control rodents

  12. What is Integrated Pest Management? • One component in an overall crop or animal production system • Contains accurate pest counts • Understanding of a pest’s life cycle • Understanding of the impact of pests

  13. Exit Slip • Define what is meant by pest. • Name two pest management practices used in Agriculture.

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