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Dive into the art of soul-winning through meaningful conversations, incorporating genuine interaction while navigating spiritual touchpoints. Learn how to transition smoothly from casual dialogue to sharing the Gospel and planting seeds of faith.
Think of a Lost Friend, Family Member and Co-worker: • What are some possible responses that these individuals might have to someone sharing a Gospel presentation?
I Corinthians 3:5-8 • Paulplanted, • Apolloswatered, • but God gave the growth.
Some Thoughts to Consider: • Be _yourself__ in your conversation. Be _real_.
Some Thoughts to Consider: 2. _Remember: You are sharing a person, Jesus, and it is not your intention to cram Him down anyone’s throat or manipulate anyone into saying a prayer.
Some Thoughts to Consider: 3. Give them an _opportunity_ to believe and receive Christ. _Ask them if they are willing to receive Christ.
Some Thoughts to Consider: 4. Realize that _spiritual ___warfare__ is going on in a person’s life. Satan is battling to keep them from becoming a Christ-follower (Ephesians 6:12).
Some Thoughts to Consider: Prayer and sensitivity to the __Spiritof __God and to the _individual you are sharing with is most important.
Some Thoughts to Consider: Learn to __listen __ and ask questions…and sometimes it is in the reverse order…_ Ask__ questions and listen.
Transitional statements or questions are intended to transition from a casual conversation into a spiritual conversation.
Group Exercise: • Quickly Scan John 4 for examples of how Jesus used questions to move the conversation forward?
Sample Scenario: A Person Shares A Life Crisis: What are some questions that you may ask? “May I share with you what helped me in dealing with some crises in my life?”
Would this statement help move the conversation forward? There was a time in my life when…. and share your story of how you received Christ into your life. Continue with the More Life Transfer Guide
OPINION? “What do you understand it takes for a person to have more life here and to go to Heaven when they die?”
To move the Conversation Forward… Listen and acknowledge their responses, but then continue by asking… “May I share with you how More Life may be yours?” Proceed by reading the More Life Transfer Guide.
INTERACTIONThink of a scenario:Practice asking transitional questions or statements and with the goal of sharing the transfer guide.