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EU financing to Bulgarian economy Spyros Argyropoulos

Latest Development in Bulgarian Economy & Prospectiveness for Cooperation Thessaloniki, 9 th November 2005. EU financing to Bulgarian economy Spyros Argyropoulos. 1993. Association Agreement. 1995. AA enters into force. 1995. Membership application. 1997. Candidate status. 2000.

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EU financing to Bulgarian economy Spyros Argyropoulos

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Latest Development in Bulgarian Economy & Prospectiveness for Cooperation Thessaloniki, 9th November 2005 EU financing to Bulgarian economySpyros Argyropoulos

  2. 1993 Association Agreement 1995 AA enters into force 1995 Membership application 1997 Candidate status 2000 Opening negotiations 2004 Closing negotiations 2007 Membership How far has Bulgaria progressed along the road to Europe?

  3. How does Europe assist Bulgaria along the road to Europe?

  4. Financial allocations by programmes 2000-2004

  5. Phare CBC programmes in Bulgaria

  6. Increase in EU appropriations for 2004-2006 …

  7. … but less forgiving EU political climate

  8. PHARE ESF, ERDF SAPARD EARDF under CAP ISPA Cohesion Fund From pre-accession to structural funds (2007-2013) STRUCTURAL FUNDS: ESF– employment and human resources development ERDF– productive investment and economic infrastructure CF– transport & environment infrastructure and energy efficiency

  9. Agriculture 1,552 mEUR Structural actions 2,3 mEUR EC Bulgaria Internal Policies 268mEUR Administration 116 mEUR Schengen and Cash-flow Facilities 240mEUR Financial framework for Bulgaria 2007-2009

  10. Total sum –% of GDP Bulgaria, Romania (2007-2009) as compared to EU new member states (2004-2006)

  11. New FDI data are also encouraging …

  12. … but policy challenges remains It is crucial that Bulgariatakes immediate and decisive action to address issues of serious concern if it is to be ready by the envisaged date of accession: • strengthen the rule of law • improving public administration and the justice system • fighting corruption effectively

  13. Overview • Where we’ve come from • lost years culminating in 1996 crisis • strong performance since 1997 • Where we are now • strong growth despite weak world demand • tight fiscal policy, some delays on structural reform • credit boom and current account deficit pose policy challenge • Where we’re going • EU accession: real and nominal convergence • Preservation of currency board up to EMU • Precautionary program with the IMF

  14. For contacts BB&T Ltd. is independent management consultancy company, operating in Bulgaria and internationally. The company has proven experience of delivering complex and multi-disciplinary projects. Its broad and in-depth expertise fully embraces both private and public sector, being able to bring clients and projects the most appropriate mix of skills and experience. BB&T provide services at most stages of project cycle: identification, feasibility, operational and technical follow-up, technical advice and support, information and communication, monitoring; as well as studies and research with the emphasis on industrial and commercial development, regional and local economic development strategies and local employment initiatives. 101, G. S. Rakovski Str., Fl. 1 1000 Sofia / Bulgaria Phone: (+359 2) 9230080 Fax: (+359 2) 9230089 E-mail: office@bbt.bg

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