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Early Civilizations of India. The Harappan and the Aryans. Indus Valley Civilization. The Indus Valley is also known as the HarappanIt formed in the fertile Indus river valley and lasted from 2500 B.C. until 1500 B.C.The cities of Harappan and Mohenjo-Daro were the most important citiesThese two
1. Global Studies 1/26/04 OBJECTIVE: Examine the Early Civilizations of South Asia.
I. Journal #5 pt. A
-Read “Digging in the Indus Valley” p.172
-answer questions (1-2) p.172
II. Journal #5 pt. B
-notes on the Harappan and the Aryans
III. Chapter #7 Review
Notice: Chapter #7 Test Wednesday 1/28/04
2. Early Civilizations of India The Harappan and the Aryans
3. Indus Valley Civilization The Indus Valley is also known as the Harappan
It formed in the fertile Indus river valley and lasted from 2500 B.C. until 1500 B.C.
The cities of Harappan and Mohenjo-Daro were the most important cities
These two cities are about 350 miles apart and between them were smaller towns
4. The Government The civilization of the Indus Valley had a strong government which:
-enforced strong building codes
i.e. bricks were all the same size
-built straight streets & sewer system
-had separate districts for public and private buildings
-some buildings had bathing facilities
5. Farming To support the cities the government collected taxes in the form of food
Most people were farmers and lived in small towns
The people who lived in the cities were officials, craft workers, and merchants
6. What farmers did The farmers grew barley, wheat, peas, and sesame
They kept cattle, sheep, goats, and water buffaloes.
They are believed to be the first to domesticate chickens and grow cotton
7. What is known about the Indus Valley Civilization ? It is believed that the people of Harappa traded goods with the people of the ancient city of Sumer in modern day Iraq.
There is a lot of written language left by the Indus Valley people, but nobody can decipher (read) it.
8. What happened to the Indus Valley Civilization? Nobody knows for sure, but around 2000 B.C. the brick were no longer made to be the same size
Streets were not fixed and houses were divided into apartments
Some towns were abandoned
9. It was first thought that the civilization was invaded and conquered, but now it is thought that the end came from natural causes when surplus crops could no longer be grown.
Without surplus crops, farmers could not feed the cities.
10. What could cause a decline in food production? 1. the climate became too dry for farming
2. the Indus river could have changed course
3. centuries of farming could have drained the soil of nutrients
11. The Arrival of the Aryans With the Indus Valley civilization already in decline they probably could not defend themselves from the strong new comers
The Aryans were originally from the Caucasus mountains.
During their migration to India, which took hundreds of years, the encountered people from the Middle East & learned how to make and use iron weapons
12. Most of what is know about the Aryans comes from oral religious traditions known as Vedas
Vedas are hymns, prayers, and rituals composed between 1500 B.C. and 1000 B.C.
Vedic hymns are still in use today in India
Later Vedas were written down when the Aryans developed the written language of Sanskrit
13. What were the Aryans Like? They worshiped many gods, the most important was Indra
Indra was the warrior god
He had human characteristics like he enjoyed eating and dancing
He was strict. He governed the universe and punished sinners
Aryans worshiped & made sacrifices to him
14. The Aryans and cows Aryans were farmers and herders
They placed great value on cattle
Men received cattle as a reward for being successful in war
People measured wealth in terms of cattle
The Vedas compare the Earth to a cow
Rain is like a cows milk, and the sun is its calf
15. Aryan Society Rajahs ruled the villages and were assisted by the council of warriors.
The chief priest also held great power. He was the one who carried out the sacrifices to please the gods.
The Aryans divided people into four social classes called the varna.
-varna means color in sanskrit
16. The Varna 1.) Brahmans – the priests
2.) Kshatriyas – the warriors
3.) Vaisyas – the landowners, merchants, and herders
4.) Sudras – the servants and peasants
Over time the Varna became the more rigid caste system
17. Global Studies 1/27/04 OBJECTIVE: Review for Chapter #7 Test
I. Chapter #7 Review
II. Homework – Study for Chapter #7 Test
18. Global Studies 1/28/04 OBJECTIVE: Demonstrate mastery of Chapter #7 – Geography and Early History of India.
I. Chapter #7 Test
II. Homework
-Read Chapter #8 section#1 p.176-182
-Answer questions (2-6) p.182
REMINDER: Career Night Today 6-9pm Robichard H.S.
19. Global Studies 1/29/04 OBJECTIVE: Investigate the lives of the people of Sri Lanka and Nepal.
I. Journal #6 pt. A
-questions on Sri Lanka & Nepal
II. Journal #6 pt. B
-”Reading a graph” & “An Indian Woman Looks at the British”
Fun facts:
2 years ago yesterday it was 60 degrees
2 years ago tomorrow, we had a snow day
20. While watching 1.) List three ways Sri Lanka is similar to the U.S & 3 ways it is different than the U.S.
2.) How does geography affect the people of Nepal?
3.) Compare and Contrast Sri Lanka & Nepal
4.) Which nation is most similar to the United States? Why?
21. Journal #6 pt. B Read: “An Indian Woman Looks at the British” Answer questions (2-5)
Answer questions (1-5) on “Reading a Graph”
22. Global Studies 1/30/04 OBJECTIVE: Examine religion in South Asia.
I. Journal #7
-complete the map study on p. 181
II. Mythbusters