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Grand Canyon National Park Electrical Energy Audit Steve Mead, Abigail Arrington, Mitchell Day Department of Civil E

Grand Canyon National Park Electrical Energy Audit Steve Mead, Abigail Arrington, Mitchell Day Department of Civil Engineering and Construction Management. GCNP Electrical Energy Audit. Study Objectives: “ What gets measured gets done” Identify how electrical energy is used at GCNP

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Grand Canyon National Park Electrical Energy Audit Steve Mead, Abigail Arrington, Mitchell Day Department of Civil E

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Grand Canyon National Park Electrical Energy Audit Steve Mead, Abigail Arrington, Mitchell Day Department of Civil Engineering and Construction Management

  2. GCNP Electrical Energy Audit • Study Objectives: • “What gets measured gets done” • Identify how electrical energy is used at GCNP • Analyze data and calculate GHG Emissions • Make Recommendations

  3. GCNP Electrical Energy Audit

  4. GCNP Electrical Energy Audit

  5. GCNP Electrical Energy Audit

  6. GCNP Electrical Energy Audit

  7. GCNP Electrical Energy Audit

  8. GCNP Electrical Energy Audit • Grand Canyon National Park • Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2008 • 7,922,489 KW creates • 11.9 million pounds of greenhouse gas • or 5400 metric tons • Source: Dones et.al. Green house gas emissions from energy systems: Comparison and Overview, 2003

  9. GCNP Electrical Energy Audit • Recommendations • Develop and Implement a 20 / 20 conservation program • Complete a comprehensive energy audit • Create and fund an energy czar position at GCNP • Reengineer your water / wastewater system • Use LEED EB as a tool to green your existing buildings

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