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THE ADVENTURE OF COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES. THE LATEST MOUSE. THE FIRST MOUSE. Apple completely touch-technology-oriented company, first started with the iPhone . Then the iPod Touch and MacBook Pro series has been produced . And this is the latest technology on mouse .

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  2. THE LATEST MOUSE THE FIRST MOUSE Apple completely touch-technology-oriented company, first started with the iPhone. Then the iPod Touch and MacBook Pro series has beenproduced. Andthis is thelatesttechnology on mouse. The first mouse was made ​​by Douglas Engelbart in 1963 and placed at 90 degree angles consisted of two wheels.

  3. THE FIRST COMPUTER THE LATEST COMPUTER (ENIAC) ENIAC (thefirstcomputer) was developed for the U.S. Army.Itwasfirst 30 tons in weight, volume was 167 square meters OS X( operatingsystem ) is thebestoneforthecomputersbymeans of latesttecnology. And it is the mostpopulerone in theworldand it is designed to provide integrated computer experience.

  4. THE LATEST LAPTOP THE FIRST LAPTOP British Daily Mail newspaper has remind us thefirst laptop computercalledthe Osborne 1. Itwas developed in 1981, has got10.8-pound computer's screen and 12.7 cm wide and had 64 Kb of memory. The price was $ 1,800. The latestandtherevolutionary Retina display has beendevelopedtheseyears. It has got the latest intel processorsand it isexceptionally thin and designed as13-inch and 15-inch.

  5. THE LATEST TELEVISION THE FIRST TELEVISION Thehistory of television has started in 1966 at southKorea.. Andnowthelatesttecnology is called OLED tvandthischanges at tvtechnologiesaresosuprisingly. First televisionwasinvented by John Logie Baird in England in 1923.

  6. THE FIRST PRINTER THE LATEST PRINTER The first printer wasfoundby Charles Babbage. He had invented a mechanicalcalculatorand he designedthis printer for his mechanicalcalculator. But he couldn’tfinishboth of them. He couldonlydrawtheproject. Both of thesedevicesareproducedbyLondonScienceMuseum. (Thecalculatorwasproduced in 1991 andthe printer in 2000) 3D Printer is a printer thatwasdesignedbycomputerand is thelatesttechnologyincludes a veryfastandquality in usage.

  7. THE LASTEST HEADSET THE FIRST HEADSET In 1910, the first headset waspreparedfor the U.S. Armyby Nathaniel Baldwin. Because the U.S. military would liketılisten to the sounds of telegraph.The first prototype preparedbyBaldwinwasquitesuccesfull. The headphones producednowadayshave had veryhighqualitiesbymeans of soundsystem. Andtheyarevery popular amongyoungpeople.

  8. THE LASTEST RADIO THE FIRST RADIO Philips' original Mini Radio, as well as technological features itsretro design isalsobeatiful. Even if it is in its caseit can connecttoall iPod and iPhone easily. The world's first radio was invented by a Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell in 1865. But Nikola Tesla was considered the inventor of modern radio.

  9. THE LATEST PHONE THE FIRST PHONE Graham Bellwas invented the phone in 1876. He didthefirstspeechwith his girlfriend. Theword of ‘ALO’ comesfromthefirstletter of his girlfriend’sname - "AlessandraLolitaOswaldo"  Gigaset SL910is designedforhomeusagewithitshighquality. It has got a verysensitivetouchscreen.

  10. THE LASTEST MOBILE PHONE THE FIRST MOBILE PHONE iPhone 5s is thelatestonewith a newfingerprint sensor, 64-bit A7 chip, faster and more advanced with an iSight camera and ultra-fast wireless connectivity. The mobile phone of Martin Cooper TheGeneral Manager of Motorola's Communications Systems Division wasaboutthe weight ofone kilogram (907, 2 g). And it costedaboutfour thousand dollarsforthe initialcall of 30 minutes in April 3, 1973.

  11. THE LATEST CINEMA HALL THE FIRST CINEMA HALL The first cinema hall, was openedby William T. Rock in June 26, 1896, in the U.S. city of New Orleans. The entrance fee was10 cents, the name of thecinemahallwas "Hail Vitascop" . Ithad 400 seats. The system applied for the first time in Turkey is one of the world's only 36 movies. The system costs $ 1.5 million, taking the audience into the film from the seat. The system passes through a field of flowers in the movie that makes you feel the fragrance of flowers, soaked under the rain drops, giving a sense of excitement, happiness, and action to the audience.

  12. THE LATEST KEYBOARD THE FIRST KEYBOARD The Logitech withUltrathin Keyboard Folio features built-in Bluetooth is designedwithlightweight materials and a thin protective case. Android ™ accordance with shortcuts and key range offers fast and comfortable typing experience. The world's first typewriter wasinventedby WilliamAustinBurtin 1829 named ‘typography

  13. The first speaker was made betweenthe years of 1924-1925. Chester W. Rice and Edward W. Kellogg have developed thefirstspeaker. THE LATEST SPEAKER THE FIRST SPEAKER THX-certified systemofferscinema-quality sound in movies, games and music.

  14. Thispresentationwaspreparedby Yiğit TEKŞEN Büşra ŞEN Ayşe SEYREK Zeynep MİRZA from TURKEY Thanksforwatching

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