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Naval Hospital Twentynine Palms Tobacco Free Campus Initiative. What does it mean to me?. What is the tobacco free campus initiative?.
Naval Hospital Twentynine Palms Tobacco Free Campus Initiative What does it mean to me? NHTP-tobaccofree@med.navy.mil
What is the tobacco free campus initiative? • The Surgeon General of the US Navy, Vice Admiral Robinson, has challenged Navy Medicine to lead the way by example by creating tobacco free hospitals and clinics. • To this end: • Active Duty Navy medicine staff will not be allowed to use tobacco while on duty, in uniform or while traveling on Navy Medicine business • Visitors to the hospital, AMCC or branch clinics will not be allowed to use tobacco products while on medical property NHTP-tobaccofree@med.navy.mil
Why have a tobacco free campus? • Tobacco use is the leading cause of death and disability in the US. • Tobacco use causes cancer, heart disease, respiratory illness, diabetes, infertility and a wide range of disabling conditions. • Tobacco use is one of the leading detractors from combat readiness. • Tobacco use impacts healing of injuries, heat stroke, night blindness, PTSD, etc. NHTP-tobaccofree@med.navy.mil
This chart is the US civilian population cause of death based on exposure. • Before dippers think that their risk is so much smaller than smokers - in the civilian world only ~3% of tobacco users are dippers. • In the military world, at least half of all tobacco users are dippers and many tobacco users both smoke and dip. NHTP-tobaccofree@med.navy.mil
Tobacco and the Warfighter • Decreased ability to deal with stress • Decreased fine motor coordination • Decreased stamina • More heel blistering • Decreased Night Vision (by as much as 50%) • Double the risk of PTSD • Increased need for water • Worsening of hearing loss • Decreased lung capacity • Decreased wound healing • Increased injuries • Decreased mental acuity NHTP-tobaccofree@med.navy.mil
Tobacco use in combat makes you a target – both from the lit tobacco product and the puddle of spit. • A puddle of spit can be seen on the ground for several minutes - allowing your movements to be tracked. Thermal IR image of a lit cigarette butt NHTP-tobaccofree@med.navy.mil
When will it take effect? • Naval Hospital Twentynine Palms, Adult Medical Care Clinic, Branch Clinic China Lake & Branch Clinic Bridgeport will become tobacco free campus on January 1, 2010. • From that point forward, there will be no tobacco use on NHTP governed property. NHTP-tobaccofree@med.navy.mil
Where will it be instituted? • Tobacco free campus will include all buildings that are medical in nature. • Campus is defined as “any property or non-residential building that is owned, operated, maintained or leased by NHTP to include all roads, parking lots and sidewalks on NHTP, AMCC, China Lake and Bridgeport Clinics grounds”. NHTP-tobaccofree@med.navy.mil
How will it be instituted? • Beginning November 2009: • Signage will be in place announcing the tobacco free campus status of all NHTP governed property. • Beginning January 2010: • All ash cans will be removed from the property. • Tobacco use areas will be moved as far off the medical property as possible without impacting the training needs of MCAGCC, Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake & Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center. NHTP-tobaccofree@med.navy.mil
Where can I get help quitting tobacco? • AD Navy & all civilian hospital & clinic staff: • Schedule an appointment in the OCC Health clinic Tuesday and Thursday afternoons starting in August and additional times by appointment. • Health Promotions will then see you at the same time for brief, one on one counseling and follow up. • Active Duty Marines: • Contact Health Promotion & Wellness (760-830-2814) for brief, one on one counseling and follow up. You will then be sent to your BAS, etc for the meds. • Family members and retirees: • Make an appointment with your provider for the meds. You will then be put into contact with Health Promotions for further help and follow up. NHTP-tobaccofree@med.navy.mil