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Homework # 2

Homework # 2. Due Date: 25 Feb , 2010. Problem #1. If you represent the three forces and the couple by an equivalent system consisting of a force F acting at A and a couple M, what are the magnitudes of F and M?. Ay. Ax. M A. Problem #2.

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Homework # 2

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Homework #2 Due Date: 25Feb, 2010

  2. Problem #1 If you represent the three forces and the couple by an equivalent system consisting of a force F acting at A and a couple M, what are the magnitudes of F and M?

  3. Ay Ax MA

  4. Problem #2 Replace the distributed loading shown in Figure by a single force.

  5. F 0.8m

  6. Problem #3 The uniform bar BA in the Figure P4.31 weighs 300N and the block W weighs 500N. The block rests on the bar but is secured by a taut wire wrapped around a smooth pulley and connected to the right end of the bar at A. Determine the tension in the wire and the reaction onto BA at B.

  7. T Nm Nm T Bx G G By Referring to the block, Referring to the beam,

  8. Problem #4 Find the reactions exerted on the members by the supports.

  9. 30N 4N C 50Nm Ax By Ay 0.2m 0.2m

  10. Problem #5 Find the reactions exerted on the members by the supports.

  11. F Ax Nf Ay

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