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Laura Nelson ln@ns.ph.liv.ac.uk . Current Status of Parametric PSA of In-beam data. PSA meeting, CSNSM Orsay 28 th June 2007 . Experimental Details. z. y. BEAM. x. 48 Ti beam @100MeV Deuterium target Inverse kinematics Direct, fusion evaporation and Coulex reactions.
Laura Nelson ln@ns.ph.liv.ac.uk Current Status of Parametric PSA of In-beam data PSA meeting, CSNSM Orsay 28th June 2007
Experimental Details z y BEAM x • 48Ti beam @100MeV • Deuterium target • Inverse kinematics • Direct, fusion evaporation and Coulex reactions • Target->Ge distance (y): 10.9cm • Target->Si distance (z): 3.4cm • Si angular range: 250<q<520 • Si thickness: 300mm • Aluminium absorber: 16mm thick BEAM a - S001 b - S002 g - S003
Separation of Reaction Channels • For transfer and Coulex: Conservation of energy Conservation of momentum • For fusion-evaporation: Fit output of a PACE calculation giving statistical proton energy as a function of angle. • Then consider the energy loss per unit path length in Ti target, Al absorber, and Si detector as a function of angle
Front face and tapered side singles scan 1GBq Cs-137 source, E = 662keV Cartesian grid in 1mm steps 1 minute per position 1mm injection collimator 120mm long S002 Singles Scan Results Incident photons Incident photons
Azimuthal Parameter ICA ICA std err
Radial Parameter T30 T90 correlation T30 T90 std err
Next Steps • Fit risetime parameter as a function of radius => in-beam radial interaction position • Fit ICA parameter as a function of azimuthal angle for each radius => determine in-beam azimuthal interaction position • Determine dependence of these parameters on the z depth of interaction position using singles side scan. • Use side singles scan to fit vertical ICA => in-beam vertical interaction position • Show the improvement to the Doppler correction at each stage and compare this to other PSA algorithms to determine their efficacy • Verify the reproducibility of parametric method by producing the same plots for S003.
Laura Nelson ln@ns.ph.liv.ac.uk Acknowledgements: A.J. Bostona, H.C. Bostona, J.R. Cresswella, M.R. Dimmocka, J.Ljungvallc, P.J. Nolana, F. Recchiad, S.V. Rigbya, J. Simpsonb And All AGATA collaborators. aThe University of Liverpool, Oxford Street, Liverpool L69 7ZE, UK. b CCLRC Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington WA4 4AD, UK. c CEA/DSM/DAPNIA/SPhN, Cedex, France. dUniversity and INFN Padova, Italy. PSA meeting, CSNSM Orsay 28th June 2007
H2 Coulex particles still present. This is by far the strongest reaction. There are gs from 48Ti at 1312keV and 1437keV.
Cross Sections Transfer reaction Total x-section = 10.19mb Q-value = 5.91MeV Fusevap reaction Total x-section = 3.7mb Q-value = 13.87MeV