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The Seven Billion

The Seven Billion. On the back page of this packet, please make a list of all the issues you think we will face at the global level due to the increased population. Public sector may contract out for any of their services. What is a common good?.

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The Seven Billion

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Seven Billion

  2. On the back page of this packet, please make a list of all the issues you think we will face at the global level due to the increased population.

  3. Public sector may contract out for any of their services.

  4. What is a common good? Goods and services provided by the government (taxes) and consumed by the public; people cannot be excluded from the benefits even if they do not pay for it and one person’s use does not reduce the usefulness of the good

  5. the process of transferring from privately owned property or goods to government-owned or public ownership What is nationalization?

  6. the process of transferring state-owned property and business to individuals What is privatization?

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