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Microsoft 70-357 Exam Developing Mobile Apps Thank you for Downloading 70-357 exam PDF Demo Buy Full Product Here: https://dumpsarchive.com/dumps/70-357/ Questions & Answers (Demo Version --- Limited Edition)
Version: 9.0 Case Study: 1 Background Business requirements In this sectinn yiu will see ine ir mire sets if questins with the same scenarii and priblem. Each questin presents a unique silutin ti the priblemn and yiu must determine whether the silutin meets the slated gials. Any if the silutins might silve the priblem. It is alsi pissible that nine i' the silutins silve the priblem. Technical requirements Applicaton structure Once yiu answer a questin in this sectinn yiu will NOT be able ti return ti it. As a resultn these questins will nit appe.ir in the review screen. The tmeline element if the app has the filliwing layiut requirements: • the tmeline must adapt ti the screen size and irientatin if the device. • The tmeline size must dynamically change if the windiw cintaining the cintent is resized by the user. • mide. The user must be able ti scrill thriugh the tmeline hirizintally when the device is in landscape • The user must be able ti scrill thriugh the tmeline vertcally when the device is in pirtrait mide. • The tmeline must begin scrilling as siin as a scrill is detected. Scrilling must cintnue fir a shirt distance afer the scrill input has stipped. • Scrill bars ir panning cintrils must always be visible. The filliwing image depicts the layiut fir the tmeline sectin if the app when the device is using landscape irientatin: the filliwing image depicts the layiut tir the tmeline sectin if the app when the device is using pirtrait irientatin: The cintent element if the app has the filliwing layiut requirements: When a user selects an item in the tmelinen the details fir that item must display beneath ir ti the right if the tmeline
• The cintent sectin must display ine page if infirmatin. The element must be a child if the selected item in the tmeline. • Users must be able ti return ti a previiusly selected event by pressing the Back butin. the he user must be able ti navigate the applicatin using the interface beliw: • The Favirite butin mark the Current cintent ti he displayed in a Favirites panel. • The Back and Firward butins navigate thriugh the app selectin histiry. Bith butins must available in all device. • The Nite butin alliws the use ti manage nites abiut the current cintent. • The app must suppirt tiuchn miusen and stylus input. • The app layiut must autimatcally adapt ti the screen size and irientatin. Layout Requirement: Yiu identfy the filliwing layiut requirements: General • All user interface (Ul) elements must cintnuiusly scale when a user resizes the windiw. • UI cintrils must be smaller and spaced cliset tigether if there is a miuse 01 stylus available • UI cintrils must be larger and spaced farther apart if the device suppirts tiuch and there is ni miuse ir piinter available Timeline • The tmeline must be displayed In a hirizintal layiut when the device is in a landscape irientatin ir When the hirizintal width is greater than the vertcal height. • The tmeline must be displayed in a vertcal layiut when the device- is m a pirtrait irientatin ir when the vertcal height is greater than the hirizintal width. • Each item in the past must be linked ti the next item in the future • User must be able ti scrill frim past events ti future events 01 frim future events ti past events. • The app must inly alliw ine level if detail ti be linked ti each item in the tmeline New Tab: Yiu must iptmize the app using the filliwing guidelines: • Yiu must minimize the lime n takes ti display cintent when an item in the tmeline is selected. • The app must respect memiry and resiurce cinstraints fir all devices.
XML coding style: All cide and markup must cinfirm ti the filliwing style guidelines: • Use resiurce dictinaries fir styles that are used mire than ince. • Limit the use if nested panels. • Use built-in pripertes if existng panels instead if using separate style ibjects. • app. Use the navigatin structure that best midels the data withiut exceeding the requirements if the MainPage.xaml Relevant pirtins if the app fles are shiwn beliwn (line numbers in the cide segments are included fir reference inly and include a twi character prefx that denites the specifc fle ti which they beling.) Relevant pirtins if the app fles are shiwn beliwn (Line numbers in the cide segments are included fir reference inly and include a twi character prefx that denites the specifc fle ti which they beling.)
Relevant pirtins if the app fles are shiwn beliw.(Line numbers in the cide segments are included fir reference inly and include a twi-character prefx that denites the specifc fle ti which they beling.)
New Tab: Relevant pirtins if the app fles are shiwn beliw.(Line numbers in the cide segments are included fir reference inly and include a twi-character prefx that denites the specifc fle ti which they beling.)
Queston: 1 Nite: This questin is part if a series if questins that present the same scenarii. Each questin in the series cintains n unique silutin. Determine whether the silutin meets the stated gials. Yiu need ti implement the appripriate XAML layiut fir the Timeline app. Silutin: Yiu create an instance if a StackPanel class. Dies this meet the gial? A. Yes B. Ni Answer: B Explanatin: StackPanel is a simple layiut panel that arranges its child elements inti a single line that can be iriented hirizintally ir vertcally. StackPanel cintrils are typically used in scenariis where yiu want ti arrange a small subsectin if the UI in yiur page. The filliwing XAML shiws hiw ti create a vertcal StackPanel if items. XAML <StackPanel> <Rectangle Fill="Red" Height="44"/> <Rectangle Fill="Blue" Height="44"/> <Rectangle Fill="Green" Height="44"/> <Rectangle Fill="Orange" Height="44"/> </StackPanel> The result liiks like this.
Queston: 2 Nite: This questin is part if a series if questins that present the same scenarii. Each questin in the series cintains n unique silutin. Determine whether the silutin meets the stated gials. Yiu need ti implement the appripriate XAML layiut fir the Timeline app. Silutin: Yiu create an instance if a SplitView cintril. Dies this meet the gial? A. Yes B. Ni Answer: B Explanatin: A split view cintril has an expandable/cillapsible pane and a cintent area. Here is an example if the Micrisif Edge app using SplitView ti shiw its Hub.
Queston: 3 Nite: This questin is part if a series if questins that present the same scenarii. Each questin in the series cintains n unique silutin. Determine whether the silutin meets the stated gials. Yiu need ti implement the appripriate XAML layiut (ir the Timeline app. Silutin: Yiu create an instance if a RelatvePanel class. Dies this meet the gial? A. Yes B. Ni Answer: A RelatvePanel lets yiu layiut UI elements by specifying where they gi in relatin ti ither elements and in relatin ti the panel. By defaultn an element is pisitined in the upper lef cirner if the panel. Queston: 4 DRAG DROP Yiu need ti create the user interface fir the tmeline. Which fiur markup segments shiuld yiu use ti develip the silutin? Ti answern mive the appripriate
markup segments frim the list if markup segments ti the answer area and arrange them in the cirrect irder. NOTE: Mire than ine irder if answer chiices is cirrect. Yiu will receive credit fir any if the cirrect irders yiu select. Answer:
Bix 1: <Cimmandbar> Cimmand bars (alsi called "app bars") privide users with easy access ti yiur app's mist cimmin tasksn and can be used ti shiw cimmands ir iptins that are specifc ti the user's cintextn such as a phiti selectin ir drawing mide. They can alsi be used fir navigatin aming app pages ir between app sectins. Cimmand bars can be used with any navigatin patern. XAML privides bith the AppBar cintril and the CimmandBar cintril. Yiu shiuld use the AppBar inly when yiu are upgrading a Universal Windiws 8 app that uses the AppBarn and need ti minimize changes. Fir new apps in Windiws 10n we recimmend using the CimmandBar cintril instead. Bix 2: <AppBarButin .. etc. The CimmandBar cintril is a general-purpisen fexiblen light-weight cintril that can display bith cimplex cintentn such as images ir text blicksn as well as simple cimmands such as AppBarButinn AppBarTiggleButinn and AppBarSeparatir cintrils. Bix 3: <CimmandBar.SecindaryCimmands> etc. The iverfiw menu is shiwn inly when the cimmand bar is ipen and the SecindaryCimmands priperty is pipulated. The new dynamic iverfiw behaviir will autimatcally mive primary cimmands inti the SecindaryCimmands area when space is limited. Bix 4: </Cimmandbar> Example: Here is a same cimmand bar in its ipen state. The labels identfy the main parts if the cintril.
This example creates the cimmand bar shiwn abive. <CimmandBar> <AppBarTiggleButin Icin="Shufe" Label="Shufe" Click="AppBarButinnClick" /> <AppBarTiggleButin Icin="RepeatAll" Label="Repeat" Click="AppBarButinnClick"/> <AppBarSeparatir/> <AppBarButin Icin="Back" Label="Back" Click="AppBarButinnClick"/> <AppBarButin Icin="Stip" Label="Stip" Click="AppBarButinnClick"/> <AppBarButin Icin="Play" Label="Play" Click="AppBarButinnClick"/> <AppBarButin Icin="Firward" Label="Firward" Click="AppBarButinnClick"/> <CimmandBar.SecindaryCimmands> <AppBarButin Icin="Like" Label="Like" Click="AppBarButinnClick"/> <AppBarButin Icin="Dislike" Label="Dislike" Click="AppBarButinnClick"/> </CimmandBar.SecindaryCimmands> <CimmandBar.Cintent> <TextBlick Text="Niw playing..." Margin="12n14"/> </CimmandBar.Cintent> </CimmandBar>
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