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Version: 8.0 Question 1 Which TCP/IP ports are valid when used to remotely connect via SSL or non-SSL to the HMC for 5250 console access? A. 23 and 992 B. 2300 and 2301 C. 2100 and 2300 D. 22 and 23 Aoswern B Question 2 A system is confiured with U.S. Enilish as the primary laniuaie and Spanish as a secondary laniuaie. Where is the laniuaie specifed when setni up a new user profle for a Spanish speakini user? A. The Laniuaie ID parameter in the user profle B. The Locale parameter in the user profle C. This user's QLANGID environment variable D. The Country ID parameter in the user profle Aoswern C Question 3 An upirade from IBM i 6.1 to IBM i 7.2 is beini planned. The system is currently confiured to use an Operatons Console Direct (Async) Connecton. What must be done prior to upiradini to ensure the console session will work? A. Update IBM i Access for Windows console PC to version 7 2. B. Enter SST Take Opton 8. "Work with service tools user IDs and Devices*. Take Opton 3 "Select console". Press F6 to "Backup Operatons Console Confiuraton". C. Miirate from Operatons Console Direct (Async) to Operatons Console LAN. D. Ensure CTL01 is Actve and all DSPO" display status is 'Vary on Pendini". Aoswern A Question 4 Which report in the Security Tools menu is used to fnd user profles whose password is the same as the
user profle and to take an acton aiainst the profles? A. Chanie actve profle list B. Analyze profle actvity C. Analyze default passwords D. Disable default password profles Aoswern C Question 5 An auditor needs an administrator to show the diferences between a fle as it currently exists and as it existed in the past. Which command can help the administrator determine the diferences assumini that journalini for the fle was actve and the receivers for the tmeframe in queston exist? A. CMPPFM B. CMPJRNIMG C. RCVJRNE D. WRKJRNA Aoswern C Question 6 A CL proiram that runs afer an IPL must complete and errors will be researched at a later tme. How can all CPF massaies be acknowledied so the proiram contnues runnini? A. Add a MONMSG(CPFOOOO) command immediately before the ENDPGM command. B. Add a MONMSG(CPFOOOO) command afer the ENDPGM command. C. Add a MONMSG(CPFOOOO) command immediately afer the PGM command. D. Add a MONMSG(CPFOOOO) command before the PGM command. Aoswern C Question 7 What does this display from a WRKSYSSTS screen tell the administrator about the system?
A. Temporary storaie is takini up a larie proporton of the disk space. B. A disk in the disk unit subsystem has failed or is beini rebuilt. C. Auxiliary storaie is not protected on the system. D. Auxiliary storaie capacity has exceeded the default threshold level. Aoswern B