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Taler Thomas Emily Warnick David Rojo Brandon John-Charles Connor Valmore

Taler Thomas Emily Warnick David Rojo Brandon John-Charles Connor Valmore. A History. Vincent Gaddis coined the term Bermuda Triangle in 1964 Connects at Miami, Puerto Rico, and Bermuda Also nicknamed Devil’s Triangle 500,000 sq. miles. Herp de Derp. Compass malfunctions

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Taler Thomas Emily Warnick David Rojo Brandon John-Charles Connor Valmore

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  1. Taler Thomas Emily Warnick David Rojo Brandon John-Charles Connor Valmore

  2. A History • Vincent Gaddis coined the term Bermuda Triangle in 1964 • Connects at Miami, Puerto Rico, and Bermuda • Also nicknamed Devil’s Triangle • 500,000 sq. miles

  3. Herp de Derp • Compass malfunctions • Swirling clouds/ unusual weather patterns • Spotty radio transmission • Multiple disappearances that are never found

  4. Gain Quasar • First person to document the Bermuda Triangle • Research began over 20 years ago • Wrote the book They Flew into Oblivion • Also studies things like big foot and UFOs

  5. Flight 19 • December 5, 1945 • 5 Navy bombers disappeared after leaving base at 2:08 for routine training • By 8 pm, they were gone

  6. Flight 19 Continued • There were 14 men on board; 5 pilots, 5 gunners, and 4 radiomen • Each pilot had 350-400 hours of flight time • Lt. Charles Taylor had over 2500 hours

  7. Weird Crap Rumor Truth Coast Guard data only accounts for 300 missing vessels Freighter Sandra was only 185 ft. and carried a crew of 11, vanished in hurricane-force winds Douglas DC-3 had a defective radio, 20 miles from Miami, ocean bottom had places as deep as 5000 ft. • 428 reported missing vessels between 1955-1975 • Freighter Sandra was 355 ft. long, carried crew of 28, disappeared inexplicably in calm seas • Douglas DC-3 disappeared within sight of Miami in 20 ft. deep water

  8. True North vs. Magnetic North • Compasses point to True North • TN lies in Greenland • Magnetic North lies in Wales

  9. Methane Theory • Methane leakage from the ocean floor • Density changes • Air pressure changes • Weather patterns

  10. So…essentially… the ocean farts.

  11. Atlantis Theory Those who believe in Atlantis believe that the city lay deep beneath the triangle and that the remains of the intense energy crystals that were used to fuel the city now interfere with plane and ship electronics.

  12. Vortex Kinesis This theory came from a father and son in 1970 who flew into a strange swirling cloud. When they got to the other side, they were way off course and too far based on the time they had been flying.

  13. References Bermuda Triangle." Man,mith,magic. Ed. Richard Cavendish. Vol. 2. North Bellmore: MarshallCavendish, 1995. 217. Print. Chapter / AnthologyTagsEditDelete Source Citation "Bermuda Triangle." Gale Student Resources in Context. Detroit: Gale, 2010. Student Resources In Context. Web. 17 Sept. 2013. CustomTagsEditDelete Source Citation "The Mystery of the 'pigeon Bermuda Triangle'; What Caused Hundreds of Racing Pigeons to Vanish over Yorkshire Last Year? Military Radar? Birds of Prey? Magnetic Waves? Or Something Much Simpler? Will Storr Finds Out." Telegraph Online 6 Aug. 2013. Student Resources In Context. Web. 17 Sept. 2013.

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