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The 21 st Century Technology Teacher. Beth McCrystal, Malcolm Howard, Lesley Pearce Team Solutions The Auckland University www.technologynz.wikispaces.com. Learning intention. To construct a student centered level 3 Technology programme
The 21st Century Technology Teacher Beth McCrystal, Malcolm Howard, Lesley Pearce Team Solutions The Auckland University www.technologynz.wikispaces.com
Learning intention • To construct a student centered level 3 Technology programme • To inquire into our existing teaching practices with the purpose of ensuring we are meeting all the needs of every 21st century learner
What does that look like….. a curriculum that sets out what we want students to know and to be able to do Because our population has become increasingly diverse, technologies are more sophisticated, and the demands of the workplace are more complex. Our education system must respond to these and the other challenges of our times.
The New Zealand Curriculum • is a clear statement of what we deem important in education. • It takes as its starting point a vision of our young people as lifelong learners who are confident and creative, connected, and actively involved.
It includes a clear set of principles on which to base curriculum decision making. • It sets out values that are to be encouraged, modelled, and explored. • It defines five key competencies that are critical to sustained learning and effective participation in society and that underline the emphasis on lifelong learning.
Ministry Priorities • Ensuring the success of every student through developing the potential and success of the target student groups: • Māori learners • Pasifika learners • Learners with special needs • to develop the competencies and qualifications they require via a range of relevant pathways such as The Youth Guarantee, to improve access to tertiary, work training and/or employment.
The challenge “…now is to build on this framework, offering our young people the most effective and engaging teaching possible and supporting them to achieve to the highest of standards.”
What is your vision for the 21st Century learner? Who are they? How do they learn?
NZC’s vision Students: • who will be creative, energetic, and enterprising • who will seize the opportunities offered by new knowledge and technologies to secure a sustainable social, cultural, economic, and environmental future for our country • who will work to create an Aotearoa New Zealand in which Māori and Pākehā recognise each other as full Treaty partners, and in which all cultures are valued for the contributions they bring • who, in their school years, will continue to develop the values, knowledge, and competencies that will enable them to live full and satisfying lives • who will be confident, connected, actively involved, and lifelong learners.
What are we doing to gather student voice in inform our teaching?
Brown Brother Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_yjjtg8nGQ Student and prefect from Mt Roskill Grammar, Joshua losefo, he is Samoan and Niuean.
YouTube video of Students Today • http://youtu.be/_A-ZVCjfWf8
A 21st century culture • Students should be engaged in relevant and contextual problem- and project-based learning designed to develop 21st century skills and using a multi-disciplinary approach. • Curriculum should apply to students’ current and future lives • Schools should create a culture that supports and reinforces innovation for student learning and leverages the creativity and ingenuity of every adult and student to solve their unique problems
Personal reflection • What have you done in the last year to change your practice and what was the impact of your teaching on your students?
Page 35 NZC Effective pedagogy • create a supportive learning environment • encourage reflective thought and action • enhance the relevance of new learning • facilitate shared learning • make connections to prior learning and experience • provide sufficient opportunities to learn • inquire into the teaching–learning relationship.
Personal Inquiry into your pedagogy • Complete individually the chart on effective pedagogies
Have you gone from this………… to this?
Factors to consider when planning a level three technology programme
A process The student What are the big ideas? Links to the NZC Other factors at NCEA level 3 Assessment options
The big ideas • What are the big ideas? • What are the goals for the course? • What do you want students to know by the end? • What do you want students be able to do by the end?
The aim of technology education The aim of technology education is for students to develop a broad technological literacy that will equip them to participate in society as informed citizens and give them access to technology related careers. From P32 of the NZC – the technology learning area statement
The three strands • Technological Practice • Technological Knowledge • Nature of Technology (Plus specialist knowledge and skills) From P32 of the NZC – the technology learning area statement
Keeping our eye on the ball Adaptation and innovation creativity Informed, critical, and creative thinking and practice Quality outcomes Addressing real needs and opportunities Intervention by design
Example – a materials course A context = outdoor furniture for apartments An issue = lack of outdoor children’s furniture for apartments or … A need or opportunity = a child’s table and chair set for an apartment balcony or …
Example - goals for the course • Product design -materials • Mix of practical and theory • A focus on ‘good’ design • Understanding and working with a range of materials • Allow students access to scholarship • Emphasis on high quality outcomes
The student will learn about the following: • Principles and elements of design and influential design movements and designers • The relationship between furniture and society and the impacts of each on the other • The nature of modelling, reasoning and evidence and how this is applied in a range of technological outcomes • Learn about sketching and drawing
The student will learn about the following: • Students will use these key ideas to develop design ideas and a conceptual design to be communicated and tested in a variety of mediums and use functional modelling to demonstrate the conceptual designs potential fitness for purpose • Investigation of properties of a range materials including new materials and smart materials
What will students be able to do: • The students will develop a prototype to address an identified issue through the development of a brief and generations of design ideas and conceptual designs. It is expected that the student will develop a range of techniques and skills in the construction of the prototype which will be fully tested during its development and when completed and places in its intended social and physical location. • The modelling techniques demonstrated should show an understanding of the range of evidence and reasoning gained and applied when making decisions and planning for practice. • While developing the prototype students will critically analyse a range of technological outcomes to inform the development of their own outcomes and identify the relationship between technological outcomes and society.
A process The student What are the big ideas? Links to the NZC Other factors at NCEA level 3 Assessment options
The NZC Ensure the programme reflects the NZC: • Principles • Values • Key Competencies • Effective Pedagogy including teaching as inquiry • The technology learning area statement and objectives
Curriculum objectivesand guidance • Level three achievement standards are based on level eight objectives (AOs and LOs) • The generic technology standards 3.1 to 3.9 are based on level eight achievement objectives (AOs) and are available on Techlink now • The other standards 3.10 to 3.62 are based on level eight learning objectives (LOs) which are not available yet but are expected later this year.
AOs, teacher guidance, indicators http://www.techlink.org.nz/curriculum-support/indicators/index.htm
LOs, teacher guidance, indicators http://www.techlink.org.nz/curriculum-support/indicators/index.htm
Teaching programme and Assessment programme • Not everything taught needs to be assessed. • What does the teaching programme look like? • What does the assessment programme look like?
A process The student What are the big ideas? Links to the NZC Other factors at NCEA level 3 Assessment options
Other considerations at level 3 • Meeting UE requirements • Scholarship • Literacy requirements • Vocational pathways
University entrance • Current criteria • Changes for 2013 • New criteria for 2014
Current UE requirements • 42 credits at Level 3 or higher, made up of: • 14 credits in one approved subject • 14 credits in another approved subject • 14 credits from one or two additional domains or approved subjects • Literacy requirements - 8 credits in English or te reo Maori at Level 2 or higher • Numeracy requirements - 14 credits in Numeracy at Level 1 or higher
UE requirements – changes to the ‘approved subjects’ list Added to the ‘approved subjects’ list for 2013 are: • Digital Technologies • Design and Visual Communication • Processing Technologies • Construction and Mechanical Technologies Removed from the list for 2014 are: • Computing • Graphics Note: Technology stays on the list in addition to the four new specialist technology ‘subjects’ to allow for delivery of non-specialist courses.
Changed UE requirements from 2014 From 2014 (ie entry to university in 2015), to be awarded UE you will need: • NCEA Level 3 • Three subjects - at Level 3 or above, made up of: 14 credits each, in three approved subjects • Literacy - 10 credits at Level 2 or above, made up of: • 5 credits in reading • 5 credits in writing • Numeracy - 10 credits at Level 1 or above, made up of: • achievement standards – specified achievement standards available through a range of subjects, or • unit standards - package of three numeracy unit standards http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/qualifications-standards/awards/university-entrance/
Level 3 standards that count towards UE literacy from 2014 Note – no level 2 technology standards count for UE.
Scholarship Technology and DVC are on the list of scholarship subjects for 2013. Will next be reviewed in 2014 for 2015.
Technology scholarship The revised technology scholarship standard is not available yet, but it will link to the level 8 technology objectives across all three strands of the technology curriculum • The three strands (Technological Practice, Technological Knowledge, Nature of Technology) must be incorporated in the teaching programme. • The three strands may (but does not have to) be represented in the assessment programme .
Scholarship Key criteria (common to all subjects) The student will demonstrate aspects of high level: • analysis and critical thinking • integration, synthesis and application of highly developed knowledge, skills and understanding to complex situations • logical development, precision and clarity of ideas.