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Read the latest updates from the Colonial Acres Neighborhood Association (CANA), including meeting announcements, community events, crime prevention tips, and a special feature on the infamous "torpedo" in the neighborhood.
Late Summer 2007 Newsletter OFFICERS Wanda Tabor – President Kelley Stennis – Secretary David Dwiggins – Treasurer CANA MISSION STATEMENT To maintain and improve the dignity and integrity of the homes in the Colonial Acres neighborhood, to preserve the residential quality of the area, to ensure orderly and compatible land use in the area, to encourage homeowners living in the area to improve their homes, to encourage real estate investors with property in the area to improve their holdings, and to work together on problems and issues of common concern. MEETINGS HELD Every Fourth Thursday of the month (except August, November, December) Colonial Baptist Church Fellowship Hall 1503 Colonial (at Quince) 7:00 PM National Night Out NNO 2007 was held on Tuesday night, August 7, at Aldersgate United Methodist Church, located on Willow Road. By all accounts it was a great success, with at least 100 people in attendance. Ron Buck and David Dwiggins manned the grills out in the blistering summer heat, staying on duty until the supply of hot dogs and hamburgers had completely run out. Kids enjoyed sharing bicycle tips with members of the Memphis Police bicycle patrol squad, as well as learning how to operate the fire hose courtesy of the firemen who had brought their engine from Fire Station 25. Fourteen new members signed up to join CANA, but more importantly we had fun, learned more about each other and our neighborhood, and shared ideas about how to form neighborhood watch organizations and what we can do to make our area a safer place to live. By getting together on a regular basis like this, we can serve notice that criminals and their activity are not welcome in our neighborhood. Together we can make a difference!
CANA CONCERNS AND COMMENTS Help Prevent Crime! • Here are some tips you can use to tell burglars and other criminals to stay away from our homes: • Leave your outside lights on at night. If you are concerned about the expense or excess use of energy, consider purchasing compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs), which use 70% less power to provide the same amount of light (lumens) and last 10 times longer than incandescent light bulbs. CFLs are more expensive to purchase, but cost only pennies per night to operate. • Install security doors. This involves a fairly large expense, but in considering the value of your lives and property they are well worth it. Security doors can’t guarantee your house will not be broken into, but they make your home less of a target because they provide a greater deteererent. • Install an alarm system. Installation costs vary with different companies, as do monthly service charges (typically $10-$30 per month), but again burglars are less likely to target your house if it has an active alarm system and a sign in the front yard informing them of it. • Show some activity. Create the illusion that you are at home and up and about by using timers on lights, radios, and televisions. Making your residence appear occupied, even when no one is at home, will also deter criminals. • More good tips are available from the National Burglary Prevention Council, online at burglarlyprevention.org. Crime Tracker Report: 24 May – 23 August 2007 Special thanks to Ron Buck, Safety and Neighborhood Watch Committee, for providing us with information on crime in our area and what we can do to help prevent it. Most Frequent Streets · Park Avenue (41) · Quince Road (32) · Colonial Road (23) Number of Crime Incidents · Theft from Motor Vehicle (170) · Shoplifting/Misdemeanor (85) · Vandalism/Misdemeanor (78) · Burglary/Residential (73) · OtherTheft/Non-Specific (55) Source: memphiscrimetracker.com (The Commericial Appeal) CANA History Section: What’s Up With the Torpedo? Area residents have surely noticed the “torpedo” sticking out of the front yard of a home on Colonial Road. Actually, it is a river buoy – you know, a channel marker used as an aid in navigating the Mississippi River. One day in the early 1970’s, William (Bill) Parker and his son Randy were out on the river fishing, when they came across the buoy which had become stuck in some logs on a sand bar. Mr. Parker could not pass it up, and with great effort he managed to bring it home, after which he set it in his front yard. When asked by neighbors, he claimed that he was always missing his driveway when coming down Colonial, and, well, that’ll never happen again. He used to enjoy sitting on his front porch, watching people’s expressions as they drove by his house. It actually serves a useful purpose – they painted their house number on it. Mr. Parker passed away in 1988, but the buoy remains as a tribute (of sorts), in memory of the “River Rat”. Editor’s note: a picture of the buoy appeared in a recent issue of Memphis Magazine.
MAIL DUES TO: CANA Treasurer PO Box 240033 Memphis TN 38124 – 0033 Monthly Neighborhood Meeting Minutes Our guest speaker for the meeting on January 20, 2005 was Dr. David Bland from White Station Church of Christ. He described some of the work done in our neighborhood by members of their congregation, concluding with the offer of volunteers to help deliver our January newsletter. Other topics of discussion at the January meeting included churches in our neighborhood, an update on code enforcement issues, and proposals for some amendments to the CANA constitution and by-laws, which were voted upon during the February 17 meeting. We also had some lively discussion at the February meeting concerning code enforcement and safety issues (Clean-Up Helps Fight Against Crime!). Other announcements included a walking trail being built at Godwin Park and a CANA booth to be manned at the Arts Fair (April 2, 10:00-4:00). For complete versions of neighborhood meeting minutes, please visit CANA’s website. Committee Job Descriptions — Vice President Beginning this month, the CANA newsletter will feature a short article written by one of our committee chairs. This month features Leigh Jackson, Code Enforcement Committee Chair. Where is Colonial Acres? The Colonial Acres Neighborhood Association represents residents living within the area bounded by Park Avenue on the north, Cherry Road on the west, Mt Moriah on the east, and I-240 on the south. As indicated in the map at right, CANA has been subdivided into seven colored zones, with the pink and blue zones north of Quince Road and the blue and orange zones east of Colonial Road. Close to 3,800 residents live in this neighborhood area. PINK A BLUE A PINK B BLUE B GREEN A ORANGE GREEN B Have you Paid your 2007 Dues? (Calendar Year January 2007 – January 2008) Our Annual Dues are only $10 per household – the lowest in Memphis! Please print clearly. Name Address Telephone (Hm) (Wk) EMail Address
PRSRT STD US Postage PAID Memphis, TN Permit No. 2711 CANA P. O. Box 24003 Memphis TN 38124-0033 Shopping for a Cause Macy’s — March 19, 2005 Purchase a discount card from Alzheimer’s Day Services to be used at Goldsmith’s/Macy’s on Saturday, March 19 for $10 off a $20 purchase, all-day discounts throughout the store, and a drawing for a $500 shopping spree. These discount cards are $5 each with all proceeds going to ADS. Support “Dorothy’s Place” at 3185 Hickory Hill – tickets are also available by calling 372-4585. If any local business would like to place an ad in an upcoming CANA newsletter, please send e-mail to ddwiggns@memphis.edu.