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Tobacco Stinks!

Learn the fast facts about the dangers of tobacco, the costs of smoking, and the negative effects on your health. Say no to tobacco and stay healthy!

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Tobacco Stinks!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tobacco Stinks! Don’t Get Tricked!

  2. Fast Facts Every 72 seconds, someone dies from a smoking related illness.

  3. Fast Facts 1 out of 3 smokers will eventually die from a tobacco related disease.

  4. Fast Facts More people die from tobacco related illness than from AIDS, car accidents, illegal drugs, murders and suicides combined!!!

  5. Why Do We Keep Talking About Tobacco? • The average age that someone starts smoking is 11! • 1 out of 4 kids gets tricked into using tobacco. • Most smokers started before they were 18.

  6. Adding Up the Costs • A pack of cigarettes costs about $5.00 • Most smokers smoke a pack of cigarettes each day. • Cost to smoke for 1 week • Cost to smoke for 10 years

  7. Adding Up the Costs Cost to smoke for 1 week = $35.00

  8. Adding Up the Costs Cost to smoke for 10 years = $18,250.00

  9. Smokers are more likely to get colds and sore throats. • Smokers are more likely to have pneumonia and bronchitis.

  10. The tar from cigarettes stains your skin yellow.Smokers get wrinkles quicker.People who smoke are more likely to have thinning hair.

  11. Tar from cigarettes turns teeth yellow. • Smokers have more cavities. • Smokers have bad breath and smelly clothes. • Smoking can cause blindness.

  12. Smokers are more likely to have strokes. • Smokers are more likely to have heart attacks.

  13. Smokers have a high chance of getting emphysema. • Smokers have a greater chance of getting lung cancer and all other types of cancer.

  14. Smoking causes problems in pregnancy. • Women who smoke during pregnancy have a greater chance of losing the baby or giving birth too early.

  15. The Lowdown on Tobacco • Tobacco is a drug!!! • Nicotine is the addictive part of a cigarette. • Addiction is when a chemical tricks your brain into thinking it needs more and more. • Nicotine is as addictive as cocaine or alcohol! • Breaking the smoking habit is very difficult!

  16. The Lowdown on Tobacco • There are over 4,700 chemicals in a cigarette. • They are added for many reasons but mostly to increase your addiction to the cigarette. • At least 60 of these chemicals are known to cause cancer!

  17. What’s in a Cigarette? • Chemical used to take off nail polish • Chemical in car exhaust • Chemical used in rat poison • Chemical used to clean floors and toilets • Chemical used to seal driveways and roofs

  18. What’s in a Cigarette? • Chemical used to take off nail polish - Acetone • Chemical in car exhaust – Carbon Monoxide • Chemical used in rat poison - Arsenic • Chemical used to clean floors and toilets - Ammonia • Chemical used to seal driveways and roofs - Tar

  19. Smoking Affects Us All • Tobacco smoke pollution (TSP) or second-hand smoke is just as dangerous because it also contains 4,700 chemicals. • Spending 30 minutes in a smoke-filled room is equivalent to smoking one cigarette. • Smoking is the #1 cause of accidental fires. • Cigarette butts are one of the biggest causes of pollution on beaches.

  20. Why Do Kids Smoke? • To look older or grown-up • Peer pressure • Relaxation • To stay thin • Advertising • Boredom • Curiosity

  21. Be Direct “No, I don’t want to.” “Are you kidding? That smell makes me sick!” No way. I’m getting in shape for basketball.” Change the Subject Try talking about something else or suggesting an alternative that makes it impossible to hold a cigarette. “Let’s go play a game on my Xbox.” Ways to Say NoWithout Losing Your Friends

  22. A Good Comeback “Forget it. That’s not my idea of fun.” “No thanks. There’s rat poison in that thing” No way I’m putting tar and nicotine in my mouth” Try a Joke “Do I look like a chimney?” “No thanks. I have more fun when I can breathe.” “I’ve made a deal with my lungs I don’t smoke and they keep working.” Ways to Say NoWithout Losing Your Friends

  23. Walk Away “I’ve got to get home for dinner.” “I’m going to be late for class.” Blame it On An Adult My Mom is expecting me home soon.” If my Dad catches me, I’ll be dead.” It’s not worth the risk.” Ways to Say NoWithout Losing Your Friends

  24. Don’t Get Tricked!Be Smart, Don’t Start! Kids who don’t smoke… make fewer dentist visits. feel better about themselves. make less visits to the doctor. get better grades. are healthier.

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