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<br><br><br>https://www.christiancounselingaustin.com<br>Christian Counseling Austin<br>1000 Westbank Drive <br>West Lake Hills, TX 78746<br>512-200-3880<br>
CHRISTIAN COUNSELING AUSTIN'Irwlfil ByMarrui0ft About Fees Forms Contact Couples & RelationshipCounseling in Austin SCHEDULE A SESSION ProfessionalAssociations and Memberships <$>CCT ©AMERICA?" AMFRICAN COUNSELING NATIONAL 60**0 PON CERTIFIED COUNSELORS. ASSOC!AT! ASSOCIATION I Have Good News For You. With God's HelpYour Marriage Can Be Restored! n MyNameisJoseph BordelonandI'mHereto Help. An initial relationshipcounseling session will help me find out what each individual isdoing, or not doing,that is causing harmto the relationship.We then createa plantofacilitate the hardwork of addressing unresolved issues.Ilookfor reoccurringbehavior patternsthat have created pastwounds or continueto cause harm. Inmy experience, once we uncover these issueswe can begin the healingprocesswhichwill leadto more intimacy, trust and respect between partners. Schedule anAppointment COMMON RELATIONSHIP You probablywish your marriagewas not so difficult You mightwant to learnto communicatewithout fighting.You may like to rekindlethe romanceand loveyou usedto haveorjust have your spouse be moreof a support to you. I have got somegood news for you.There is help!Austin couplescounseling is effectivefor couplesat any stageof their relationshipwhether they are marriedor not.As a state Licensed Professional Counselor, I specialize inworking with couples incrisis and consideringdivorce.These arecoupleswho areargue more than normal,coupleswho areat a pointwhere they don't knowwhat to do,coupleswho haveslowly drifted apart and don't feel connected to their partner. Iwil ! helpyou survive and have stability at home.As we work through difficult issues,youwill become more at peace and find healing. I will also helpyou buildyour relationship.With God's help,not only will you survive,butyou will thrive! SEX & INTIMACY DIVORCE Sex is one of the most importantthings in a relationship. Itcan be exciting,complicated,andfrustrating. Itcan be quite difficult when two peoplevalue sex differently. I will helpyou learnto talk openly about your sexual desiresand preferencesto create more intimacywithin sex. When one spouse wants a divorce and the other one does not is probably one of the mostchallenging situations ina relationship.Careful steps must betaken to preservewhatever stability is present I helpthe individuals consider their specific reasons for what they want and howthe other personfeels. INFIDELITY BLENDED FAMILIES Here are some of the common issues that I can helpyou work through: One parent may have no experience, changes infamily relationshipsto make roomfor the blendedfamily,there can be difficulty inchildren acceptinga new parent,there may bechanges infamily traditions and the startingof newtraditions. Infidelityis probably oneof the most difficult issuesto deal with in a relationship.No one thinks itwill happen tothem. Ido nottake sides or pointfingers.The truth is that both people may have somedegreeof responsibility. I will helpwith knowingwhat the next steps you needto take as acouple and howto rebuild trust. COMMUNICATION Effectivecommunication is so importantfor al! relationships. Itcan be very challengingtocommunicatefeelings, resolveconflicts and sharewith each other. It isvery important to learnthe skills ittakes to communicate so you can havethe marriagethat you have alwayswanted.As your Austin relationship counselor ! will help you establish a better dialogue with your partner and learn howto share your feelings and address issues with lessconflict,through this,it is possible to create a relationshipthat is healthier,moreresilientand more emotionallyfulfilling. I will helpyou learn the tools ittakes to communicate effectively with Active Listening,Sharing emotionswithout judgement and by Using positive language. OTHER SERVICES TEEN FAMILY COUNSELIN Familytherapy sessions when conflicts betweensiblings,family memebersor parents become disruptivetothe family. INDIVIDUAL COUNSELING Ifyou're goingthrough adifficult timeinyour liferightnowand youare lookingfor someadvice from a Christianprofessional. COUNSELING When conflict andtension betweenparentsandteenagers creates resentmentand prevents openandaccepting communication.I READ MORE READ MORE TESTIMONIALS ire is None BetterThan ÿ| ICIpiQ I \ "Joseph was a great listenerand offered helpful perspective.Hewas essential in bridgingthe communication gap betweenmywife and I.We arevery happywith our experience and havetaken what he taught us into our happy productive lifetogether.ThanksJoseph." <3 1 LIV<3 Anonymous -Austin TX FREQUENTLYASKEDQUESTIONS One of the hardestthings about counseling istakingthat first step bytryingto find the right relationshipcounselor to help guideyou.We may not knoweach other yet but it is my hopethat as you readthrough this site you will become more comfortablewith me and my process. Please let me know ifyou have any questions. My rate is $125 for a 50-60 minute individual session. My rate is $180for a 75-90 minutecouples/family session. DO YOU ACCEPT INSURANCE? DOES COUNSELING ACTUALLY WORK? ISTHERAPY CONFIDENTIAL? WILL COUNSELING MAKE THINGS WORSE? WHEN CAN I EXPECT RESULTS? DO YOU TAKE SIDES? WHAT IS CHRISTIAN COUNSELING? Joseph Bordelon Licensed Professional Counse or in Austin Readyto Schedule Your Session? LATEST BLOG POSTS Scripture Par Positive Psychology and Scripture Part III: Strengthof Curiosity Positive Psychology &Scripture josephbordelon/ December8.2016 Connect With Me Location & Hours Map Questions? Send mean email. Follow me on social mediafor latest updates! ChristianCounseling Austin 1000Westbank Drive West Lake Hills,TX 78746 512-200-3880 1000WestbankDr* View larger map Monday 9:00AM- EMA LME 5:00 PM 9:00AM - 5:00 PM Tuesday stlake Community •formingArts Center QWestlakeHighSchool Wednesday 9:00AM- 5:00 PM 9°9,e 9:00AM - 5:00 PM Thursday ©2017Google MapData ;Terms of Use Tubel Friday 9:00AM- 5:00 PM Saturday Closed Sunday Closed © 2017ChristianCounselingAustin |Sitemap |Privacy&WebsiteTerms Design byMoxieWeb