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Imaging Technique of DISR Camera on Huygens Lander

Explore the scientific objectives, instrument characteristics, CCD approach, layout, and in-flight effects of the DISR camera on the Huygens Lander as it captured images of Titan's surface and cloud formations.

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Imaging Technique of DISR Camera on Huygens Lander

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Imaging Technique of the DISR Camera on the Huygens LanderJ.R. Kramm1, H.U. Keller1, R. Bredthauer2 and M. Tomasko31 Max-Planck-Institut für SonnensystemforschungKatlenburg-Lindau, Germany2 Semiconductor Technology Associates, Inc.San Juan Capistrano, CA3 Lunear and Planetary Laboratory,University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ MPS, June 20, 2005

  2. Descent Imager/ Spectral Radiometer (DISR) Instrument Consortium Instrument responsibility: Manufacturing contractor: CCD Imager & electronics: CCD contractor: H/W compression: Infrared detector: LPL, Tucson, AZ Lockheed Martin, Denver, CO Max-Planck-Institut, Germany Loral, Newport Beach, CA Univ. Braunschweig, Germany Observatoire de Paris, France • Scientific Objectives • Medium and high-resolutions Imaging of the surface of Titan • Imaging of clouds and haze at Titan • Spectral investigations, 350 – 1700 nm • Solar Aureole, 500 and 935 nm, horiz. and vertical polarization

  3. DISR Instrument Characteristics • 14 optical apertures total • 9 optical apertures to 1 CCD detector • 1.1 Watt for the CCD, 512 x 256 pixels • Date rate: 8 kbit/s, ~ 1 bit per pixel • 6 years for design, production and calibr. • 7.5 years travel time to Titan, 1997-2005 • 150 min total operation time envisaged • 220 min operation completed • 600 Images acquired + Spectra etc.

  4. DISR Instrumenton the Huygens Probe

  5. The Loral Max-Planck CCD Approach • Dedicated buried channel design for DISR / Max-Planck • Front side illuminated Frame Transfer CCD • 2 phase MPP clocking • Image and Memory sections 256 rows, 512 (+8 dark) columns • Gated lateral anti-blooming, also electronic shutter • 23 μ pixel pitch (17μ x 23μ active area) • Pixel capacity 150,000 e‾ (100,000 e‾ used) • QE up to 50 %, CTE = .999 999 • Line transfer 2 μs/line low image smear on shift • Single stage output amplifier,5- 8 electrons @ 70 kHz • OP16 JFET preamp on Sensor Head Board - (MPS) • Electronics Assembly holds CDS, clock drivers and 12 bit ADC • CCD shielded by 4 mm tungsten to prevent < 62 MeV protons • DISR CCD was also used for Imager for Mars Pathfinder (IMP)and 2x for Mars Polar Lander (Stereo and Robotic Arm Camera)

  6. DISR CCD Layout

  7. The DISR Optical System with CCD

  8. DISR Camera Head

  9. DISR Bias Frames Imager Bias Frames, 0 ms exposure, 260 K, and MRI Column Amplitude from 1994, 2000, 2005 Dark charge increase approx. 60x upon proton irradiation from a plutonium heater 10 cm apart from the Sensor Head (1997-2005).

  10. CCD Operation Temperature Profile and Dark Charge Temperature Scale

  11. DISR In-flight Flat Field Matrices

  12. In-flight Irradiation Effects In-flight proton irradiation from a nuclear heater located close to the CCD (~10 cm) Resulting effects: • Perfect thermal balance established • Dark charge increase about 60x with minor effects(low temperature, short exposure times, 7 to 50 ms) • CTE degradation

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