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BESIII Tau mass software. X. Zhu. Tutorials of BESIII environment. http://bosspublic.ihep.ac.cn/GuideAndTraining/userguide.html How to setup BOSS environment and submit BOSS(6.3.1) job the latest BOSS version is 6.5.1 How to run PBS in BOSS on lxplus Others… (GAUDI, CMT, …)
BESIII Tau mass software X. Zhu
Tutorials of BESIII environment • http://bosspublic.ihep.ac.cn/GuideAndTraining/userguide.html • How to setup BOSS environment and submit BOSS(6.3.1) jobthe latest BOSS version is 6.5.1 • How to run PBS in BOSS on lxplus • Others… (GAUDI, CMT, …) • If you still have problems in setting up environment, look at my .login and cmthome here/afs/ihep.ac.cn/users/z/zhuxl/
Create your own ALG • Do not use ‘cmt create …’. Check out RhopiAlg and change it to your own ALG. • You need to change TestRelease/*/cmt/requirements accordingly to add your ALG
MuEAlg (I) • For our Tau mass project, which identify those events with one electron and one muon, I have create one ALG for you. I call it MuEAlg. You can simply copy my MuEAlg to your workarea. • You can find my MuEAlg here/ihepbatch/bes/zhuxl/workarea/Analysis/Physics/MuEAlg/The latest version is MuEAlg-00-03-01 • You can modify it, I suggest you increase the version number once you make some changes.
MuEAlg (II) • MuEAlg will skim real data or Monte Carlo data to • Cut out irrelevant events. • Write out information of good tracks (all detectors) • Write out histograms of some observables • Match good tracks with MC tracks (for MC data) • One single ntuple for a single event • One single record for a single good track • Same code for MC data and real data • Should be well suited to our project. I suggest you should understand it and start with it.
How to run MuEAlg over real data? • Please find here /ihepbatch/bes/zhuxl/workarea/TestRelease/TestRelease-00-00-65/run/mue5my scripts to submit the jobs: genlist.csh and genopts.csh • There are also resubmit.csh and killall.csh in this directory • They are all simple C shell scripts, please read them all to know how to use it • Please store your ntuples in your directory under/panfs/panfs.ihep.ac.cn/home/data/
Further analysis • You need to write some simple ROOT scripts to do further analysis (e.g. apply further cuts, fill histograms and draw histograms), please find an example here (which loop over all events again and apply further tighter cuts):/ihepbatch/bes/zhuxl/workarea/TestRelease/TestRelease-00-00-65/run/mue5/analysis • Those muedst.* are generated with tree->MakeClass(), please enlarge the size of arrarys before running cut.C
How to run MC data by ourself? • The script to generate MC data is located here/ihepbatch/bes/zhuxl/workarea/TestRelease/TestRelease-00-00-65/run/mcAgain, they are C shell scripts, one of you should be in charge of this job.
Where the data is? • Psi(2s) /besfs/offline/data/651-1/dst/psip • Inclusive psi(2s) MC data/besfs/offline/data/651-1/mc/dst/psip2/ • e+e- -> psi(2s) -> tau+ tau- -> e mu (neutrinos) MC data/ihepbatch/bes/zhuxl/workarea/TestRelease/TestRelease-00-00-65/run/mc/data/you can generate MC data by yourself with the scripts in slide 8.