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Welcome to CE 210 Professionalism and Ethical Conduct in Child Care

Welcome to CE 210 Professionalism and Ethical Conduct in Child Care. Thanks for coming to unit 1 seminar! Please feel free to call me professor or Anthony. I am glad that you are here! Please take a few minutes to visit with your classmates until seminar starts!. Instructor Information.

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Welcome to CE 210 Professionalism and Ethical Conduct in Child Care

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to CE 210 Professionalism and Ethical Conduct in Child Care Thanks for coming to unit 1 seminar! Please feel free to call me professor or Anthony. I am glad that you are here! Please take a few minutes to visit with your classmates until seminar starts!

  2. Instructor Information Instructor Name: Dr. Anthony E. Morgan Credentials: Ed.D Instructor Contact Information: Kaplan Email Address:amorgan2@kaplan.edu AIM Instant Messenger AOL Name:sceducator1

  3. Introductions Please share a little about yourself. Your name, the state that you reside in and the reason why you chose to attend you program and Kaplan Please jump right in! 

  4. Unit 1: Understanding this course • Getting to know each other • Reviewing the syllabus • Questions • Unit 1 Preview

  5. Syllabus for CE 210-01, M-7pm, ET • Course Number and Section: CE210-01 • Course Title:Professionalism and Ethical Conduct in Child Care - • Credit Hours: 5 • Prerequisites: CE114, CE101 Are you in the right class?

  6. Syllabus Policies and Procedures All policies and procedures are in the course syllabus. You will not need to guess at the requirements or grading criteria. Check our class syllabus for the following information: Grading rubrics for seminars, discussion board participation and project requirements Due dates and point value of each graded element Contact information for instructor Your syllabus is a blueprint to construct knowledge!

  7. Be an Active Participant Please feel free to participate actively. You can type in a reply in the box at the lower end of the screen. No need to wait to be called on. Remember to check the submission deadlines for all weekly assignments and lessons (located in the syllabus).

  8. Course Details • Course/Seminar Day and Time: Mondays, 7pm, ET • Office hours: By appointment Course Materials: • Software: • Microsoft Word is required for all Kaplan Courses • Adobe Acrobat Reader • PowerPoint Viewer: • Text: • All About Child Care and Early Education: A Comprehensive Resource for Child Care Professionals, Segal/Bardige/Woika/Leinfelder, Pearson, 2006, ISBN 0-205-45789-4 • All About Child Care and Early Education :A Trainee's Manual for Child Care Professionals, Segal/Woika/Leinfelder, Pearson, 2006, ISBN 0-205-47781-X

  9. Course Description This course is designed to help students develop effective professional practices in the early childhood care field. Students will be introduced to professional practices and explore values and ethics in the early childhood care profession. They will learn how to become an advocate for children and their families and how to identify resources for continuing personal and professional growth and education in the field. Students also will apply the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Code of Ethics to solve real-world problems.

  10. Course Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: • CE210-1: Compare historical issues with current trends in the early childhood care profession •   CE210-2: Illustrate ways to follow a professional code of ethics in real-world situations •  CE210-3: Explain their role as an advocate on behalf of children and their families •  CE210-4: Evaluate the benefits of ongoing professional growth and education in the early childhood care profession • GEL-6.5: Use electronic libraries/databases for research purposes

  11. Grading Criteria • GRADING CRITERIA/COURSE EVALUATION                                  TOP • Assessments Number Points each Total Points • Seminars 9 20 180 • Discussions 9 30 270 • Project 1 215 215 • Graded Reviews 4 30 120 • Final Project 1 215 215 • Total Points 1000 Points

  12. Extenuating Circumstances If you have extenuating circumstances that prevent you from completing projects, quizzes or participating in the class, please contact me to make alternative arrangements. Effective communication between the professor and learner is required and appreciative.

  13. Plagiarism Policy Kaplan University considers academic honesty to be one of its highest values. Students are expected to be the sole authors of their work. Use of another person’s work or ideas must be accompanied by specific citations and references. Though not a comprehensive or exhaustive list, the syllabus provides some examples of dishonesty or unethical and unprofessional behavior. Please review this policy!!!! When in doubt, please cite your resources.

  14. Unit 5 Project Write a letter Go to The Library of Congress at http://thomas.loc.gov/ and research a bill related to education. Write a hypothetical letter to your state representative and/or senator advocating for or against the bill. When submitting your letter to your instructor, please include a copy of the bill you researched. Visit the Kaplan Online Library, click on Electronic Articles and then on ERIC and complete a Boolean search along with your textbook to learn more about the bill that you selected and add supporting citations to back up your advocacy measures. Refer to the Kaplan Library Presentation on Course Home if you have any questions about searching for articles. For help with writing your letter, see the information from the Kaplan Writing Center on writing a business letter (about half-way through the document). Your letter should be 1 to 2 pages, in APA style. Include a cover page and a reference page. Submitting Your Assignment Put your project in a Word document. Save it in a location and with a name that you will remember. When you are ready to submit it, click on the Dropbox and complete the steps below: Click the link that says "Submit an Assignment". In the ''Submit to Basket" menu, select Unit 5: Project In the "Comments'' field, include at least the title of your paper. Click the ''Add Attachments'' button. Follow the steps listed to attach your Word document. To view your graded work, come back to the Dropbox or go to the Gradebook after your instructor has evaluated it. Click here to access the Dropbox. Make sure that you save a copy of your submitted assignment.

  15. Unit 9 Project(Final Project) The Final Project will be a synthesis of the many aspects of professionalism and ethics in early childhood care we have studied and applied this term. The project consists of three parts: reporting child abuse, your autobiography, and a competency statement.

  16. Unit 9 Project Part I:  Reporting Child Abuse You will use the Kaplan Library along with your textbook and the website listed below to write a 1-2 page research paper explaining how to report child abuse and/or neglect in your state. In your paper, include signs of abuse/neglect and explain the steps and different options available to report child abuse/neglect in your state. Remember to cite your sources. For help with your project, you should also visit http://www.childwelfare.gov/pubs/reslist/rl_dsp.cfm?rs_id=5&rate_chno=11-111722and click on the link for your state. Be sure to follow APA format when citing your source(s) and please follow the rubric of Standard American English in areas of spelling and grammar, as well as content and organization.

  17. Unit 9 Project II:  Autobiography Option 1 (for the CDA): You will write a 300-word autobiography as described in your text All About Child Care and Early Education: A Trainee's Manual for Child Care Professionals. You will briefly describe your childhood, where you were born and raised, and your family today. You will also describe any memorable events in your life. What education have you completed? What things do you enjoy doing in your spare time? What events led you to work with young children? Option 2 (if you've already completed your CDA): You will write one-page cover letter that you will later be able to revise when/if you are seeking a job as an Early Childhood Professional. In your letter, you will briefly describe your childhood, where you were born and raised, and your family today. You will also describe any memorable events in your life. What education have you completed? What things do you enjoy doing in your spare time? What events led you to work with young children?    

  18. Unit 9 Project Part III:  Statement of Competence You'll write a statement of competence for "Competency Goal VI: To maintain a commitment to professionalism". Your statement should be a 200- to 500-word essay. The instructions on pp. 310-312 of your trainee manual will guide you.

  19. Seminars require preparation Seminars are scheduled, your lesson assignments will always provide you with questions or topics to think about ahead of time so that you can prepare for the seminar. Please be sure that you have read the required material so you can participate meaningfully! There is no Flex seminar available in case you can’t make it to your scheduled seminar on Mondays, 7pm, ET! There is an Option 2, but sharing in seminar is so much better if at all possible. “Live is better!”

  20. Archives of Seminar To review the transcript of any seminar, go to the KHE Seminar site (at any time) and click just as if you were entering one of our seminars. The seminar dates will come up and you click on the date you want to review, then load. Transcripts of seminars are a great way to review or to see what was discussed if you have to miss a seminar or come in late. That will save you from trying to take notes and participate at the same time!

  21. Discussion In order to do well in the class, you need to participate actively on the discussion boards. Be sure you participate early as well as later in the week. The syllabus gives you precise information about the requirements and grading.

  22. Graded Content Review It is a good to complete the learning activities and reading before attempting to do the graded content review. Remember the quiz is open for 1 week and closes out on Tuesday, 11:59pm, EST at the end of the unit. Do not start the quiz until you are ready to take it. You can not leave and come back and take it later.

  23. Plan your work…work your plan! Log into class early each week and getting started on your course work. If you wait until later to log in, you will most likely feel overwhelmed with the amount of assignments that need to be completed. Have you thought about your schedule during each week and how you plan to fit schoolwork into your busy life? Organization is the key!

  24. Ask Questions! The discussion/ message board is also a great place to ask questions and communicate with the instructor and other students. In fact, I encourage students to ask questions on the discussion/ message board rather than just sending me a message. When it's on the board everyone can see the answer. Chances are that more than one student has that same question.

  25. Ways to Get Help! Email your instructor amorgan2@kaplan.edu Set up an appointment with instructor on AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) (sceducator1) Post your question to the Course Questions discussion board (under "Course Home" > "Course Questions")

  26. How to get Technical Assistance If you have any technical difficulties or questions (logging onto the site, getting into the seminar, downloading assignments, etc.), you can contact the Student Service help department. Someone will be there to assist you. For example, if you are having difficulty logging in to a seminar, you can call Student Services and someone will walk you through the steps. Student Services Toll Free Number: 866-522-7747, or 866 KC ASSIST. Post this number somewhere other than your computer too. Just in case you are not able to sign on for any reason.

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