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A day in the life of…. Raul Canovas Martinez 1rD. A day in the life of… David Guetta !!!!. Raul Canovas Martinez 1RD. David Guetta get´s up always at 10:00 o´clock . And then …. He had a shower at 10:15 pm, and 10:40pm he brushes his teeth.
A day in thelife of… RaulCanovasMartinez 1rD A day in thelife of… David Guetta!!!! RaulCanovasMartinez 1RD
At 11:00 pm he sometimesbreakfastsweetness, but he doesn´teatall, becauseis a lot of.
At 15:00 pm he studyshismixs. He usuallystudys de music and later, he putsthemusicwiththemix.
At 16:00 pm David Guettaisreadyformixhissongs. He loveshermix. He doesverywell.
He meetswithherfriendTaio Cruz. They are goodfriends.AndLater…