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Understanding Anger: Lesson on the Emotion’s Meaning and Expression

This lesson delves into the concept of anger, exploring its definition, sources, and righteous expression according to Scripture. Learn to identify and channel anger constructively.

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Understanding Anger: Lesson on the Emotion’s Meaning and Expression

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Uprooting Anger

  2. WHAT IS ANGER? Lesson 1

  3. What is Anger? Introduction: • Scripture has a great deal to say about anger; most importantly Scripture generates hope for angry people like us. • Anger is one of those sins which wars against the soul (1 Peter 2:11; Ephesians 4:31).

  4. What is Anger? A working definition of anger is our whole-personed active response of negative moral judgment against perceived evil.

  5. What is Anger? 1. This definition imbeds several key ideas. What are they? Our anger is an This means: • Our anger is a active response. This means: active response ________ ____________. It is something we do, not something we have. whole-person ___________________ It involves the whole person and encompasses our whole package of beliefs, feelings, actions and desires.

  6. What is Anger? 3. Our anger is a something. This means: Questions: What are some common provocations? Why do these provoke us? response against _____________ __________ Anger reacts against some provocation.

  7. What is Anger? • Our anger, in essence, involves a that we make. This means: It is not always sinful as we will see later. negative moral judgment ___________ ________ _____________ Anger objects to wrong committed. It pits us against what we believe to be unjust or evil.

  8. What is Anger? perceived • Our anger involves a judgment against evil. This means: • Our perceptions may or may not be accurate. • Our response may or may not be godly. • It arises from our value system. Not all people are angered by the same things. • “I’m not angry, I’m frustrated.” _____________ Anger arises from our personal perception – something we dislike or oppose.

  9. What is Anger? Puritan pastor Richard Baxter describes anger as “The rising up in the heart in passionate displacency against an apprehended evil, which would cross or hinder us of some desired good.” • Comes from within. • Is a negative-emotional response. • Opposes evil as we perceive it. • Comes when circumstances or people thwart our desires.

  10. What is Anger? Three categories of anger: One:anger. • Deuteronomy 32:41 • Psalm 2:4-5 • Psalm 7:11 DIVINE __________

  11. What is Anger? Two:anger. What scripture passage shows a human with righteous anger? Exodus 32:9-10, 19-20, 33-35 RIGHTEOUS HUMAN _________________ ___________

  12. What is Anger? Three:anger. Nearly all human anger is sinful SINFULHUMAN ___________ ____________

  13. What is Anger? What are two passages that show the subtleties of our evil, deceitful desires? • James 1:13-15 • James 3:13-4:12

  14. Daniel 2:12 Genesis 4:1-8 Genesis 27 The king against his wise men - thwarted his desires. Cain, because he assumed that God was unjust. Esau, because he had been deceived and cheated. Read the following passages that contain sinful human anger: state who is angry and give a possible motive for their anger.

  15. Genesis 39:11-19 Proverbs 19:3 Potiphar, because he wrongly believed that Joseph had wronged him. The fool against God.

  16. What is Anger? Conclusion: What do we find in all of these OT texts? Angry people respond with their whole being – their thoughts, emotions, affections, words, actions, etc. to people they perceive to be wrong or harmful to their own interests.


  18. Is Your Anger Really Righteous? Look up the following two verses and put them in your own words: Jeremiah 17:9 Ephesians 4:22

  19. How can we know if our anger is really righteous? Three Criteria: • Righteous anger reacts against actual sin. • Righteous anger does not result from • inconvenience or violation of personal • preference.

  20. How can we know if our anger is really righteous? Three Criteria: 2. Righteous anger focuses on God and His kingdom, rights, and concerns, not on me and my kingdom, rights and concerns. Righteous anger focuses on how people offend God, not me.

  21. How can we know if our anger is really righteous? Three Criteria: • 3. Righteous anger is accompanied by other godly qualities and expresses itself in godly ways. • Righteous anger remains self-controlled. • It shows concern for the well-being of others. • It seeks justice for the oppressed.

  22. How can we know if our anger is really righteous? Seven Questions: 1) Do you get angry about the right things? 2) Do you express your anger in the right way? 3) How long does your anger last? 4) How controlled is your anger? 5) What motivates your anger? 6) Is your anger “primed and ready” to respond to another persons habitual sins? 7) What is the effect of your anger?

  23. Read Mark 3:1-6 and note how Jesus’ anger meets the criteria of righteous. Criterion 1: Righteous anger reacts against actual sin. Criterion 2: Righteous anger focuses on God and His kingdom, rights, and concerns, not on me and my kingdom, rights, and concerns. Criterion 3: Righteous anger is accompanied by other godly qualities and expresses itself in godly ways.

  24. Read Mark 10:13-16 Criterion 1: Righteous anger reacts against actual sin. Criterion 2: Righteous anger focuses on God and His kingdom, rights, and concerns, not on me and my kingdom, rights, and concerns. Criterion 3: Righteous anger is accompanied by other godly qualities and expresses itself in godly ways.

  25. Read John 2:13-17 Criterion 1: Righteous anger reacts against actual sin. Criterion 2: Righteous anger focuses on God and His kingdom, rights, and concerns, not on me and my kingdom, rights, and concerns. Criterion 3: Righteous anger is accompanied by other godly qualities and expresses itself in godly ways.

  26. How did Jesus respond to personal offenses? (1 Peter 2:21-23)

  27. Consider times when you have been offended, misused, rejected or overlooked. Did your anger meet the 3 criteria for righteous anger?


  29. Getting to the Heart of the Matter What or who do you blame for your anger? Our culture’s theories about the cause of anger: • Inner, unconscious psychodynamic forces • Childhood trauma or chronic bad nurturing • Present sufferings • Unmet emotional needs • Physiological factors • Satanic attacks

  30. Getting to the Heart of the Matter What is the real cause for sinful anger? Read the following Scriptures and then answer: • Mark 7:20-23 Anger comes from the heart. • Luke 6:43-45 Anger comes from the heart.

  31. Getting to the Heart of the Matter What is the heart? Read Hebrews 4:12 – focus in on the very end of the verse. What two things make up the concept of the biblical heart? Beliefs and Motives The heart is the inner self including our thoughts, will, affections and emotions. _________ ___________

  32. Getting to the Heart of the Matter What does Proverbs 4:23 state? The heart is the wellspring of life. ________________________________________________

  33. In order to change anger in your heart, you must recognize and uproot your sinful beliefs and motives, and replace them with godly ones. It is not enough to try to cease angry behavior and replace it with godly fruit, you must first deal with your heart.

  34. Four pictures packed into James 4:1-3 describes the cause of anger: 1) Anger arises from our entrenched desires and pleasures that “battle” within us. 2) Unmet ruling “wants” or desires produce anger. 3) Anger arises from coveting (grasping, greedy hearts generate conflicts). 4) Anger comes from selfish motives. The sinful heart seeks to please itself instead of God.

  35. Are your desires ruling you? List three clues that can help you in determining the answer: 1) A good desire is inordinate when it consumes you. 2) A good desire becomes inordinate when you are willing to sin to get it. 3) A good desire becomes inordinate when you sin if you don’t get what you want.

  36. Seven examples of “Biblical Snapshots” in action: 1) Esau (Genesis 27:41) 2) Balaam (Numbers 22:27-29) 3) Balak (Numbers 24:10-11) 4) Saul (1 Samuel 20:30, 33-34) 5) Herod (Matthew 2:16) 6) Jesus at Nazareth (Luke 4:28) 7) Silversmiths at Ephesus (Acts 19:28) Anger arises when we don’t get what we desperately want.


  38. Repentance: The Road to Uprooting Heart Anger What are some typical wrong ways to respond to perceived mistreatment? • Yell • Retreat and pout • Tell a friend • Call for backup

  39. Repentance: The Road to Uprooting Heart Anger If we had a friend who had a firm biblical understanding of these matters, how might he counsel concerning each of these: • Rather than yell we are called to nourish and cherish our wives. • Rather than retreat (which is often sinful) we are called to love her as Christ loved the church. • Telling a friend is gossip. • Telling her friend is manipulative. In the case of these last two we should be going to the wife, not others.

  40. Repentance: The Road to Uprooting Heart Anger There is hope for the one who will humble himself and admit that his anger is sinful. What is it according to James 4:6:? ______ Grace

  41. Two types of grace and give two Scripture references for each of them. God’s grace enables us to forgive those people whose offenses would otherwise provoke anger. It empowers us to progressively overcome long-term patterns of judgment, venting, and claming. It provides the foundation for repentance in our own lives. ________________________________ ________________________________ Forgiving Grace (Hebrews 4:16) & (1 John 8-2:2) Enabling Grace (Hebrews 4:16) & (2 Cor 12:9-10)

  42. James 4:4-5 James 4:6 James 4:7-8 James 4:11-12 God calls us to reject our worldly lovers. God calls us to repent of our sinful ruling desires. God calls us to resist the devil by rejecting his lies and drawing near to God. God calls us to resign our God-playing. What must take place for repentance to be true?

  43. What does repentance look like?

  44. What are some of the ways that we blame-shift when it comes to anger?

  45. I am angry now because I think that I must have ________. Repent of the ruling desire – of the way you have been letting it control your heart.

  46. What about the case of serious sin against us? We apply the principles of Romans 12:14-21 • Bless those who persecute you (v.14). • Have true concern for the other person (v.15). • Reject pride and judgmentalism (v.16). • Never seek pay-back (v.17). • Strive for peace (v.18). • Never seek revenge, but leave room for God’s wrath. • Overcome evil with good (vv. 20-21).


  48. How is anger revealed in the following Scripture? Genesis 39:19-20 Numbers 20:6-12 (Psalm 106:32-33) Matthew 2:16 Potiphar “burned with anger.” Moses strikes the rock; note that God did not applaud Moses for getting his anger off his chest. Murdered children Changing Our Angry BehaviorSinful Revealing

  49. Observation #1 Observation #2 Jesus recognized anger as the moral equivalent of murder. Anger in the heart typically comes out in curses from the lips. Read Matthew 5:21-22 and give two observations.

  50. In Ephesians 4:31-32, the apostle Paul tells us that we are to put on and off a couple of things. What are they? • Put Off: ______________________

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