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Consider…. To Do. First we will watch a video with updated statistics then we’ll discuss: https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6eTr4ldDYg For the next three slides, list the most surprising statistic & explain why. Remember to number your responses!. The World As A Village of 100 People.
To Do • First we will watch a video with updated statistics then we’ll discuss: • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6eTr4ldDYg • For the next three slides, list the most surprising statistic & explain why. • Remember to number your responses!
The World As A Village of 100 People • 1. If we could shrink the earth’s population to a village of precisely 100 people, with all of the existing human rations remaining the same, it would look something like this: • A. 61 Asians (21 of whom were from China & 17 from India) • B. 13 Africans • C. 12 Europeans • D. 5 U.S. • E. 50 Females; 50 Males • F. 89 Heterosexuals; 11 Homosexuals
Village continued – question 2 • A. 70 would be non-white • B. 30 would be white • C. 32 Christians • D. 68 Non-Christians (19 Muslims; 14 Hindus; 6 Buddhists; 6 Chinese traditional believers; 6 Indigenous believers; 1 • E. other [Jews, Sikhs]; 16 non-religious [agnostics, atheists, secular humanists]; half of this latter group is ‘theistic’ but non-religious
Village continued – question 3 • A. 22 who speak a Chinese dialect, 18 of whom speak Mandarin • B. 9 who speak English • C. 8 who speak Hindi • D. 6 people would possess 59% of the entire world’s wealth, & all 6 would be from the U.S. • E. 80 would live in substandard housing • F. 70 would be unable to read • G. 50 would suffer from malnutrition • H. 1 would be near death; 1 would be near birth • I. 1 (yes, only 1) would have a college education • J. 1 would own a computer
Thoughts? • 4. What are your overall thoughts/reactions to the world as a global village? • 5. Do you think the U.S. is accurately represented in power, wealth, influence according to this world as a global village model? Explain.
Village conclusion • When one considers our world from such a compressed perspective, the need for acceptance, understanding, & education become glaringly, apparent. The following is also something to ponder… • If you woke up this morning with more health than illness … you are more blessed than the million who will not survive this week • If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation… you are ahead of 500 million people in the world • If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead & a place to sleep… you are richer than 75% of the world • If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, & spare change in a dish some place, you are among the top 8% of the world’s wealthy • If you can read this message, you are more blessed than over 2 billion people in the world who cannot read at all.
“Imagine” • John Lennon’s song “Imagine” asks us to think about a world without borders. As you listen to the song, do you think this is realistic? Explain your thoughts. • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVg2EJvvlF8
A Global World • ALL NEWS IS LOCAL – when our lives are so interconnected with the rest of the world. • “Before you finish eating breakfast this morning, you’ve depended on more than half the world. This is the way our universe is structured… We aren’t going to have peace on earth until we recognize this basic fact o the interrelated structure of all reality.” Martin Luther King, Jr. • 6. Think of an example where something that happened in another part of the world impacted the U.S. … or even you directly.
Interdependence & Interconnectedness • FRESNO: If cotton is grown in a field 14 miles outside of Fresno, how many miles must it travel to become a shirt for sale in Fresno? Answer: 18,450 miles • It travels 5,425 miles to Yokohama, Japan to be spun into thread; • 775 miles to Seoul, Korea to be woven into cloth; • 2,422 miles to Hong Kong to be sewn into a shirt; • 7,797 miles to Chicago at a store chain’s headquarters; & • 2,043 miles to Fresno to be sold in a retail store
Global Market • LOS ANGELES: • He drove his German car made of Swedish steel & interior of Argentine leather to a gasoline station where he filled up with Arab oil shipped in a Liberian tanker & bought two French tires, composed of rubber from Sri Lanka. At home, he dropped his Moroccan briefcase, hung up his Scottish tweed wool coat, removed his Italian shoes & Egyptian cotton shirt, and then donned a Hong Kong robe & matching slippers from Taiwan. More comfortable now, he poured a cup of hot Brazilian coffee into an English coffee mug, set a Mexican placemat on an Irish linen tablecloth atop a Danish table varnished with linseed oil from India. Then he picked up a Japanese ballpoint pen with which he wrote a letter to his congressperson demanding to know why the U.S. has an unfavorable balance of trade.
Interconnectedness • 7. In what way(s) do we live in a global society?
The Earth & Its Peoples • Most of the world’s people are non-white. Most of the world’s people live in Asia. • Most of the world’s people are farmers & fisherman who live in villages. Most of the world’s people are non-Christian. • Most of the world’s people are abysmally poor, economically. They are ill-fed, ill-housed, ill-clothed, & ill. • 75% of the earth’s population lives in economically less developed countries. • People everywhere live under law & within a complicated system of beliefs, customs & traditions. • The wheel was invented or developed by prehistoric human beings – nationality or race unknown.
Earth continued • In general, people have the same needs the world over; they are wrestling with the same or similar problems & frustrations; all are involved in the overwhelming task of human survival. • To examine the games of children in other countries is to discover astonishing similarities among youngsters’ play throughout the world. • Countries, within their own national boundaries, tend to reflect greater north/south diversity than east/west diversity • In poor countries, every additional year of a woman’s schooling is associated with a 5-10% decline in child deaths • The U.S. population is 4.6% of global humanity, but it produces 24% of the world’s carbon dioxide output, largely from burning fossil fuels. • The wealthy people of the world consume 45% of all meat & fish, use 58% of all energy produced, & own 87% of the vehicles.
World Populations • Every 20 minutes, the world adds 3500 human beings, but loses 1 or more entire species or plant-life (at least 27,000 species per year) • 1 billion in 1804 • 2 billion in 1927 (124 years later) • 3 billion in 1960 (33 years later) • 4 billion in 1974 (13 years later) • 5 billion in 1987 (12 years later) • 6 billion in 1999 (12 years later) • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-57ui-r6Qw • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgI1qshcg7k
What’s next? • 8. How does an exponentially growing population impact the world? • 9. How does it impact you?
Global Data • A child born in the industrial world adds more to consumption & pollution over his/her lifetime than do 30 to 50 children born in developing countries. • The year 2005 marked a momentous shift: for the first time in history, the majority of the planet’s population is now living in cities. This isn’t just a demographic milestone; it’s a revolution. Most of the biggest headline issues (AIDS, terrorism, poverty, failing schools) are now urban issues. • If global warming goes the way scientists forecast, Bangladesh (one of the most populous Muslim nations) will be under water in 50 years. • By the end of the century, a summer day in San Francisco could feel like a summer day in today’s Tijuana, Mexico.
Data continued • The range of jobs that need to be performed by humans is narrowing daily (due to computerization, robotics, etc.) • In 1991 there were 212 McDonald’s restaurants in Latin America & the Caribbean. By 1996, there were a total of 837, a 394% increase. • Sweden tops the list of number of weeks women workers receive paid maternity leave with 90 weeks. The USA, Australia, & New Zealand are at the bottom with 0 weeks. • Japan has the longest life expectancy rate – 80 years. • The U.S. is the only economically developed country that does not have a universal health care system (health benefits are tied to employment – usually full-time work). • As of 2005, the infant mortality rate in the U.S. was the same as it was in Malaysia.
Data continued • Iran & the U.S. are the only countries that execute minors convicted of a crime. • Half the people in the world live on less than $2 a day. • Each year, 40 million people die from hunger-related disease, half of whom are children. (This is the equivalent of 300 plane crashes every day). • In terms of the world’s priorities, the estimated cost of providing basic education for all is $6 billion. Military spending in the world is $780 billion. • Few countries meet the United Nations’ target that rich countries should spend 0.7% of their annual income on foreign aid. Denmark goes beyond & donates 1.04% of its GNP. The U.S. government donates only 0.15%.
Data continued • Currently there are 24 major armed conflicts throughout the world - & 13 million refugees. • Globalization promises the benefits of faster communication & expanded markets, BUT these come at the cost of traditional cultures, languages, & values. • Rapid population growth in the developing world & unbridled consumer demand in developed & emerging economies threaten natural resources & diminish biodiversity. • The differences between war & terrorism blur.
Quotations • “Children around the world are more alike than different – in their spontaneity, joy in laughter, abandon in play, but culture begins its relentless work… & the range of effective interaction is reduced to ethnic group, social class, or even geographic neighborhood.” John Goodlad • “It takes of lot of teaching to hate by the age of 8” Ernest Melby • “By nature, people resemble one another; through habit they differ widely” Confucius • “There are more commonalities among each of the socio-economic classes throughout the world than among all of the classes within a given state” Oscar Lewis • “Two-thirds of what people see exists behind their eyes & not in front of them. And what is behind people’s eyes depends in large measure on the culture in which they were raised” Chinese proverb • “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere” – Martin Luther King Jr. • “Our true nationality is humankind” – H.G. Wells
Overall thoughts? • 10. After viewing this information, what are your overall thoughts? • 11. How does this – if at all – change your global perspective?