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K I T E S. Technology Make kite movie Show video of different kinds of kites www.internationalkitefestival . com. Literacy : Have some kites open on materials table along with journals. Students will design a kite on the cover and name their kite.
KITES • Technology Make kite movie Show video of different kinds of kites www.internationalkitefestival. com
Literacy: Have some kites open on materials table along with journals. Students will design a kite on the cover and name their kite. Activate prior knowledge: Think and then pair share what they know about kites. Then in their journal write a few ideas they can share about kites. Then go to 10 different people and tell them what you know. Before large group discussion, students go back to their journal and write down one thing they found interesting or didn’t know about kites. Then in large group make a list of the students ideas. Literacy: Read Aloud: Non-fiction kite book. Students will be told they will be making their own kites but I’ll need them to ponder my essential question first.
Mathematical Understanding in Kite Making Activity BIG IDEAS • Measurement • length • Perimeter • Area • Geometric shapes • Angles • Use correct tools and labels • Lines
Perimeter Area Length Right angles Acute angles Obtuse Angles Intersecting lines Parallel lines Perpendicular lines Equation Standard or customary measurement Metric measurement Polygons Quadrilaterals variable MATH VOCABULARY
Kite Vocabulary • Bridle Spine Tail
20 - pieces of brightly colored paper 81/2 by 11in 20 - 8 inch wooden dowels or BBQ shish kabob sticks 1 roll of plastic tape or plastic bags Roll of masking tape Ball of string or fishing line 20 -toilet paper cardboard rolls Several pieces of cardstock paper Several pieces of fabric Several pieces of aluminum foil Several pieces of tissue paper Several larger dowels Several smaller dowels Scissors Hole punch Hole rein forcers MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES
Procedure for Kite Making • Break students into groups of three. • Use 20 kids, 20 Kites, 20 Minutes • Follow the direction to complete one kite for group. • Explain time lapse video to students and make a time lapse video of one group of kite makers. • When kite is complete, test whether it flies. • The group will then revisit the essential question and brainstorm their response and why or how. • On the second kite students are to change only one variable. (shape, color, type of material) • Test the kite and note results in journal. Explain the variable, why you choose to change it and how measurement was affected. • The third kite students will change the size of the kite (smaller or bigger). • Test the kite and note results in journal. Explain how change in size affects measurement. • Whole class discussion
Journaling • In journal student will keep track of the three different versions of the kite. • How they used measurement to make each kite. • Prediction about the kite’s ability to fly before testing. • Results of the test • Reactions and feeling • Show the difference between perimeter and area. • Record any other math ideas observed or learned during the kite making activity. • (Ex. shapes they see in their kite.) • Reflection on how kite building help you in regards to learning about measurement.
Additional Learning Ideas • Students have to be observers to find other forms of measurement in action. • Try to find guest speaker on kite or kite flying to visit class • Pre and post activities exploring more measurement concepts. • Thinking that can branch off the kite activity. Can you make different shapes and still keep the area the same? • with the same get different shapes. is same perimeter • Read the Greedy Triangle, measure the angles in your kite and determine the types of triangles and exposure students to measuring angles with protractors. • Hold a kite flying festival. Do a time lapse video from ground to air. Show video in waiting area on parent teacher conference day. • In library or computer kids can look up different types of kites and create a design for their own kite.