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Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?. Question 1. Macbeth cannot call the witches women because they have what…?. A Swords B Map-reading skills C Beer bellies D Beards. £100. Question 2. Macbeth first appears in the play as a successful, what?. A Nobleman B King C General D Captain.

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Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

  2. Question 1

  3. Macbeth cannot call the witches women because they have what…? A Swords B Map-reading skills C Beer bellies D Beards

  4. £100

  5. Question 2

  6. Macbeth first appears in the play as a successful, what? A Nobleman B King C General D Captain

  7. £200

  8. Question 3

  9. Before the murder of Duncan when Macbeth is alone, he suffers from an a false creation / Proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain” and imagines he sees A A dagger B A glowing crown C An accusing hand D Duncan’s ghost

  10. £300

  11. Question 4

  12. The person mainly responsible for planning Duncan’s death is…? A Macbeth B Banquo C Lady Macbeth D Macduff

  13. £500

  14. Question 5

  15. The witches prophecy told Macbeth that he would be all except what? A Thane of Cawdor B King of Scotland C Thane of Glamis D Duke of York

  16. £1,000

  17. Question 6

  18. Which of these is NOT a key theme in ‘Macbeth’? A Religion B Ambition C Betrayal D Appearance versus Reality

  19. £2,000

  20. Question 7

  21. When a character speaks their thoughts to the audience in a play, it is called…? A A poem B A soliloquy C A juxtaposition D A narrative

  22. £4,000

  23. Question 8

  24. Which pair of qualities best describe the character of Lady Macbeth? A Smart and sophisticated B Powerful and loving C Ambitious and manipulative D Carefree and fun

  25. £8,000

  26. Question 9

  27. Macduff is a significant character in the play. Which of the following is wrong? A He is suspicious of Macbeth B He is heir to the throne of Scotland C He slays Macbeth D He finds Duncan’s dead body

  28. £16,000

  29. Question 10

  30. Lady Macbeth confesses that she would’ve killed the king herself except for the fact that... A She did not want to bloody her hands B She couldn’t gain access to the chamber C One of Duncan’s guards had spied her on the stairway D He looked like her father

  31. £32,000

  32. Question 11

  33. Who is“lesser than Macbeth, and greater,” and “not so happy, yet much happier”? A Malcolm B Banquo C Duncan D Macduff

  34. £64,000

  35. Question 12

  36. After the murder, what does Lady Macbeth tell Macbeth to make everything better? A “A little wine clears us of this deed” B “A little water clears us of this deed” C “A little prayer clears us of this deed” D “A little dance clears us of this deed”

  37. £125,000

  38. Question 13

  39. At the party, after being crowned King of Scotland, Macbeth sees what? A Banquo’s ghost B A bloody dagger C One of the witches D A pool of blood on the floor

  40. £250,000

  41. Question 14

  42. What does “look like the innocent flower, / But be the serpent under’t” mean? A Wear makeup to hide your face B Pretend to be a snake C Look pretty all the time D Act false

  43. £500,000

  44. Question 15

  45. Which event ultimately causes Macbeth’s downfall? A Meeting the witches B Being weak against his wife’s wishes C Killing the king D Having selfish ambition

  46. £1,000,000


  48. Question 1

  49. Which of the following spells do the witches mention in the first scene? A Forcing a man to kill someone B Turing a person into a frog C Making a man them all his wealth D Stopping someone from falling a sleep

  50. Macbeth cannot call the witches women because they have what…? A Forcing a man to kill someone words B Turing a person into a frog C Making a man them all his wealth D Stopping someone from falling a sleep

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