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  1. Reading Many magazines often have an advice column in which theypublishreaders’ letters along with replies—usually suggestions or some kind ofguidance. The letters that advice columnists receive are often about thetoughpersonalproblems that are troubling the senders. Here’s a sampleof the letters received by Tracy, the advice columnist of a magazine for teenagers, with her replies.

  2. Reading Letter A Dear Tracy, My parents are alwaysarguing. Usually, they fight about money, and my dad is often very angry. He says that he is trying to get a better job andearnmore money, but there aren’t many good jobs out there. Often he goesout after one of thesebitterarguments, andthen he comes home late—this makes my parents end up arguing again.

  3. Reading However, the last time it was even worse—he didn’t come back for one whole week. That made me feel bad, because he just disappeared without saying goodbye or where he was going. However, I still love him—I love them both, of course. I hope they will stop fighting and that we will be able to live happily again, as we used to. What should I do? Jane

  4. Reading Letter B Dear Tracy, I haveencountereda problem at school. There’s agangof boys who hang around together and pick on the smaller students and the younger kids, including me. They often use my cell phone and take the money I have for my lunch. If I don’t give them my money, they say that they’ll hit me. They threatenother students, too. That they arebulliesis known to everyone, but we can’t stop them. Help! David

  5. Reading Letter C Dear Tracy, I’m worried because I’m fat, and it seems that I can’t lose any weight at all. All my friends are slim, and I feel really out of place because I’m the only fat one. I’ve tried allsortsof ways to lose weight. I’ve tried exercising, and I’ve even tried dieting, but nothing works. It makes me feel verydepressed. …

  6. Reading …I’ve talked it over with my mother, but she says it’s because I’m growing up, and in a year or two, I’ll become slim naturally. She says I am more well-built than fat. I know I’m nothorriblyoverweight, but I’m much fatter than I want to be. I want to be slim like my friends. Rose

  7. Reading Reply 1 Dear ______ , You ought to stop worrying. You say that you’re not really overweight, so perhaps you shouldacceptthat you’re a little bit bigger than your friends. Your mom may be right in saying that you’re going to get slimmer as you get older. What you need to do is do plenty of exercise and eat the right food— …

  8. Reading …not too many French fries orgreasyhamburgers. That way you’ll be fit, even if you’re a bit bigger than average. Just remember that you’re a uniqueindividual. You should think morepositivelyand not worry so much about something that’s not really a problem. Tracy

  9. Reading Reply 2 Dear ______ , It’s always hard for kids when their parents disagree. I don’t think there’s much you can do, except make it clear to your parents how much it hurts you when they argue, and how much you love both of them. A happy family is worth far more than a bit of extra money. …

  10. Reading …However, I don’t think you should say this to your mom, unless she starts talking to you about this problem. Is there anyone else in your family you can talk to—your grandmother, for example? Maybe she could help you sort things out. Tracy Cultural Note

  11. ...advice columnin which they publish readers’ letters along with replies.... (1) column n. [C] (報章雜誌中的)專欄 advice column/agony column 諮詢專欄 gossip column 八卦花邊新聞專欄 advice column 為美式英文的說法, agony column 則為英式英文的說法。

  12. ...advice columnin which they publish readers’ letters along with replies.... (2) in which在此可等於 where,為介系詞 加上關係代名詞的用法,關係代名詞 代替的是advice column,為介系詞 in 的受詞。且in which 在此為限定用法, 所以介系詞 in 可置於 replies 之後。 (3) along with 表示「連同…一起」之 意,可以用 together with 或 as well as 替代。

  13. ...troubling the senders. trouble vt.使…煩惱,使…擔憂 ‧It troubles me that I need to finish this report in just two days.

  14. Here’s a sample of the letters received by.... (1) 此句是地方副詞為首的倒裝句。 • Here/There + V + S.... • 在此句型中,如果主詞為代名詞, • 則須將主詞置於動詞之前。例: • ‧Here come your parents! ‧There you go. (2) received 前面省略了關係代名詞which/ that 和 were 形成被動分詞片語,修飾 a sample of the letters。

  15. ...Tracy, the advice columnist of a magazine for teenagers, with her replies. (1) Tracy和the advice columnist...teenagers 是同位語的關係,前後以逗點隔開。 (2) columnist n. [C]專欄作家 • ‧Barbara’s dream is to be a well-known • columnist in the near future. (3) with 表示附帶,意為「連同」,也可 以換成 together with。

  16. Usually, they fight about money.... Adv, S + V.... 此用法是將副詞置於句首,修飾全句的狀 態,常見適用於此句型的副詞有: (un)fortunately、strangely、generally、 basically、obviously、frankly、usually及 actually 等。例: ‧Fortunately, the weather got warmer and we could go swimming as scheduled.

  17. He says [that he is trying to get a better job and earn more money...]. (1) that 引導名詞子句,作 says 的受詞。 (2) 此句透露出 a better job 和 earn more money 似乎是不可分的關係;此外, better 這個字在此也意味珍的父親目前 的工作在收入上並不理想,不符合其 母親的期許和想法。

  18. ...thismakes my parents end up arguing again. (1) this 是指前面句子提到珍的父親夜歸一 事。 (2) make 為使役動詞,其受詞 (my parents) 為「主動發生動作者」,故後面須接原 形動詞,即 “make + O + V” 的句型。 • ‧My mom made me open my mouth to • check if there was anything wrong with • my teeth.

  19. ...thismakes my parents end up arguing again. (3) end up 表示「最後…」或「終歸…」, 主要為口語用法,後接動詞時須以V-ing 的方式呈現,也常見後接介系詞再加上 名詞片語。例: • ‧After the New Year countdown, we all • ended up celebrating at Jeremy’s house. • ‧I myself couldn’t believe that I ended up • as a high school teacher, either.

  20. However, the last time it was even worse.... (1) however 承接前後句子,在此表示轉 折。 (2) the last time表「上一次」,為時間 副詞片語。

  21. Thatmade me feel bad, because he just disappeared without saying goodbye or where he was going. (1) 代名詞 that 指的是珍的父親整個禮拜 不見蹤影一事。 (2) made為使役動詞,句型為 “make + O + V”。 (3) without後接動名詞,表示「沒有…」。 (4) where he was going 屬間接問句,語序與 直述句相同,不須倒裝。

  22. I hope [they will stop fighting] and [that we will be able to live happily again], as we used to. (1) that 引導的第一個名詞子句當hope的 受詞,that可省略,第二個that不可省。 (2) live happily = live a happy life (3) as 為連接詞,意為「如同」。例: ‧You must stay in bed as the doctor has ordered. (4) used to表示一種過去常有的狀態,後面 省略了重複的 live happily。

  23. ...the money I have for my lunch. for 表示「目的」,在這裡意為「用來/ 作…的金錢」。

  24. [That they are bullies] is known to everyone. (1) 在此 that 引導名詞子句作句子主詞, 其後動詞用單數。詳細用法請參見本 課句型解析一。 (2) be known to 表示「為…所熟知的」。 例: • ‧The foreign singer is well known to the • teenagers in Taiwan.

  25. Help! 不同於一般的結束方式,如 “What can/ should I do?”,Help! 更能突顯出投書者 處境的危急。

  26. ...it seems that I can’tlose any weightat all. (1) it seems (that) + S + V = S + seem(s) to + V,為「似乎…」,此句可改成 I don’t seem to be able to lose any weight at all. (2) lose weight 意為「減肥」,而「增重」 可說 put on/gain weight。 (3) not...at all = not...in the least,表示「一 點也不…」。

  27. I’ve tried all sorts of ways to loseweight. (1) all sorts of = all kinds of,其後接複數 名詞,表示「各式各樣的」。 (2) to lose weight = in order to lose weight

  28. ...but nothing works. nothing 指的是之前提到的減重方法。

  29. It makes me feel very depressed. feel 屬於連綴動詞,其後接形容詞 depressed 當作補語。

  30. I’ve talked it over with my mother, but she says [it’s because I’m growingup, and in a year or two...]. (1) talk over sth (with sb) 表示(與某人) 討論 某事」。討論的事亦可置於 talk 和 over 之間,但代名詞則必須在 talk 和 over 之間。例: ‧We’ve talked over Dr. Chen’s proposal but could not come to a decision.

  31. I’ve talked it over with my mother, but she says [it’s because I’m growingup, and in a year or two...]. (2) that 引導的名詞子句,當作says的受詞, that 在此被省略。 (3) I’m growing up 用現在進行式,因說此 話的同時,也正在發育中。 (4) in a year or two 為「in + 一段時間」,表 示未來式。

  32. ...I am morewell-builtthan fat. (1) more...than... 表示「與其說是…,不 如說是…」。詳細用法請參見本課 句型解析二。 (2) well-built adj. 體格健美的,結實的 • ‧The model on the stage is really well- • built.

  33. ...I’m much fatter than.... much 為副詞,可用來修飾比較級形容 詞 fatter。除了 much 之外,far、a lot 和 even 等都可用來修飾比較級,表程 度。

  34. You ought tostop worrying. (1) ought to 為助動詞,意思同 should。 (2) stop + V-ing 表示停止正在做的動 作。

  35. ...you should accept [that you’re alittle bit bigger than your friends]. (1) that 引導名詞子句作 accept 的受詞。 (2) a little bit 表示「有些,稍微」,除了 可用來修飾比較級形容詞外,也可修 飾原級。例:‧It was a little bit chilly this morning when I got up. (3) bigger 一字在此可視為修辭上委婉語 (euphemism)的用法,比起投書者用的 overweight 較不直接,也較不傷人。

  36. Your mom may be right in saying that you’re going to get slimmer [as you get older]. (1) be right in + V-ing 表示「在…方面是 對的」。 (2) that 引導的名詞子句作 saying 的受詞。 (3) as 為連接詞,引導副詞子句,意為「隨 著」。

  37. What you need to do isdoplenty of exercise and eat the right food [─not too many French fries orgreasy hamburgers]. (1) 名詞子句 What you need to do 作主詞, 視 為單數,what 等於 the things which。be 動 詞後接原形動詞,可用 to V 的方式表示。 (2) plenty of 意為「大量的」,後面可接可數 或不可數名詞。 (3) 破折號表示說明,解釋何謂不適當的食 物。

  38. That way you’ll be fit, even if you’re a bit bigger than average. (1) that way 前面省略了介系詞 in,表示 「以那種方式」。 (2) 這裡的 even if 表示「即使…」。例: • ‧I will marry Joe even if he is eighty • years old.

  39. ...something [that’s not really a problem]. that 引導的關係子句修飾 something, that 作主詞,不可省略,也不可用which 取代。

  40. I don’t think there’s much you can do, exceptmake it clear to your parents [how much it hurts you when they argue], and [how much you love both of them]. (1) I don’t think (+ that) + S + V.... 此句型為「我認為…不…」。英文中基於禮貌性 的考量,通常名詞子句中的否定敘述會被換置於 前面的主要子句,形成否定敘述在前,因此原先 的 I think...not....中的 I think 所產生的主觀或強烈 的個人主張會略趨於和緩而客氣。例:‧I don’t think (that) you need to give money to the beggar.

  41. I don’t think there’s much you can do, exceptmake it clear to your parents [how much it hurts you when they argue], and [how much you love both of them]. (2) except 意為「除…之外」,可為介系詞或連 接詞,其後除了接名詞、代名詞外,又可與 動詞、介系詞片語、連接詞等引導的子句連 用。在此的用法為 except + V...,表示除了以 下動作之外,其他都不/沒做。例: • ‧I have done nothing all day except sleep. • ‧He goes to church every Sunday except when • he’s ill.

  42. I don’t think there’s much you can do, exceptmake it clear to your parents [how much it hurts you when they argue], and [how much you love both of them]. • (3) make it clear to your parents how much it... • it 在此為虛受詞,真受詞為後面how • much 引導的間接問句。

  43. ...a bit of extra money. a bit 作代名詞用,後面接上 of 後可加名 詞,表示「一點點…」或「少量的…」。 例: ‧What Joyce needs now is a bit of advice, not moral lessons.

  44. Is there anyone else in your family you can talk to...? you 之前省略了關係代名詞 that。此句 也可改寫成 Is there anyone else in your family (that) you can talk the matter over with...?。

  45. Cultural Note 資料增補 專欄和作者──Ann Landers 身為世界上名聞四海且倍受尊崇的諮詢專欄作家並不容 易,而一寫就是四十多年又聲名不墜的更是不多見。Ann Landers 和 Abigail Van Buren 這對孿生雙胞胎姊妹正是箇中翹 楚。從1950年代起,她們便一直筆耕不輟,兩人皆為自己打造 了諮詢專欄的一片天,成為最廣受人喜愛的諮詢專欄作家。 Ann Landers 所屬的這一專欄最初的作者是 Ruth Crowley, 她是芝加哥的護士,從1942年起便為24家報紙撰寫此專欄,一 直到她於1955年過世為止。後來繼任的Ann Landers 本名為 Esther Pauline Friedman Lederer (暱稱 Eppie),她因為在徵文比 賽中脫穎而出而得以接續此一事業並將其發揚光大。

  46. Cultural Note 資料增補 自1955年開始,Ann Landers 為這家位於芝加哥的報紙寫作,一寫就是45年,她的專欄常見於當時北美各地大小報紙,可說是全國知名的人士。人們會因為私人的棘手問題來尋求她的建議,然後她就把回覆的內容刊登在她的專欄中。她的寫作風格不只十分直接而且帶有批判性意味。此外,她陳述個人意見的方式時常看起來像是為了女性──這個佔她讀者群大半以上的群體──量身打造的。 值得注意的是,當Ann Landers 在最終取得此專欄的版權之後,她並不想讓別人在她離世之後繼續使用這名號出版專欄,因此,Ann Landers 專欄在 Ann 過世不久,就成為歷史絕響,取而代之的是由長年擔任 Ann Landers 編輯的 Kathy Mitchell 和 Marcy Sugar 共同撰寫的 “Annie’s Mailbox”。

  47. Cultural Note 資料增補 * 孿生姊妹一生的糾葛 Ann Landers的孿生胞妹 Abigail (本名 Pauline Phillips,暱 稱Popo) 以 Abby 的筆名為舊金山一份報紙撰寫類似的個人諮 詢專欄,取名 “Dear Abby”。不同於 Ann Landers 較尖銳的諷 刺文筆,Abigail 用字遣詞的風格較為直接和坦率。 雖說 Ann 和 Abigail 兩人一直手足情深:她們曾上同一所 大學,同為大學報紙撰文,甚至在21歲那一年一同舉辦她們 的婚禮。然而,因為同為專欄作家而同行相忌,彼此比拼較 勁,二人的關係因此逐漸惡化。1956年時兩人的衝突終於浮 上檯面,在出版界爆發彼此排擠的事件。雖然兩人相互攻訐 的傳言不曾間斷,在1964年她們還是公開的和解了。

  48. Cultural Note 資料增補 之後,Ann 過世,而 Abigail 則飽受老年癡呆症之苦, 儘管她的丈夫和女兒都宣稱她的確已經和她已逝的姊姊達 成和解,不過對於心智功能已逐漸喪失的 Abigail 而言,她 到底知不知道她姊姊早已辭世仍然成謎。不過,可喜的 是,“Dear Abby” 的專欄事業並未因為 Abigail 的病情而戛 然中止,她的女兒在家人們公開宣布 Abigail 患病的同時, 已經用 Abigail Van Buren 的筆名接下母業,成為文壇一段 佳話。

  49. Cultural Note 資料增補 * 諮詢專欄話題 從這兩位專欄作家受到熱烈歡迎的程度,不難發現社會 上急切需要建議和忠言的人為數不少。每一週,各別有將 近一萬封的來函等待她們一一回覆。寫給這些諮詢專家的 話題簡直是包羅萬象,舉凡動物權、虐待兒童、愛滋病、 男女情愛、性別歧視、生活或工作壓力,以及情緒障礙等 皆有。當然,這不是意味著她們全部都得一一回覆這些天 南地北的問題,有時候,她們會給幾句令人莞爾的精采短 句;有時候,她們會提供相當完整的答覆,甚至羅列出相 關單位連絡地址、電話,請專門機構的人員來協助解決。

  50. Cultural Note 資料增補 不過,除了這些問題的來函之外,也有的人單純是來信 分享他們的快樂經驗或是克服人生難關的故事;有的則 是提供他們自己親身體驗下的良心建議、針對別人的問 題提供一些妙法良方。 在臺灣,過去你可以在中國郵報 (The China Post) 中 找到 Ann Landers 的專欄,現今在學生郵報 (Student Post) 中有 “Annie‘s Mailbox”,專供青年學子解決他們日常生 活的疑難雜症。 結束放映

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