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Issues Using Internet for Teachers and Students. E-Learning in Malaysian Schools. Introduced in Malaysian higher institutions in 1998 Investments in ICT infrastructure in schools across the nation have been made to enhance the use of technology in education Initiatives: MySchoolNet
Issues Using Internet for Teachers and Students
E-Learning in Malaysian Schools • Introduced in Malaysian higher institutions in 1998 • Investments in ICT infrastructure in schools across the nation have been made to enhance the use of technology in education • Initiatives: • MySchoolNet • Malaysian Smart School • Computing Tablet Project • Computerization Program
The website http://www.quasar.ualberta.ca/techcur/links/menu.htm Link to Discussion on the Issues
The Website http://www.quasar.ualberta.ca/techcur/links/issues.htm The Issues: • Equitable Access • Cost • Time and Professional Development • Educational Appropriateness & Effectiveness • Safety • Plagiarism
The Articles • Equitable Access http://www.ecs.org/clearinghouse/13/51/1351.htm • Cost http://www.electronic-school.com/199909/0999sbot.html • Time and Professional Development http://www.mff.org/edtech/article.taf?_function=detail&Content_uid1=73 http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/areas/issues/educatrs/profdevl/pd300.htm • Educational Appropriateness & Effectiveness http://www.allianceforchildhood.net/projects/downloads/chapter2.pdf http://www.ictinedtoolkit.org/usere/p_page.php?page_id=58 • Safety http://www.police.qld.gov.au/programs/crimePrevention/eCrime/ • Plagiarism http://www.geocities.com/rlped6620/module1/trend4.html Website: http://www.plagiarism.org/index.html
Time and Professional Development The articles: http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/areas/issues/educatrs/profdevl/pd300.htm http://staffdevelop.org/howteacherslearn.html • “Reform requires that teachers learn new roles and ways of teaching.” Teachers need to change to take the challenge in the educational reform movement. At the same time they have to be supported with continuous professional development. • But “there is little support for providing time and resources teachers require for teachers to change their practice.” • “Teachers need more time to work with colleagues, to critically examine the new standards being proposed, and to revise the curriculum. They need opportunities to develop, master and reflect on new approaches…” To keep up with change, teachers need time to discuss with their colleagues, to collaborate and update the skills. • But not ALL agree with this.
Safety The website: http://www.csriu.org/index.html The article:http://www.netsafe.org.nz/Doc_Library/netsafepapers_johnhope_safety.pdf • Learning through internet is fun but “the fun now is tinged with fear about the dangers of online pornography, sexual predators, bomb recipes and cult groups…” • “School-only safety policies will have little effect on the overall well-being of students if similar steps are not being taken in the home.” • “With unsupervised internet access, students can easily obtain unsafe material from home computer and verbally share it with other students at school,” pass the URLs or printouts to others with no awareness of the teachers.
Conclusion • Internet has and will continually change the ways of teaching and learning. Besides the challenges we have in integrating internet into curriculum, it actually offers unlimited opportunities and benefits for learning. To be innovative and creative, teachers should take the challenge and do not let the issues to be excuses. It is not only possible but also plausible with the urge to be updated educators.
References • Abdul Rahman, R. E- Learning Initiatives in Malaysian Schools. Retrieved on 20th August, 2007 from http://gauge.u-gakugei.ac.jp/apeid/apeid04/country_papers/malaysia.pdf • Cordes, Colleen and Miller, Edward. Fool's Gold: A Critical Look at Computers in Childhood. Retrieved on 20th August, 2007 from http://www.allianceforchildhood.net/projects/computers/computers_reports_fools_gold_download.htm • Guhlin, M. (1996, May). Stage a well-designed Saturday session and they will come! Technology Connection, 13-14. • Hope, John. (2003). Internet Safety: Issues For Schools. Retrieved on 30th August 2007 from http://www.netsafe.org.nz/Doc_Library/netsafepapers_johnhope_safety.pdf • J. Cook, Cathy and Fine, Carol. (1997). Critical Issue: Finding Time for Professional Development. Retrieved on 28th August from http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/areas/issues/educatrs/profdevl/pd300.htm • Kollasch, M. A. (1997). Critical Issues Concerning K-12 Internet Use. Retrieved on 29th August, 2007 from http://www.uni.edu/coe/iel/intsum.html • Rodriguez, G. (2000). Critical Issue: Providing Professional Development for Effective Technology Use. Retrieved on 29th August, 2007 from http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/areas/issues/methods/technlgy/te1000.htm