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Ger ma ny

Ger ma ny. Por Alejandro Cabrera Blanes. By Alejandro Cabrera Blanes. Flag and weapon shield. Location in a map. Colonia Is an important city too. Important. Capital. Important. Date of entrance in the E.U. 1/11/1993. Population and area. 83.251.851 people and 356.910 Km.

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Ger ma ny

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Germany Por Alejandro Cabrera Blanes By Alejandro Cabrera Blanes

  2. Flag and weapon shield

  3. Location in a map • Colonia Is an important city too Important Capital Important

  4. Date of entrance in the E.U. • 1/11/1993

  5. Population and area • 83.251.851 people and 356.910 Km.

  6. Church Gössweinstein Main tower Representative buildings

  7. New and old coin • New • Old

  8. Sausage with green cabbage with bacon Saxon. Wurstebrot Gastronomy

  9. Religion • Among their religions we can find: Orthodox Church of Greece, Romanian, Serbian, Bulgarian, Syrian, Ethiopian and Antioch. Catholicism, Islam, Protestantism and so on.

  10. Sterotipes

  11. Representative literature • Ana Frank’s Diary

  12. Parties and traditions • Fasching, fasnacht o Karneval (Carnival). • Gerecht (Fun Fair). • Weinfeste (Wine festival). • Oktoberfest • Weihnachtsmärkte (Xmas markets)

  13. This Is All

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