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Today: Video: Jinx (UK) Music: Bohemia (California). V.D. Savarkar and The Indian War of Independence, 1857 IWI. Today, we will discuss…. V.D. Savarkar’s background Historical Context in which IWI was written (198-201) Definition of Swaraj Importance of “1857”.
Today, we will discuss… • V.D. Savarkar’s background • Historical Context in which IWI was written (198-201) • Definition of Swaraj • Importance of “1857”
Before we move on to Savarkar… • Please remember that DOING includes: • Political Participation • Resistance • Public Expression • Ethical Interactions (AntigoneMichael KohlhaasGandhi Savarkar…)
To help you read IWI, consider the following… • “Author’s Introduction”, (V.D.Savarkar) • “Original Publisher’s Preface” (?) • “The Story of This History” (G.M. Joshi and Bal Savarkar) • Chapter 1: “The Volcano” (V.D. Savarkar)
The importance of writing… (See “Public Writing”, Course Guide & Writer’s Handbook).
M.K. Gandhi V.D. Savarkar Trans+Latio Please see: GujaratiEnglishMany + MarathiEnglishMany + To carry meaning across different languages (167) “Writing and Translation,” Course Guide and Writer’s Handbook, 167-170. Translation matters…
Two Themes to Consider when reading the authors* • Public/Counterpublic Is Savarkar writing for a public or counterpublic? • Argument/Counterargument Is Savarkar providing an argument or a counterargument?
A Brief Background • Full Name: Vinayak Damodar Savarkar • 1883-1966 • Privileged Family: caste, class • Studies Law • Gets a scholarship to become a Barrister in London • Letter of Recommendation by B.G. Tilak • Based in London, 1905-1910
Background, con’t… • Member of a revolutionary organization • Young India Society (Abhinav Bharat Society) • 1905/6: Starts giving public lectures in Hyde Park • Engages with revolutionaries from Scotland, Ireland, Egypt, Russia, France, Germany, etc.
The Oath of Abhinav Bharat • In the name of God,In the name of Mother India,In the name of all the Martyrs that have shed their blood for Mother India,By the Love, innate in all men and women, that I bear to the land of my birth,wherein the sacred ashes of my forefathers, and which is the cradle of my children,By the tears of Indian Mothers for their children whom the Foreigner has enslaved, imprisoned, tortured, and killed,
Oath, con’t • I, …Convinced that without Absolute Political Independence or Swaraj my country can never rise to the exalted position among the nations of the earth which is Her due,And Convinced also that that Swaraj can never be attained except by the waging of a bloody and relentless war against the Foreigner…
Savarkar’s Writings in London • 1905: Translates the writings of Italian nationalist G. Mazzini (Banned) • Essays & Newspaper Articles: UK, US, India • Date Unknown: Writes a history of Sikhs (Lost/Destroyed) • 1907: IWI finished • 1909: IWI published
More on Savarkar • Arrested in 1910 for sedition • Convicted and sentenced to 2 life terms • Released in 1937
Why 1857? • Interprets as a Revolutionary War and a War of Independence • Influenced by writings on the French and American Revolutions • Importance of creating a historical consciousness • To inspire future revolutions
Themes for next week • Contrasting Ideas about defining swaraj • Contrasting Ideas of achieving swaraj • Meets Gandhi in London • Gandhi writes Hind Swaraj after his meetings with Savarkar and his group • Is the “Reader” Savarkar? (not sure; Gandhi never confirms this point)