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Check out the ways in which T-shirt Designing Software can be a game changer for Online T-shirt store owners!
sales@brushyourideas.com T-shirtDesignTool:AHolyGrailforOnlineT-shirt Vendors! In 1959, plastisol, a durable and stretchable ink was developed. It allowed more variety in design and brought a realization that being in T-shirt business could also be a money making venture. Since then, clothingindustryallaroundtheworldstartedtomaket-shirtswithvarieddesignsandcreativeconcepts. Printing T-shirts involves managing several complex tasks: finding ongoing trends, designing, allocating it toprintinglabsetc.Inadditiontothat,therearefollowinghassles: ● Unabletoprovideusersaperfectinterfacetodesigntheirownproducts ● Managingandcreatingcustomisedclipartandfontsforeachcustomer ● Dependencyon3rdpartysoftwareforconvertingcanvasfromPDFformattoSVG ● Aperfectdesignertoolthatiscompatiblewithalldevices Inalltheabovetasks,dependencyon3rdpartyvendorsandhumanlabourwasup-toagreatextent. 1
sales@brushyourideas.com To avoid such difficulties, an innovative platform to create t-shirt designs was developed. T-Shirt design software helps store owners to upload products and designate a particular design area which can be personalized using a visual editor, manage library of clipart and fonts as well as offer pre-designed artworktemplatesmakingiteasyforcustomerstopersonalizethem. For end customers, it bestows a clean and stress-free user interface. Using, it even a non-technical user can operate and form desired looking t-shirt design within minutes. The following concepts fulfilled by T-Shirtdesigningsoftwarecanbeagamechangerforyoursalesfigures: EasytoCreateT-shirtsthatfeelsPersonalised Store or web personalisation is the concept which is very much in demand these days. Allowing customers to personalise their products enhances the conversion rate. It is possible that a browsing habits,choices,preferences,buyinghabitsetc.canbetrackedthroughsuchsoftware. These statistics could be used to provide customers with some customized, personalized offers through online T-shirt designer software. So if a customer observers something in the “You May Like” section, they are more likely to check it out and in most cases close it with an order. Moreover, in stores vendor canprovidethemfreedomtocreatetheirowndesignswithsuggestivepatterns. T-ShirtsDesignsthatSpeak People these days are attracted by the clothing that is attached to any motivational, promotional or awareness campaigns. For instance, GLP Advertising and Design created sweat measuring T-shirt as part ofamarketingcampaignforapersonaltrainerinToronto. The idea was simple. It measured the time that athlete has been working out by the sweat marks created on their grey T-shirt. However, accuracy of the timekeeping can be a question, but nonetheless, itisaninterestingideathatcanbeimplementedthroughcustomt-shirtdesignprogram. The program can allow users to choose desired design, text/quotes, clipart/image as well as campaign goalsandpreviewsametostoreorwebsitesbeforepublishing. T-ShirtsDesignsThatGlitter Who is not attracted by Gold, Silver or say Platinum? So why not implementing the same in your t-shirt designsandallowrichbuyerstobuyit? T-Shirt customization tool enables you to add premium designs which can resemble rich colours and effects same as gold, silver or diamond. Moreover, e-commerce websites can add a unique t-shirt categoryonwebsitewhichcanbecreatedbyeasilyshowingt-shirtswithtrendingjewellerydesigns. 2
sales@brushyourideas.com Such look cannot be accomplished with standard ink, instead, a special kind of foil needs to be pasted onto the garment to create the effect. Moreover, a store owner using traditional design tools cannot get a full screen or high resolution preview as it needs high-quality kind of software; but this is easily achievablewithonlineT-shirtdesigningtool. T-ShirtDesignsforPets Pets, these days are treated same as a family member. Same can be illustrated by the projected sale of $69.36 billion of pet products in U.S by the end of the year. But, designer pet product providers are often limited by creative imaginations and hence outfits related to pets are available less. T-Shirt Customization tool will allow to design and sell customize pet t-shirts that are wearable at various occasions, activities and seasons. Moreover, offline appeal product designers or e-commerce websites canusevarietyofclipartandpicturelibraryfordesigningperfectandtrendypett-shirts. TheWrap We do understand the significance of your customers and their needs & prerequisites. Thus, we have teamed in our superior efforts to design and develop excellent online T-shirt design software integrated withimpressiveaspectsthatcanearnhighvolumeofrevenues. 3
sales@brushyourideas.com Itisaffordable,convenientandadaptablewithentirewebplatform. AreyoulookingtopurchasesuchtoolforyourphysicalstoreorE-storethanwegotrightfeatures! BrushYourIdeasT-ShirtDesignToolKeyFeatures General ● ● ● ● ● ● Completewebtoprinte-Commercestorefrontwithresponsivetheme DesignstudiobuiltonHTML5andrunsonalldevicesandplatforms Pre-loadedclipartandfontlibraries QuoteManagement ExtensionsupportforMagento1and2 Livetrainingbytechnicalexperts OnlineStorefrontFeatures ● ● ● ● FullResponsiveStore Layeredcataloguebrowsingwithextensivesearch Browsebrushyourideasandpersonalizationgallery Easypaymentoptionsandshippingintegrations 4
sales@brushyourideas.com Try taking a demo of our online T-shirt design software. Explore all the features that we have mentioned andmanymorebeforereachingtoadecision! OriginalPost https://www.brushyourideas.com/blog/tshirt-design-tool-holy-grail-onl ine-t-shirt-vendors/ 5