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Large Object Handling. Rachel Rimmer Collections Care Officer Museum of Science and Industry. Today we will be looking at…. About me and MoSI. About you. Planning and preparing for a move. PPE. Equipment. How to move objects safely. Paperwork. Hazards. Working with Contractors.
Large Object Handling Rachel Rimmer Collections Care Officer Museum of Science and Industry
Today we will be looking at… • About me and MoSI. • About you. • Planning and preparing for a move. • PPE. • Equipment. • How to move objects safely. • Paperwork. • Hazards. • Working with Contractors.
About me and my job • Senior Collections Care Officer at the Museum of Science and Industry since 2004. • Conservator at Clifton Park Museum from 2001-2004. • BA and MA in Conservation of Historical Objects. • Specialized in frames and furniture, and now work with industrial collections.
Preparing to handle/move objects and why object assessments are carried out • Handling is the point where most damage can occur. The incorrect use of equipment, the mishandling of objects and the underestimation of weight are the most likely causes of damage to an object or person. • This is why it is important to carry out object risk assessments and method statements.
Personal protective equipment (PPE) It may be necessary to protect yourself when handling objects. Choose the correct PPE for the correct job. • Safety boots, overalls and heavy duty gloves for moving large objects.
Personal protective equipment (PPE) • Nitrile gloves should be worn when handling archive material. • In dusty or mouldy conditions a face mask and protective goggles may be needed.
Personal protective equipment (PPE) • Clean cotton gloves or nitrile gloves should be used with all of the collections (except glass and ceramics).
Manual handling equipment It may be necessary to use equipment for the safe movement of objects. • For larger objects; slings and straps with a crane. • Pallet trucks, manual stackers and trolleys make life easier. • Boxes or crates are good for smaller/multiple objects. • Use both hands for lifting.
Manual handling equipment • Pallet trucks for moving objects sat on pallets. • You might need to tie the object or steady it to the pallet to make it safe.
Manual handling equipment • Small manual cranes for lifting objects where a pallet truck or similar can not get underneath or where the object needs transferring from one surface to another.
Manual handling equipment • Gantry or “A” frame with a block and tackle chain can lift and lower an object where a pallet truck or similar can not get underneath, or where an object needs moving to a different surface.
Manual handling equipment • Forklift trucks and reach trucks for loading and unloading from vans/lorries. • Or for just lifting heavy objects. But only if you have the space, access and capacity for one.
Manual handling equipment • Skates and dollys can be used to slide underneath objects to move them. Partucularly useful if you jack an object up, then lower onto the skates. • They come in different shapes and sizes.
Manual handling equipment • Check that the equipment can lift the weight of the object first. • Choose the right piece of equipment for the job. • All lifting equipment, including slings must be tested every year.
Safe movement • Immobilise moving parts such as crank handles or pedals. • Tie them in place with cotton tape.
Safe movement • Remove any separate parts e.g. drawers, loose table tops, weights and hoods from long case clocks. • This will prevent damage and make the object lighter. • Remember to label the separate parts.
Safe movement • Flat objects like paintings should always be carried vertically to prevent knocking corners and from the object breaking under it’s own weight. • Using two slings under the bottom edge might be more comfortable and allow four people to carry instead of just two. • If stairs are involved use taller people at the front going down and then at the back going up.
Safe movement • To move statues and busts move each part seperatley.
Safe movement • Lift the statue or bust and place into a plastic bin or container lined with a dust sheet. This adds protection and allows you to lift out at the other end using the sheet. Two people can then the container to carry. • OR use plastazote padding on a sack truck and transport by strapping to the truck.
Safe movement • Always lift an object by the strongest point when carrying or using mechanical equipment.
Safe movement • Lifting an object by it’s strongest point applies to both mechanical and manual lifting. When using slings and equipment the strongest point must still be used. • Chairs by their seat, not their back. • Frames and mirrors either side, not their top. • Vases around the middle and towards the bottom.
Safe movement • Secure objects to the pallet if necessary. • You may need a number of people to help. • The route of transit should be determined and walked through before moving. • Are there stairs? • Are the doors big enough? • The area may need to be cordoned off to work safely.
What are the risks involved and how can you minimise these? Two major risks to be aware of when handling objects are • Weight • Hazardous material
Weight • Always know the weight of an object before attempting to lift. • Safety boots should be worn to lower risk of damage to person. • To lower the risk of trapping know where every member of your team is at all times and communicate. • Check all fingers, hands, feet etc are all clear before lowering object.
Hazardous materials Radioactive material • Radium - containing radioactive paint can be found on dials, cameras, clocks to name a few. • These objects should be handled as little as possible. • Should be stored in a controlled area where access is limited and register signed.
Hazardous materials Asbestos • Found in many industrial and social collections. • Handling these objects should be avoided if damaged. • Objects should be double bagged, labelled and stored in a controlled area. • Asbestos is not necessarily removed, it can be made safe by coating with a consolidant or by suitable containment. • Where asbestos is damaged and is not considered necessary to the integrity of an object disposal should be arranged.
Hazardous materials Mercury • Mostly found in scientific equipment, barometers and thermometers. • Should be handled with great care. They should be carried and stored upright. • If a spill occurs isolate the area, pick up mercury using a mercury absorption sponge and wear nitrile gloves and a mask. • Dispose contaminated sponge with health and safety advisor.
Useful suppliers • Preservation Equipment Limited • Conservation Resources • Conservation by Design • Screw Fix • Greenham • Slingsby • Barloworld Handling • HSS
Practical exercise • In small groups or pairs choose a large object and think about how you would move it out of the building. • Think about the equipment available and PPE you might need. • Fill out a method statement and risk assessment to help thoroughly think through the process. • Think step by step. • Lets see if they work!
Dealing with external Contractors • Larger objects may be able to be moved by a number of willing and able staff. • But sometimes outside contractors may need to be called in.
Dealing with external Contractors Sometimes working with Specialists is the best way forward for a number of reasons; • If machinery needs to be dismantled and re-assembled to move. Specialist Knowledge. • They may have access to equipment that you do not have, or the licence to use. • Time elements.
Dealing with external Contractors Background to the work going ahead; • Obtain new store to rent via estate agent. • Liaising with airport and contractors. Good communication! • Working with contractors to carry out the move that we had used before and that we felt comfortable with. • Obtaining and approving risk assessments and method statements before any work goes ahead.
Scheme of working • One person plus crane and contractors at the new store. • One person plus crane, low loaders and contractors straight to the airport. • During the process we encountered a problem, a plane was parked in front of the hanger.
The RJX was broken down into five separate components in advance and stored on their own skates. Each part could be towed out and craned onto the low loaders.
Lessons learnt • Stick with contractors you know and trust. • Even contractors need to complete risk assessments and method statements in advance. • When working with contractors you don’t need too many museum staff. • You can’t control and plan everything due to unforeseen circumstances. Deal with the current problem and then get back on track when it is safe to do so. • Even problems can occur with Specialists.
Conclusion • Think about the job. Can it be done in-house or do you need a specialist? • If you use external contractors they still need to be managed by you and are your responsibility. • Approve paperwork from your contractor and make sure you are happy. • Paperwork and planning; so that you are covered and so that you have thought about everything. It is also helpful to keep if you have a similar move in the future.
Keep calm and carry on If the worst happens and it doesn’t work out how you planned it; • Stop, make the area safe and re-evaluate.